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Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (Sep 27, 2003)
Poor thing. All she ever wanted was to be an Iron Chef...but she really just can't cook. (Someone should tell her that there has to be something in the pot before anything can boil.)

Cynicisms, comments, compliments, constructive criticism...?

(By the way, I normally don't sink to putting fuzzy animal ears on my characters...but once in a while we all have to do
1 comment – latest 1:
Marienkind (Sep 27, 2003)
fuzzy ears doesn't mean to sink low.

your drawings are getting sexier. one nagging question though... who is that on the lavender box?
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 12, 2003)
I'm a budding Rasputina fanatic...particularly this song... the picture's based on a couple lines... yeah, I'm tired, so sue me.
1 comment – latest 1:
Sixelab (Sep 16, 2003)
When i was little i used to go to the fair and i'd wait until i could get this certain horse before i'd go on, otherwise i'd flat out refuse. It was the one with lots of roses, the best horse ever.
That was my story.
And now for something that makes sense:
I love the glossiness of the horse, he looks very carnivally.
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 14, 2003)
Working on anatomy, mostly.

Not sure about the rating... I didn't draw everything and there's no graphic nudity so I just put it at that about right?
2 comments – latest 2:
dragon_girl (Sep 14, 2003)
That is a really nice drawing espacily the face Its so niet
marcello (Sep 14, 2003)
will you learn to spell and stop comment spamming, dragon_girl?
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 13, 2003)
Finally done. Not supposed to be stoned, but she sure looks like it...

edit- just so you know, the timer lies. this took far longer than 45 minutes, i can assure you.
3 comments – latest 4:
taori (Sep 14, 2003)
drawn in 24 min
Whew, finally finished. I worked pretty damn hard on this...don't know if it came out that well though...I wish i could do hair.
Kazukie (Sep 14, 2003)
If you ask me, she's just sleepy. =]
marcello (Sep 14, 2003)
Mazi posted a link to pretty good tutorial on hair. might want to check it out.
mazi (Sep 14, 2003) its on there.
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 11, 2003)
Yeah...have to go. Will finish later, or delete. I probably won't be coming here very often anymore...
2 comments – latest 3:
concannon (Sep 11, 2003)
Aw, why? This looks really neat, by the way. I hope you do finish it, the color scheme is wonderful.
Zinc (Sep 11, 2003)
I don't know about deleting.. It looks well done. The color of the horse goes very nicely with the completed part of the background.. and such shiney hair too. Purdy ears.. snout too.. fly horsey, fly!

P.S. Alright. I'm done beating around the bush. What I'm really trying to say is I can't draw horses for shit, unlike you. Haha. -pets the horsey-
taori (Sep 12, 2003)
drawn in 9 min
Still looks a little screwed-up... I achieved new levels of laziness on the background. Note to self: multi tasking can be a good thing, but only if the tasks don't involve BGing, shading, and watching a certain childrens' cartoon that I'm hooked on.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 5, 2003)
Good morning.

I hate, repeat, HATE how that window looks...any tips on sunlight streaming into a room through a window?

For clarification on the hips-- yeah, they do look sorta squashed now that I look at it...she was supposed to have her right leg in front of the left, like she's walking, but they might still be a little small...I'll fix that if it'll let me edit.
4 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (Sep 5, 2003)
Half-tones are always good, but the half-tones in Shi-painter kinda suck. Nice pic, but her hips could be a big wider. They look sorta....crushed now. XB
Marienkind (Sep 5, 2003)
shi painter sacrificed halftones for the sake of textures. for light... um... low opacity watercolor white/pale yellow?
furyofroy (Sep 5, 2003)
speaking of textures, how do you switch from texture to texture? I don't see a switchy button anywhere.
Hotaru-chan (Sep 5, 2003)
eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, when I wake up my 'be head' problem is the first thing I take care of after brushing my teeth and washing my face, but it's really hard to fix >.>'.............

drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
taori (Sep 3, 2003)
I can't even begin to tell you how long I spent in front of a mirror trying to get that position right...and it still looks all wrong. *Growls*

I think I'll call him Zel Spiegel! Yeah! ...And now I'm going to bed before I do something else strange and frightening like this.
5 comments – latest 4:
mkkmypet (Sep 4, 2003)
Mmmmm... Blooo...
mazi (Sep 4, 2003)
ameraq - more critique stuff. makes people better ne?

and the bg could use some work (shi painter has 3 layers good for line, color, then bg)

heh go zel
Harmanye (Sep 4, 2003)
Actually, Shi-painter has (near?) unlimited layers, just copy a blank layer, the most I've used is twelve.

Blue, blue is always good, blue hair, blue clothes, blue blue blue, he does look a little slouchy though; too much curve in the shoulder, methinks, but whatever. He is blue. ^_^
dragon_girl (edited Sep 4, 2003)
i dislike cigarets.
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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