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Public Boards/Beginner 
NOVEMBER93 (Nov 17, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Nov 17, 2006)
You should stick with the mouse. jk.
it looks pretty good.
nekodesu (Nov 17, 2006)
You should install JTablet: to get the niffty pressure sensitivity.
Not too bad for your first. :)
Tai_Chi (Nov 18, 2006)
This is so much better than any of your others! I especially like the hair, nose and mouth (I'm no good at any of those)
^_^ Congrats on this!
April94 (edited Nov 18, 2006)
I just realized the eyes were 2 different colors! I'm so slow!
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
senshi (Jun 25, 2006)
This will turn out pretty good but i gots to take a break 4 awhile. will finish later

Edit: i'll mark it finished cause i can't get a bg idea.
8 comments – latest 4:
stellaluna_starmoon (Jul 31, 2006)
BUSTY McBoobs!!!!!!!!!!
Tai_Chi (Oct 23, 2006)
Well, let me point out a few faults:
1. The head is pretty squished, I think you should work on the head a bit.
2. Eyes and facial features, change them, they look a tad wrong.
3. The hair looks somewhat wrong, maybe instead of putting grey around the edges (good thinking anyway) you should put light into her hair, giving it a better affect and showing the different bits.
4. The breasts are wayyyyy too big! If you're gonna do them that big then I think you should do them in a different style.
5. She doesn't seem to have a stomach... Maybe you should put the belt onto her hips, then it would look better, and if it is one that goes around your stomach then she should be thinner around there for it to be tight, if it's loose, then show that.
6. The neck and the legs are the last things I shall touch on. They're a bit distorted, but good try (big hips).

I'm sorry to have to say that, just should have kept mah gob shut. But it's some advice for you in the future, I like the colouring though ^_^. Maybe use a reference pic next time, but this is pretty good! ^_^
senshi (Oct 23, 2006)
1st of all, yer like, a month late,
2nd of all, this pic sux,
3rd of all, im never using lascaux again,
and 4th of all, yeah, she's way off. i kan't seem to draw her on teh computer.
Tai_Chi (edited Nov 18, 2006)
This is very good, I say keep going. I'll tell you what, I'll try to draw a picture of her myself and I'll show it to you. I won't be very good, but at least you can use it as a reference next time, only if you want to, okies?
Here's my new one:
drawn in 2 hours 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
My hair actually looks like this now.
somehow it actually stays down. cept fer the ends
how do you like compared to my hair back then?
oh. and I got a Gaara shirt. it doesn't say "Gaara," it's got his picture. i just was bein lazy
2 comments – latest 3:
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
drawn in 31 sec
fixxed the hair a bit
squee (Nov 17, 2006)
senshi (Nov 17, 2006)
and what is that sposed ta mean
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 16, 2006)
The reason chouji is a butterfree is cause "cho" means butterfly. also later in the series during the time skip he takes these pills (I forgot what they were called) and he gets really skinny and gets butterfly-like wings. Next is Ino
1 comment – latest 1:
senshi (Nov 17, 2006)
Fly free little Choujifly.

