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Public Boards/Beginner 
RabidMalikFanGirl (Mar 17, 2003)
Hey Mista Taliban We Know Where You're Hi-ding
Airforce Come And They Bury Your Home
Daaaaaaaaaaaaay-o, I say, Daaaaaaaaaaaaay-o
We Kick Your *** Cuz We Wanna Come Home :)
8 comments – latest 4:
Thornofsin (edited Mar 19, 2003)
War is not funny innocent people die. This is just the start of something horrible. 2 of my friends are out their protesting against war being human shields and I know they are not to return because they gave up their citizenship and they probably will die so it doesnt really matter.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 19, 2003)
O.o ...We know but you gotta raise the morale a little bit y'know. We may not be able to do anything big, but we can still send our support to the troops. War is real and it can't be avoided. I guess it really is the human nature to fight...
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
Yeah, I'm with RabidGirl on this one. When our troops watch on TV, from their camps, all these people protesting against what they are fighting for. We all know war isn't something to make light of, but you've got to cheer on the home team!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 19, 2003)
*Pulls out red white & blue banners and streamers* Ummm...
drawn in 8 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rydicanubis (Dec 20, 2002)
part of my namesake, i anatomically butchered him, especially the whole abs area.. the background's a p.o.c too.. oh well, and yes, the spear is supposed to be behind his back, i know it doesn't look right though...
2 comments – latest 2:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 19, 2003)
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
I like this alot! I love the setting and the character! And the feather is great.
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
TIMMYMOUSE (Mar 16, 2003)
i suck
4 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Mar 16, 2003)
MysticDragon12 (edited Mar 16, 2003)
It's O.K. Keep trying=)
roguefrequency (edited Mar 17, 2003)
Hey, at least he can do the watery eye thing... I never have been able to figure it out.
SimHuman (edited Mar 18, 2003)
Hey, you don't suck too much. The way the fabric folds around her shoulders is really nice. Next time, though, be a little more careful with the eye shape. You should go sit in front of a mirror for a while and sketch your eyes. Note that the outer edges of the white parts don't curve inward toward the center of the eye.
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zman0185 (Mar 17, 2003)
7 comments – latest 4:
Cienna (edited Mar 18, 2003) likes it sooo much, it looks really deep, he kinda looks like one of the ghosties frum the latest lotr film! ahhhh! I loves gollum *huggles him* mweee he's my lover! ^_________^
Fin_beast (edited Mar 18, 2003)
zman0185 (edited Mar 18, 2003)
well I started with the face in just clack and gray water color and then made the left part of the face fade up toward the side and then just started adding light layers of water color over and over till it came to this..*shrugs* Im not very good at explaing things but i hope that gives you some idea
RazorClaw (edited Mar 18, 2003)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!11 Looks like something from my freaky dream. Take that as a compliment ;)
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
RazorClaw (Mar 17, 2003)
I don't like it when people whatch me draw. :[
2 comments – latest 2:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 17, 2003)
nice bloody eyeball. hi RC
Knockoff (edited Mar 17, 2003)
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Azelrellon (Mar 16, 2003)
Tried to make it look asif he was pressing his hand up against a glass wall... With little success.
Kaieneryu... Why must your hands be that big, anyhow? WHY?!?
6 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Mar 16, 2003)
Give him a speech bubble that says something like "Don't do drugs, 'cause it's cool to be drug free."

He just looks like an inexpensive mascot for a drug prevention program. Looks good, other than that.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 16, 2003)
He has a BASKET BALL in his hand!!!
Azelrellon (edited Mar 17, 2003)
Actually, that is not a basketball.
You can see where his skin is yellow in some parts, and blue most everywhere else? Those are like... Different skin patterns or something. I kinda forgot to make this one match the formation of his hand...Oops.
roguefrequency (edited Mar 17, 2003)
I like the way you blurred the body, like the camera was focusing on the hand.

/me gives Kaieneryu high five
/me wipes hand print off monitor
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (Mar 4, 2003)
mm, skinnnnn...... (((drool)))
i needed form practice so... this ensued...
5 comments – latest 4:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 5, 2003)
I usually hate looking girl-drawn muscular guys because they look rediculous, but this one looks very real. Only thing I would say is that his right arm (the raised one), the shoulder muscle should overlap the bicep. But thats just a small detail. Good job!
Azelrellon (edited Mar 5, 2003)
YOU need form practice?
I need form practice more. :P
Actually, I'd like to have this amount of skills and never practice it again. Let alone the fact that I cannot draw anatomically correct much, I'd like to say that, for one, the shading is very nice, and for another, the subject is a good idea.
^_^ Just needs some lighting effects and it may be considered pseudo-realism. ^-^
Cienna (edited Mar 6, 2003)
OOOOhhhhhhhh it's sooooo perty in a really fit muscular way....
mmmmmmmm........*drools* oooohhh he's yummy! ^___^
Knockoff (edited Mar 7, 2003)
This is cool. I like the skechy-ness of it.
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with PaintBBS
Kazukie (Feb 14, 2003)
This one's pretty much finished but I think I like the other one a little more. Even though I'm not really going to finish the other one... Anytime soon... Umm.. Her hair's weird and her hands are messed up, I think it's too plain. I'll work on it later if I feel like it. C&C Welcome.
4 comments – latest 4:
roguefrequency (edited Feb 14, 2003)
Very gothic. I like the textured highlights on the clothes.
Knockoff (edited Feb 15, 2003)
This is cool. The background is cool too!
quintessence (edited Feb 15, 2003)
Neatness. I like the hair. ^^
mauvemalady (edited Mar 5, 2003)
Like this because it looks like she's ready to kick some butt. I'm stuck reading Faulkner right now and what he's doing to women makes me want to stuff him in a...anyway, chicks kick ass, man. You tell 'em.
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Eggie (Mar 1, 2003)
The character from the best game series EVAR!!!
Excliding MI3 and 4 because MI3 had a crap ending and MI4 wasn't even recodnisable as an MI game.
This picture ares roobish.
7 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Mar 2, 2003)
No I didn't know that at all... Sounds like a weird game.. just by the name.. @_@
Eggie (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Play it. It's really good. Very funny.
roguefrequency (edited Mar 4, 2003)
I can't believe it another MI fan!!!
My favorite quotes:
1. "Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!"
2. "Hmm, a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle. What possible use could that have."
3. Guybrush: "i got this scar durring a mighty strugle."
Pirate: "I hope you'v lerned to stop picking you'r nose."
4. "Somehow I knew in hell there would be mushrooms."

Ah yes, great great great game.
Eggie (edited Mar 5, 2003)
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
bod1ggity (Mar 2, 2003)
ok after the online program crashed twice and 3 hrs l8er I finished my first attempt at a hot anime chic.....Its about damn so tired now....where some vodka
7 comments – latest 4:
coffeejelly (edited Mar 3, 2003)
OMG her boobs are larger than her bum :P
roguefrequency (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Kazukie means Melfina! Outlaw Star was awsome, right up there with Cowboy Bebop! Gene had the best gun ever! I made a desktop for a friend a while back.
Minitsaru (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Kazukie (edited Mar 4, 2003)
Directly downloading images is not permitted on the Netfirms FREE plan. If you are the owner of this site, either ensure that this image is embedded in a web page, or upgrade to one of the Netfirms premium plans. Err... right... anyway...

You mean Gene from Outlaw star with the red hair?!
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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