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Public Boards/Beginner 
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 10, 2006)
Haha, this is my awesomeness line... Yeah, I know it sucks, I cant draw with a mouse
2 comments – latest 2:
cmoon (Nov 10, 2006)
senshi (Nov 10, 2006)
okay, this is annoying..
how do you make letters on the pic?

..Luna-chan(Amy-chan got me doing that) why do you type like,
everything in caps?
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
senshi and cmoon (Nov 8, 2006)
collab w/ cmoon.
like the title says, me, crystal and her friend Amy-chan(who's name is now always followed by "-chan" cuz i said so
...I look like a chixxorz
7 comments – latest 4:
cmoon (Nov 10, 2006)
Yea.. we cool gangta's.....yea......
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 10, 2006)
I heard you were gangster, im pretty gangster myself...

senshi (Nov 10, 2006)
I love that shirt!!

this is awesome
but Im gonna be a critic and fix some more stuff
I like Amy-chan's hair
..wasn't I so detailed with the hands?
senshi (Nov 10, 2006)
drawn in 10 min
Okay, Im done being a critic
Kakashi's mask is dark blue
drawn in 4 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 9, 2006)
... I was bored and wanted to try out this website, so yeah.
3 comments – latest 4:
KyoxTohru95 (Nov 9, 2006)
drawn in 24 min
I dunno...
senshi (edited Nov 10, 2006)
I like the outfit
hideyourface (Nov 9, 2006)
cmoon (Nov 10, 2006)
eeeeeeeeeeeee! ^_^ Me love it! so cute!
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 9, 2006)
weeeee, kakashi be an absol, next is Itachi.
3 comments – latest 3:
ssmario100 (Nov 9, 2006)
So Cool!!!!!!
beth92093 (Nov 9, 2006)
awww its so cute!!!!!!!! great job!!!!!!
senshi (Nov 9, 2006)
ha! you even put in the scar.
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Nov 6, 2006)
*POOF* I'm Emo! *POOF* I'm Scene-Emo! *POOF* I'm Emo again!

My friend called me Scene-Emo, then corrected herself and flat out called me Emo. Lmao.
8 comments – latest 4:
squee (Nov 7, 2006)
lol. I tell my friends "Cheer Up Emo Kid" When they're depressed. No one tells me that cuz I'm cheery. I'm a pretty cheery Emo. Woot!
senshi (Nov 7, 2006)
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 7, 2006)
Thats really cute Squee.........:D
My little sis. tells me that I'm a GAY EMO.......
Because I'm really Cheerfull all the times, and I don't always wear black and white every day......:]
No I'm not gay of sexual preference, but I'm gay on cheerfulnest thats for sure.......XD
................Logging of Lore.V...........
damagedroses (Nov 9, 2006)
I've been called almost every name in the book. Even been told to go home, slit my wrists and die. I take out my anger on drawing and writing poems. Soon i'll have some art on here, as soon as my friend comes over this weekend and shows me some tricks ^_^
drawn in 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 8, 2006)
An ID for Deviant Art
4 comments – latest 4:
tyler_da_bomb2 (Nov 8, 2006)
lol cute i like the lightning
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
you should draw all the Naruto characters as Pokemon.
if you don't, can I?
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 8, 2006)
hmm, sounds like fun. I think I'll try that. =]
senshi (edited Nov 8, 2006)
I'm doing Gaara and Hinata though.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Natsuna (Nov 3, 2006)
XDD Only some....few...VERYfew. would comprehend this XDD; Letsss seee..
Guy top right- I <3 U KEERAH
Right of Him- Gotta ask her [Amanda]
girl far right-oops
Girls- "IMMA COME OVAH DERE" -SHEWILL aanndd AMANDA SAYS "I DONT LIKE HIM" XDD<3333 AHh.....Crazy lunch ;D I got really lazy...
11 comments – latest 4:
tyler_da_bomb2 (Nov 8, 2006)
lmao this is really funny thanks for da laugh good 1^-^
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
I can so imagine this scene. *imagines*
Dromophobic_o.o (edited Nov 8, 2006)
Senshi :
the "cloud" is a fro. that belongs to my friend dan.
I am the person with balck hair and stiped hoodie.
Kyra [natsuna] is the girl with brown hair next to dan.
Brittany [Peladophiliac] Is the girl on the far right with black and blonde hair.
The two blonde guys are people whom me and kyra speak of quite a lot in luch XD
and the two girls who i sit next too are my friends :]
senshi (Nov 8, 2006)
*imagines scene again*
Haha! thats great.
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Pence (May 6, 2005)
A comic for my friends. (no offence to emo kids it's just really funny to us because half of our friends are emo & they laughed at it too)
13 comments – latest 4:
Punky (May 7, 2005)
heh, thats hilarious.
squee (Nov 6, 2006)
I love this. Makes me all giggly.
friend (Nov 6, 2006)
You tell em blonde girl!
senshi (Nov 6, 2006)
i figured the blonde one as a guy.
i fer one dont like this joke.
except the middle panel. "dunno...maybe 7?"
fer some reason i liked that part.
the weird thing is that he's telling an emo joke to an emo.
that's kinda dumb
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Oct 21, 2006)
see title
7 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Oct 22, 2006)
that was better than drugs
Cameo (Nov 6, 2006)
Cool Beans!!! lol Cindy!
tyler_da_bomb2 (Nov 6, 2006)
i agree with archer boy lol (no offence) lol but yeah i kept looking it over and over lol
beth92093 (Nov 6, 2006)
lol it took me like 2 mins 2 get it lol good job!!!!!!!!!!
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
xiau and Kloxboy (Sep 23, 2006)
Nobody can beat the creativity of my titles. Nobody.

Umm, some lineart I've owed Cloxboy since...I forgot >__>;; I'm so sorry for putting it off for so long .__. It's just everything I sketched down seemed to turn into complete poop >___o;

OHOHOHO~ Frilly little girls and Cloxboy art could not be any more different :'D Well, I guess it'll make it harder to work with, but more interesting in the end, maybe? Anyways, I can't wait to see the end results.
9 comments – latest 4:
Rukia (Oct 5, 2006)
Ahhh xiau this pwns =>w<=
I would've loved to color this if Cloxboy didn't since I'm free now *MYFINALEXAMSAREOVERYAY*
beth92093 (Oct 13, 2006)
wow this is so good i like it
senshi (Oct 14, 2006)
wow, when I first read it I saw "MY FIN ALEX AMS ARE OVER YAY"
Renmazuo (Nov 6, 2006)
Oh my...OAOThis is absolutely beautiful.Drop.Dead.Gorgeous.I can't wait to see it finished...
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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