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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Sutafani (Sep 10, 2004)
my betta fireball....
2 comments – latest 2:
Urei-sama (Sep 11, 2004)
mmmm, calming.
taori (Sep 11, 2004)
i had a red beta once, named chester. it was sad in his last days, his gorgeous red color got all faded and pale. i was more attached to him than i thought. i like this, it reminds me of him.
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
kejoco (Jul 10, 2004)
This happy little camper came about when I tried to tell someone that they were "a wee bit nuts" but instead came out with "a Bee Wit Nuts"

**note** I'm sorry mom, after this I know I am a disappointment to you...I shall hang my head in shame
**note**I spent much more time on this than it deserved...
5 comments – latest 4:
kejoco (Jul 10, 2004)
I'm happy I could make you smile...or laugh hysterically.
when i made the comment my friend and I laughed at it for a long while.
that was at 4 in the morning so i think being tired had something to do with it
Anna (Jul 10, 2004)
lmao... when I first saw this.. I cracked up! The story to go with it is classic. :P My friends and I always mix up our words like that... so funny.
Knockoff (Jul 14, 2004)
thats just..... *covers face*
Xodiak (Sep 9, 2004)
Hahahaha! That is great. Now draw the queen. >;)
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ameraq (Nov 8, 2003)
well...i hads a fun fun time with this. yerps. Take about 15 minutes off the timer...I was running randomly around the house with nitegodess.
9 comments – latest 4:
HJ (Nov 8, 2003)
Woah! I really like the way you made the green outfit and especially her hair whistling around.
Kyoki (Nov 8, 2003)
Love the wings. :3
Shuichi-chan (Nov 23, 2003)
I wish i had wings like that *dreams* I wish that i had sword like that too... *dreams some more* good piccy... I wish i could draw like that.... Get lost in a Snickers....random
Cianteed (Sep 6, 2004)
I love this!
drawn in 2 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zinc (Aug 13, 2003)
10 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Aug 13, 2003)
I LOVED that show. Norbert was the best. *nods* I bow to you, Armando. *bow bow*

P.S.: ...I successfully return from California. *waves a flag weakly and shuffles away*
taori (edited Aug 13, 2003)
Augh, Angry Beavers was the greatest show ever, next to Pinky & The Brain. Why do they always move the good ones to times where nobody sees them? You're a god now, Armando.
lumpypixels (edited Aug 15, 2003)
I love that show!
Cianteed (Sep 3, 2004)
They cancelled it up hmyah... whcih sucked 'cause I adored Angry Beaver. If any season of it ever comes out on dvd, im so buying.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with PaintBBS
DreameRadial (Aug 31, 2004)
Man, hair is annoying!
C&c if u wish... and...
Do you know who i am?
Also... Aunvi dont cheat.
11 comments – latest 4:
LEELEE (Sep 1, 2004)
I like both chins but if i had to pick one i'd go with the first one. but again i really think they both look nice.
PolythenePam (Sep 1, 2004)
The second chin makes the face better in proportion :)
davincipoppalag (Sep 1, 2004)
Nice job on the camo..
Knockoff (Sep 3, 2004)
I love it! :D. The colors are great. Nice background as well.
drawn in 2 hours 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (Jun 20, 2003)
Ain't it cute?
8 comments – latest 4:
mkkmypet (edited Jun 21, 2003)
Me too! $_$
rosalyn (edited Jul 1, 2003)
Fish! *feeds to kitty* the fish was yummy!
Ty854 (Sep 2, 2004)
Really cute. Like the doom version of dori!
friend (Sep 2, 2004)
doom?? cool.
drawn in 8 min with OekakiBBS
Typo (Aug 22, 2003)
Stuffings. ^^;
6 comments – latest 4:
Nanibunny (edited Aug 22, 2003)
whooo! smooooth lines :D . . ..good job, i like the shineys on her hair ^.^
Lalaland (Jan 21, 2004)
its sooo pretty!!!
Mipunai (Aug 17, 2004)
Aww, she's cute X3
Ty854 (Aug 31, 2004)
She's got a big head. cool/.
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with PaintBBS
dekiria (Aug 30, 2004)
*Pokes* Im new here. I also new to all the shiny programs I see, apart from OekakiBBS, Ive used before. Anyways I hope to get better and to get to know you.
p.s I like creatures!
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (Aug 30, 2004)
your style is quite coolness. welcome to 2draw! very awesome creature. well, have fun, surf the boards, play around. hope you enjoy your stay here!
sapphirefairy47 (Aug 31, 2004)
Very nice! I really love mystical creatures! All kinds! Keep up the great work! AND WELCOME TO 2DRAW!!!!!
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
sisco_frisco (Aug 26, 2004)
jesus...perfect so you dont have to be!
15 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Aug 26, 2004)
I can't believe no one finds this offensive. I mean look at that erect arrow, it's so phallic! ;)
Anna (Aug 26, 2004)
hahaha Marcello, you are baaaad.
damnskippytakn-a-break (Aug 26, 2004)
This is great! I'm ashamed though, I feel hungry for a subway? = X
bloodstone (Aug 28, 2004)
hey nelly, that really is a cool slogan. i like how professional it looks... just like a bumper sticker like everyone else is saying. yeah thats wicked! did u do that after soccer practice? oh how is dale? did he get that monkey yet? he'd get in so much trouble if he got cought at the airport in china with it lol when r they coming back? so many questions blah! okay i'm gonna go call me later and its courtney if you don't already know haha
drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Nyuusen (Aug 26, 2004)
Thanks for playing
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (Aug 26, 2004)
i doubt you care even a little, and it's not like i know much better, but i think it'd be "ga," not "wa." but like i said... not like i'd know a whole lot better.

anyway, on to critique-ing. (critiquing? critiqueing? cri---ah, screw it.) me gusta your lineart, although you might want to try thinning it out in places with the eraser. it is nice and smooth though. your shading's improving; it's obvious you're thinking about dark and light and facial curves and blah, so don't worry, you'll just keep on getting better. i like the hair, it's shiny. and now to my favorite part, the little teardrop thingy. it's so shiny! and blue! and shiny! very cool stuff. you should try some water-type realism, maybe draw a glass of water or a puddle or something... i dunno, i just want to see you give realism a shot some time cuz i bet you could be good at it. okay, that's my critique and i'm sticking to it.
Nyuusen (edited Aug 26, 2004)
Thanks Miki, that made my day. I'll try the things you suggested, and perhaps some realism eventually too, it would be nice after all, lol.

And you may very well be right in saying its ga, cause watashi wa means 'I am' or just 'I' (which you of course know), so I just replaced Kimi 'you' with watashi for watashi wa kataze which is 'I win'. So it...probably is actually correct as ga.
drawn in 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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