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Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Apr 9, 2005)
marcello (Jul 11, 2006)
reeks of popularity contest.
Suntan (Dec 31, 2010)
cool effect on this, marcello. :)
backmagicwoman (Dec 31, 2010)
Preety cool...you should draw here more.
Suntan (Dec 31, 2010)
doesn't it remind you of the Lascaux cave paintings? ...before I read the title, I thought that initially. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
Black.-.Kat (May 31, 2006)
Love the colors in this.I have a friend that looks a lot like this drawing, she is so ... Pretty, I want to kill her.. J/k! Great Job!!
taori (May 31, 2006)
you know what? i had aviators. and my friend stole them. along with my nelly furtado cd. and i am le pissed. this looks just great. love her thighs.
patienceisoverrated (May 31, 2006)
Wonderful choice of colours and I love her curly hair :]
Rosemary (Jun 1, 2006)
the colouring in this is wonderful! |
(May 30, 2006)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sweetcell (May 31, 2006)
Ahhh, the Solve at work. Those three eyes are just.......I haven't been to doodledraw for a awhile, I should go back there and finish my piece. Do anything new there?
solve (May 31, 2006)
Just one thing. A dream dog. Nothing special. People love you there already. I look forward to seeing more of your works.
Renuar (May 31, 2006)
Refreshing, yessssgreat piece
kejoco (Jun 7, 2006)
I meant to comment on this before...Looks awesome! |
(May 28, 2006)
Some painting I kinda liked by some guy I've never heard of. I find it hard to be loose and painterly with a mouse... but I WILL learn, dammit.
staci (May 29, 2006)
hmm..funny the right eye (her right) is visually above the left in the ref but here youve made them more even, but for some reason both look correct.
patienceisoverrated (May 29, 2006)
I think that in the ref the right side of the face is tilted up more, and I brought it down, y'know, accidentally. The jaw's different too.
Sweetcell (May 29, 2006)
It came out nice, she looks a little older in this version but quite beautiful.
solve (May 31, 2006)
Lovely work! I havta save this one to disk. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 25, 2006)
Ahh it's the blue ice chunks dropping that scares the residents of Sylvania!
April94 (edited May 25, 2006)
look at the pertteh airplane go bye!!!!!*points at the pertteh plane*
Zack (May 28, 2006)
Hahaha! That's great!
matt104w (Jul 20, 2006)
thanks for the help bro |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 9, 2006)
It may look peaceful, but something is giving the inhabitants a very good reason to stay off the ground.
shults (Jun 17, 2017)
One of my favorite pieces of him
davincipoppalag (Dec 20, 2017)
elly (Dec 21, 2017)
Zackattack!! Sweet piece!
davincipoppalag (Nov 1, 2019)
Zacktown! |
(May 12, 2006)
true stories
davincipoppalag (May 12, 2006)
This guy just took a taste of Momma Cindy's 6 Alarm Texas Chili..and it set his hair on fire. Wait until she adds the brick dust, sulphur and blood, his whole head will burst into flames, and not just his hair.
Deino (May 13, 2006)
Es aterrador, refleja deseperacion y furia ciega. Zep, eres de mis artistas favoritos x)
davincipoppalag (May 13, 2006)
Mine too , Deino.. I said so on my DA page!i wish i could create myself a time machine...
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 9, 2006)
I was warming up and it started getting quirky...going back to try again now.
Axil62 (edited May 10, 2006)
Ah...I see. Boy do I have egg on my face huh? I'm sure someone will do one kejoco, it wasn't goin to good anyway. man I hate feeling stupid.
marcello (May 10, 2006)
dude, I didn't mean it like that... I'm not trying to discourage you! I'm just saying if you're having trouble with html you can just use the basic wiki stuff... plus if you want vince or me or something to run over it we can clean up the html stuff...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 10, 2006)
I think when someone goes out of their way and takes their own precious personal time to help someone else, standing to gain nothing from it themselves, it shows a great deal of admirable character, not stupidity.
Deino (May 16, 2006)
Axil, your anatomy skills are incredible... I also wish you could teach me. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(May 5, 2006)
The Joy (or "The Boss") from Metal Gear 3 : Snake Eater... I love that game.--------- Ten hours! That is the longest time I have spent in any drawing! D: --------- My first fanart in a very long time...
Zeal (May 14, 2006)
... :0 WOW .. : 0She was hard to beat :0 Hot damn.. I have nothing that has not already been said to say :0 Your art is teh hawtsexy :0 SHOWCASE DAMMIT!
Deino (edited May 14, 2006)
Thanks for the comments ^^The battle with the Boss had the beautiest setting in any boss battle I have ever seen :0 (Sephiroth's "heaven" is another)... and the theme song x) ¡Snake Eater! (And yes, she was very hard to defeat...)
Sweetcell (May 14, 2006)
I said it, I keep saying it. SHOWCASE!Deino, this is ab-so-lutely stunning. Bravo sir, bravo. Take a well deserved bow. |
Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ok Clox, this is what I was talking about in the way of a background. Now I see our hero's flying or running or jumping or whatever their powers are chasing enemies or going to meet thier enemies.
– latest 4:If you want to color this I'll add you in. I think grays, blue gray, teal gray, stuff like that. Whatcha think?
Dagan (edited Jul 18, 2006)
I don't get it. What is suppose to be happening here?
Sweetcell (Jul 19, 2006)
Just shit Dagan.... coming up ya dig.
sincity (Jul 31, 2006)
this is cool.:}
backmagicwoman (Sep 28, 2009)
This one is really cool... |
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