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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kazukie (Mar 15, 2003)
I'm not really done with this.. Obviously it's just the outline. ^^;; 55 minutes.. Ehh.. I kind of left the thing running a little before I started but I don't know if it made *that* big of a difference. I rented LoM today for the millionth time and I'm playing it, just thought I'd draw something from it. C&C welcome.
5 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Mar 16, 2003)
quintessence (edited Mar 16, 2003)
Very detailed. Nice.
roguefrequency (edited Mar 17, 2003)
plz finish this, very nice!
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 12, 2003)
Wow, this is awesome. I love it. Finish!
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
quintessence (edited Mar 27, 2003)
Does anyone else play iSketch? If so, what's your handle? Mine's usually purdyweasel, Lady_weasel, or SandersLover. If you've never played it, you should. Go here.
Public Boards/Beginner 
spyramy (Apr 5, 2003)
made for the community

coming soon:bubbadite ( puwerpuff goddess of love)
4 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Apr 5, 2003)
=P She's so cute! I love the little sword and shield! =]
roguefrequency (edited Apr 5, 2003)
Awsome. Make Butteremis too. (Artemis, goddess of the hunt)
darkk_angel (edited Apr 8, 2003)
a roman powerpuff! nice! hhee.....
spyramy (edited Apr 10, 2003)


drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kaT (Jan 24, 2003)
didn't know what else to draw, so i did one of the best melee weapons (^_^)

does it work this time Mr. Marcello?
8 comments – latest 4:
kaT (edited Jan 25, 2003)
come nao, i know i'm not the only gamer here... can no one tell what game it's from?
Aldrea659 (edited Jan 26, 2003)
well, that type of sword is in Diablo II, although it doesn't look like that in D2. i'm stumped.
roguefrequency (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Looks like the Skull Blade from MasterSword an RPG mod for Half-Life.
Maiko (edited Apr 9, 2003)
Wo0t pretty sword...!
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
roguefrequency (Mar 17, 2003)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Thats fun!!!!!!!!
12 comments – latest 4:
forgotten-memory (edited Mar 18, 2003)
I hate war mongorers...
dolphingal12 (edited Mar 19, 2003)
I am so with u dude! i am all for that !
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
/me wonders if gal is talking to me or forgotten
theraven (edited Apr 9, 2003)
His actions are quite questionable. But then again, look at us...the bulleying nation of the world...we say one thing with our mouths and a different deed comes forth from our hands. So who IS in the wrong? Hmmm? Or is their just no 'right'?
drawn in 44 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
RazorClaw (Mar 27, 2003)
Some trashy knife maybe a butter knife I duno
4 comments – latest 4:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 27, 2003)
Good job on the shadow and handle. The blade looks dull though.
RazorClaw (edited Mar 28, 2003)
yeah thats why is a trashy knife
Survival_Horror (edited Mar 29, 2003)
its a...precious knife!
quintessence (edited Apr 8, 2003)
Purdy cool.
drawn in 25 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
xvolcomx (Apr 7, 2003)
new and improved....or, vivid color
6 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Apr 7, 2003)
Neatness! I can't wait until you finish!
roguefrequency (edited Apr 7, 2003)
Awsome! Oh yeah, the letters are cool too. =D
method3 (edited Apr 7, 2003)
hrm yeah, those letters are really something. hope some color comes into this.
DooperGames (edited Apr 8, 2003)
nice yo
drawn in 12 hours with OekakiBBS
Main Forums/ 
Dark Cloud 2 addicting or not?
Minitsaru (edited Apr 3, 2003)
There i was one day (last week) most of my friends where on a trip for school that my parents wouldent let me go on O.o grrr.... so i go off and rent Dark Cloud 2...... I found myself poping in the game after poping myself some homemade popcorn, like i useually do when i play a game for the first time. I found myself rather frusterated with the first battle and how i kept on loosing (bout 3 times)..... I finally beat it and than im thrown into another character doing totally different things ...
Need a lil help on my book @,@
Minitsaru (edited Apr 5, 2003)
(WARNING: SPOILER: IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS BOOK TO BE SPOILED THAN DON'T READ ON BUT IF YOU ARE WILLING TO HELP ME THAN PLEASE READ) hey all!, it ends up that my write up only got me up to 14 chapters, here is a short overview for the chapters i have so far: 1-Ark wakes up from a horrifying dream (which you only hear about throu his throughts he has in the morning) 2-Femaly voice is herd telling about a war 3-Ark stays home goes into a conversation with mother. mother tells him tha...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pr3ttyhorse (Apr 4, 2003)
I think they look at least 13+
6 comments – latest 4:
UppityCracker (edited Apr 5, 2003)
Xodiak (edited Apr 5, 2003)
hehe Xod loves your drawings pr3ttyhorse! they are all very sexy... and I become aroused when I watch them! draw more of them! >:D
quintessence (edited Apr 6, 2003)
roguefrequency (edited Apr 6, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with PaintBBS
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