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Main Forums/ 
What Are Your Roots?
Ty854 (edited Jun 21, 2004)
I was looking a DinoFlorist Ruler drawing and we were talking a little bit about how people found this site, Dino said he found it at inklink. I found out about it through I was just wondering where everybody found out about this site. So please lets have a discussion.
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Who's with me?
ILoveKenshin (edited Jul 20, 2004)
Who's with me when I say: THE INTERMEDIATE BOARD IS TURNING BEGINNER! -Hana-chan
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Cianteed (Aug 2, 2004)
... >:]
9 comments – latest 4:
TiggerTiger (Aug 5, 2004)
I love the hair and the expressions.
Cianteed (Aug 5, 2004)
Best Friends do EVERYTHING together =]
strangeoid (Aug 6, 2004)
And he's sure it's soap? Hahaha! Very fun picture. *claps* I am amused, especially @ Sutafani's comment.
charmyc (Aug 8, 2004)
yeah rigth soap.... i love the smoke effect and the bath um cloth(not to sure about the word in english) those boy are cute ^^ nice job
drawn in 2 hours 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Wat do i do now?
friend (Aug 4, 2004)
Wat's it mean when ur 200kb limit is used up on a unfinished drawing?
Public Boards/Beginner 
Sougen (Jul 30, 2004)
Here kitty kitty kitty...
2 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (Jul 30, 2004)
Haha, this'll be pretty neat when it's finished. Nice lineart. Looks like sort of an uncomfortable position he's in, though.
Sougen (Aug 4, 2004)
drawn in 43 min
a cat i saw on a carpet on night...just technique tests
TiggerTiger (Aug 5, 2004)
Aww cute! Nice job
drawn in 2 hours 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Knockoff (Jul 20, 2004)
This one was fun. I was thinking about putting this in advanced but I decided not to. Do you think this would of been good enough to be on the advanced board?
16 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Jul 22, 2004)
I don't think that the simplicity of the sky is the culprit so much as the composition. Right now each highlight and shadow is pretty much seperate from the others, giving the sky a patchwork effect. Each part feels static; they don't interact with each other or move your eye along a path of interest. Instead of working together to form a whole, the parts battle for attention. Gotta love that silhouette, though.
laurael (Jul 22, 2004)
Love all the building details...just awesomely done, KO! Also the way you've added those lighter colored ones in between...adds more dimension to's great!
Knockoff (Aug 2, 2004)
Yes. Zack is a smart one, and he made everything understandable. I really do agree, zack.
I think there just to spaced out, and none conected.
sal (Aug 4, 2004)
cool pic ko... nice sillouett... (O)_o
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with PaintBBS
DMV (Jul 31, 2004)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 1, 2004)
Cannonball!!!!!! lol Good one D..Sumo's have to swim too!
laurael (Aug 1, 2004)
More like...*trip* 'Oh no, didn't see that dang float again...' Lol...
Gigge (Aug 2, 2004)
Hahaha. *pushes bowl of ice cream away from her*
DMV (Aug 3, 2004)
Glad ya'll liked :)
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
mazi (Aug 1, 2004)
har har.
[/bad humor]
7 comments – latest 4:
Juicebox (Aug 1, 2004)
XD This just gets to me.. But, where does the wood come from? o_O;
mazi (Aug 1, 2004)
his pants.
Shadow-sama (Aug 2, 2004)
leggy *pounces* hmmm a bit horny aren't we ^^
blaq_nailpolish (Aug 3, 2004)
so cute!
drawn in 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
nikku (Jul 27, 2004)
i guess that its done im going to try harder on next picture
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (Jul 28, 2004)
Nice waist and legs. Her boobs seem a little oddly-place and lopsided, though. I think the one on the right (my right) just needs to be moved down a bit to match. Also, her hand that you can see is kinda small. Like the wings in the background.
Thear (Aug 2, 2004)
well...what can i say more? =P quintessence sayed all =P
but it looks good! =)
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Jul 31, 2004)
I'm spoiled and want my tablet back. .____. Mouse = pain.

Anyway. Random attractive female in a plaid shirt. Any questions?
8 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Aug 1, 2004)
Mouse = not that baaad. Besides, it looks really good! n__n
Pence (Aug 1, 2004)
thi is really good except... the face looks a bit lopsided. But it's a really cool shirt!
davincipoppalag (Aug 1, 2004)
I would have had to check my wrist into the intensive care unit if I tried to draw something like this with a mouse...nice job.
laurael (Aug 1, 2004)
Another great the way that shirt is fitting and the way you did her hair. The lopsidedness gives her more character.
drawn in 1 hour 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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