I seriously can't think of one. pig pokemon...yes.
I'll just see what you do with it. good luck
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Nov 10, 2006)
You think that's healing that you're feeling? That pain in the depths of your chest that lingers throughout the day, you know what that is? Make no mistake, it's not healing, it's not creation, it's death. That's right, death. Cold and barren of anything resembling life, that is what you're feeling. The death of what was and what could have been, the death of possibility, the death of opportunity and the death of unity. The choice is to feed the virus, to let it consume something beautiful and right. This is the correct path? I don't think so, no, not at all.
11 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Nov 11, 2006)
wow. You are a master!
DarkCloak (Nov 15, 2006)
Nice! Are you coming up with these little paragraphs? If so, double nice! :P
Kloxboy (Nov 15, 2006)
DarkCloak: Yes, it's all connected.
Sweetcell (Nov 16, 2006)
Looks like a wise old alien, I mean I see the deformed belly but also an alien.
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 12, 2006)
I was gonna make shikamaru a slakoth since he's lazy, but shika means deer so I chose stantler instead. Next is Chouji.
5 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Nov 12, 2006)
Are you gonna go with Choji's name
or his personality?
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 13, 2006)
I'm probably gonna go with Chouji's name too.
senshi (Nov 13, 2006)
Well, that doesn't make it obvious...
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 16, 2006)
Awesome!! >.< ... Im a Shikamaru fan... So cute!!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 7, 2006)
Yes I can't really bealieve I still can draw him after some months from not drawing him...........:D
This is my man Greed.....My all timer favorite character from FMA.....:]
I can't really bealieve that not many people aren't drawing any more FMA and not even Greed as much as they used to, noticed that many people are now into D.Gray man........."never noticed I haded the daing book until today cleaning the book chelf and saw the book and asked my little sister were did the book came from, and told me we got it since August but never actually got to read the book, or even to page it around......:D" Yes I have it but I don't now what is the book about or even who is the main dang character.....What I just got it because of the cool looking character in front of the page cover from the first volume.....Still will get the second later but I need to get reading the first one...........>:D I'm just so retared to forget my own books I have in here.......XD
Many books I buy but never get to read them, my sister picks them but I forget to read, so please don't ask me about D.Gray man, don't know the plot of it, or what are the characters, enemys, or what, but I still have the book....XD "kill"
Any ways Greed you son of a gun, FMA wil be always in my heart, unless I see something interesting from this new book I berly found out and probably will win my heart to........OuO
...............Logging of Lore.V...............
19 comments – latest 4:
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 15, 2006)
Thanks my friend for the comment........:]
I'll probably will make Wrath in a near future.......probably.......>:D
.........Logging of Lore.V...........
The_Chosen (Nov 16, 2006)
So good he's my favorite homoculi(sp) I love Greed
senshi (Nov 16, 2006)
oh sweet.
Go Greed, Go Greed.
tyler_da_bomb2 (Nov 16, 2006)
lol this is sweet i love it ^-^ and yes go GREED!
drawn in 11 hours 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Tsukiya (Nov 15, 2006)
Sasuke when he was a little younger I think. Used him as an excuse to excercise some skin toning and perspective stuff. No ref, though I think I should have :( I don't know if I'll ever be retouching it but if the mods think this needs a little more work, then by all means :)
6 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Nov 15, 2006)
yeah, I like Sasuke now.
Hmm. You made one mistake....
he didn't have a "-Tsukiya-" tatoo.
Ha! I got you there! *smirk*
Rukia (Nov 15, 2006)
OMG Looove this :3
Skin tones are prefect. And you used PaintBBS! O_O
Tsukiya (Nov 15, 2006)
haha thanks for the comments guys. Lol senshi you got me there X3 Yup used paintbbs - just the watercolour tool on one layer. I think his face is still looking a bit pasty though ;_;
senshi (Nov 15, 2006)
only one layer?mygosh.
i like the eyes.
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with PaintBBS
xswirvex (Nov 15, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
tyler_da_bomb2 (Nov 15, 2006)
its nice and all but it scares me lol^-^ its pretty good tho
senshi (Nov 15, 2006)
can we call the other Aunt instead?
davincipoppalag (Nov 15, 2006)
Uh oh..swirvey been talkin to DMV!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 15, 2006)
*scrunches nose* My nieces always run up and hug and kiss me... I never had to ask for one :).
drawn in 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Dromophobic_o.o (Nov 13, 2006)
I TOOK LIKE. a hugee break
cmoonn you know this would only take me like a half hour ;D
and ways.
this is for my new sn on gaia
you guys who have gaia should add me
Dromophobia. :]
16 comments – latest 4:
Dromophobic_o.o (Nov 14, 2006)
it means
"I love this"

@squee - ;D yes they do have speakers :]
and thank you..

just going to ignore the fact people are arguing on my pic :]
SpikeStutters (Nov 14, 2006)
Thats adoreable. I adore her facial expression <3
Skai (edited Nov 14, 2006)
Hideyourface, are you trying to take up the position of biggest asshole on 2draw? Nobody fucking CARES that you don't like anime or yaoi or anything that doesn't cater specifically to your interests. Grow the fuck up for once and shut your punk ass up.
tyler_da_bomb2 (edited Nov 15, 2006)
WOW umm this is just breath taking amazing i love it your very talented!! very nice!!^-^ and i understand where yourcoming from skai but hideyour face has the right to say whatever wants but that was very mean hide... your supposed to encourage even if its scribbles i have never said anything negative in a comment yet
drawn in 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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