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Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Jun 10, 2003)
I UNDERSTAND LAYERS!!! *runs around in circles* Bwaaaaaaaaahaha!
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited Jun 10, 2003)
lol, congrats hun. You've joined the ranks of the layer-er ers... ers. -_-
Love the face. *tweaks an ear and runs*
Shiek (edited Jun 11, 2003)
Wow, love the shading and highlights.
rydicanubis (edited Jun 11, 2003)
looks real sweet...
i was axtatic the day i understood layers too....
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 10, 2003)
Mouse anyone?
3 comments – latest 3:
Zinc (edited Jun 10, 2003)
Cute mouse. I'll take it. o.o
- $
donnajoe (edited Jun 10, 2003)
*grabs mouse*...pokes mouse...*pets mousy*
quintessence (edited Jun 10, 2003)
Issocute. Like the mice in the Pan picture. *pets it*
drawn in 3 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jun 8, 2003)
Eh hehe.
6 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Jun 8, 2003)
*blinks* *blinks again* Holy crap, do I have a fan? *dies blinking*

I really don't know about the Q. It just seemed to fit. o_o Like your idea, though.
Kazukie (edited Jun 9, 2003)
A signature is random? O_o
donnajoe (edited Jun 9, 2003)
hehe...Q..i like the ahir. is nice
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 10, 2003)
i'm everyone's fan. :D and i figured it out! Q is what Quintessence starts with! *snaps fingers* i got it! ha ha ha...took me a few days...

edit: I just read Kazukie's comment. after i posted. eep...!
drawn in 52 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Jun 8, 2003)
Quick save, I thought I heard a parent. o.O Anyway. My own creation, an Illusion demon...but everything came out too heavyset. Should be a thinner neck, more narrow on. -_-
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Kickass. And spikey, love the horns. *resists glomping it for fear of being sliced*
raenboe (edited Jun 9, 2003)
Wow that's great! Nice use of tones! Never could figure those Nice job!
Maiko (edited Jun 10, 2003)
*points* that looks like that demon from Realbout High School the anime, i think it was episode 3 O__o;;;; yesh nice piccie
drawn in 39 min with OekakiBBS
Hakkai (Jun 4, 2003)
Lol! Shoujo-ai for her! n_n;
Don't mind the 'fake looking bo0bs'... I can't draw bo0bs. Revealing... but its not something to get a nose bleed from. Kyahahah!
6 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Jun 5, 2003)
lol. i think this is the first time i ever saw you draw females >.< and it looks AMAZING!!! pop XP
mazi (edited Jun 5, 2003)
XDDDDD~~~ score. aw i <3 you hakkai.. in a shoujos better kinda way.. ;P

i'll draw you one when i have time.. which might be another month or so.. *curses exams*
Einz (edited Jun 5, 2003)
looks like them 2 girls from final fantasy aeris and rinoa Kissing

very nice
Maiko (edited Jun 10, 2003)
*points* Yuri
*nods* wants moer nummy yaoi O__O
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 8, 2003)
My character Therese. Dhamon's sister. I woulda' put a background, but I'm being shooed off to bed. Back in a bit. Ta.

-edit- ...yeah, the animation is pretty much kaput. By the way....OWWWWW, track ball! *sob*
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Pretty pretty hair. It's fiddle with -able. If that makes any sense. ^^; Like the tones on the shirt, too.

-edit-, did the animation die.
Zinc (edited Jun 8, 2003)
I like the tones on the shirt too.
- $
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 8, 2003)
I love the way you do eyes! and yeah, that is some to-die-for hair. lovely ton-age. i wish the hair had more depth, time ya gotta shade it! and the face too. you did well with the tone shading....*is jelous*
Xodiak (edited Jun 9, 2003)
she is very sexy! >:P~
drawn in 51 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Jun 8, 2003)
1 am, and boredom sets in.

PS: Ooowww, finger! *sucks on it* *kills laptop*
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Gorgeous. Love the wings; pretty, non-stereotypical colors. Bwee.

...and seriously, you are incredible to do that with a trackball. I hearby declare you demi-god of the day.
Zinc (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Beautiful wings...
- $
drawn in 57 min with OekakiBBS
Hotaru-chan (May 24, 2003)
The white part of the eyes are hard to do... so it's messed up big time......... =3
4 comments – latest 4:
icybluecub (edited May 24, 2003)
wow! I wish i could do eyes! Those are pretty. Heck, i wish i could do people. I'm gonna look at your other stuff.
marcello (edited May 24, 2003)
this should really go on the practice board.
quintessence (edited May 24, 2003)
*supports Marcello* The green one is purdy, though. I like green eyes.
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Cool...*supports quintessence and Marcello*
drawn in 50 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 7, 2003)
Bored/oddness. The hair got creepy because my trackball finger went 'wooooo' loopy. o_O
3 comments – latest 3:
Einz (edited Jun 7, 2003)
nice and blurry
is it finished>?
quitelacking (edited Jun 7, 2003)
track... ball? but how? how?? ._. your poor finger.
quintessence (edited Jun 7, 2003)
Oooh, blurryness. *nibbles on the the hair*
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (May 31, 2003)
uh.. im bored. therefore i doodle.
5 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited Jun 1, 2003)
looks a bit like sephiroth from ff7
mazi (edited Jun 2, 2003)
yeah sephie has bigger bangs upwise though..and greyer/silverer hair.

hm, youre right, though.
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 4, 2003)
huh...just got done watching the second harry potter movie (wheee) .... hehehe, it reminds me of a face-off between (that oh-so-sexy malfoy's daddy) Luscious and (that durn do-gooder) Harry.
mazi (edited Jun 6, 2003)
....can i delete my picture now? eeeeeeeeww hp? i feel dirty.. diiiirrrrty.

its like.. perverted kiddie slash.. eeewww..


..i mean.. go for it but. imo...
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
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