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Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Dec 31, 2004)
'Cause, you know, her eye... and stuff. Yeah, I need to sleep. ~____~ Happy New Year's, everyone.
13 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jan 1, 2005)
Really nice, quint :-) Very inky!
natsuki (Jan 1, 2005)
It's really, really pretty!!!
p3ndragon (Jan 2, 2005)
Wow. Stellar picture. Keep it up, I would love to see more of this kind of stuff.
Ako (Jan 3, 2005)
oo! pretty!
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Oct 22, 2004)
...I feel so stupid for drawing this, because I have no earthly idea what it is. ._____. Psychedelic nonsensical swirly sort-of porn?
6 comments – latest 4:
Silver_Note (Oct 22, 2004)
This is a very nice pic, I really enjoy this! Great work Quintessence
bumpinthenight (Oct 22, 2004)
this aint porn! ive been cheated! lmao... oh well... frakky draw nonetheless ;) XD
davincipoppalag (Oct 22, 2004)
The swirlies appeal to me.. could be because I went to college in the late 60s and early 70s? Flashback maybe....
Urei-sama (Oct 23, 2004)
yay for swirlies! i like the feel of this. very criptic... but happy too!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Mar 8, 2004)
*rolls solid lineart up in a sales reciept and smokes it* >>
1 comment – latest 2:
quintessence (Mar 8, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
...background was bugging me.
mazi (Mar 9, 2004)
lmfao. solid lines are t3h shit. mad skillz. but i have this obsessive need for blending lately. but yes. we need to start a faction (....ok im tired. i think thats the right word) for a rebellion against the abuse of the blur tool.
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Sep 6, 2003)
Scratchy, high contrast experiment. How'd it go?
1 comment – latest 2:
concannon (edited Sep 6, 2003)
Oooh...I really like her eye and lips. I think the nose is a tad too small, but the shading is damn nifty. Nice job. [edit]: Ooh, much better. ^^
quintessence (Sep 6, 2003)
drawn in 6 min
There, messed with the nose a bit.
drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Sep 6, 2003)
There you go, Connie. I think it worked alright. *pokes him*

Such a pretty man... *drowns in drool*
2 comments – latest 2:
concannon (edited Sep 6, 2003)
Mmm, pretty. Good job with the hair, but I think his cheekbone should be more defined (along the curve of his face). For anyone confused, it's based off this picture.
amuy (Sep 6, 2003)
i thought this was a girl until I saw the picture...yes the cheekbone needs to be a little more defined! he's so sexy! *depp too sexy for his shirt..too sexy for his shirt * doodley do la te* yah i can't sing
drawn in 19 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Sep 5, 2003)
There, can you tell it's her?

I lurve high contrast. So lazy am I. ~_~
4 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Sep 5, 2003)
O... MY... GAWD.... SO... VERY.... MOD... I want it for my room. ^_^ She's damn sexy... actually, it looks a lot like one of my friends... (and AGAIN with the ellipses)
mazi (Sep 6, 2003)
yay faith. gotta have faith huh.. lol.

the right eye looks a lot like her but i think the eye on the left is drooping down too far on bottom? just a wee bit.
quintessence (Sep 6, 2003)
drawn in 1 min
There, mazi, fixed it. Think it looks better now. Thankoo.
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 10, 2003)
Oh you're right, it does look like Eliza! Mrow bad slayer! hehehe
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Jul 12, 2003)
It looks like him if you squint, I think...

-edit- Left cheek looks odd, I know... I think it's because in the ref pic he was leaning on his cloth-covered arm, and I wasn't sure how to draw that. So craptasticness ensused. Enjoy.
3 comments – latest 3:
concannon (edited Jul 12, 2003)
....*puddle of fangirl*

LOVE the left cheek, but the right seems slightly off. And hehehe, facial fuzz. *licks screen*
quintessence (edited Jul 12, 2003)
Now that I look at this again, it's looking really odd... *twitch*
tappie_chan (edited Jul 12, 2003)
omg this looks JUST LIKE HIM!!!!! i love this pic EEEEEEEEEEEEHHEEEEEEHHEEEEE!!!!! this makes me very happy! now i know who to come to to request an orli drawing ^_____________^ *kisses the computer screen*

drawn in 54 min with OekakiBBS
quintessence (Jun 13, 2003)
James Marsters/Spike for Connie (VisceralVamp). Hope you can tell it's him... the hair still makes me crazy, but at least it looks vaguely like hair this time.

Cheekboooones. ^^
8 comments – latest 4:
Porcelain (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Comments: GORGEOUS! Spike = Omg.. So.. so hot. @_@ I love it. *Droool.*

Constructive Criticism: The 'on;y' think I find strange about the picture.. Are the positions of his right eye, and the tilt of his lips. The right eye seems higher than the left (The pupil). And the lips seem as though they are tilted to a certain angle.
graywolf (edited Jun 15, 2003)
coffeejelly (edited Jun 18, 2003)
ohhh!!! monochrome pictures always amaze me and this is no exception!
geekyshoes (Jun 26, 2005)
love spike!! favorite vampire EVER!!very nice
drawn in 38 min with OekakiBBS
quintessence (Jun 12, 2003)
Added in some tone bits this time. ^^ Teeth are very annoying to draw.
3 comments – latest 3:
Knockoff (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Woaw. Great picture quin. Good job.!
Ari (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Oooh, black and white! Coolies! Looks like a photograph that's been "art-ified". Coolness!
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
So...pretty....gyawd. And this one does look a bit more like her, so kudos. And the teeth are very well done, and I say congratulations for being able to draw cheeks like that without making someone look old.

[edit]: WOW is the animation creepy. o_O
drawn in 15 min with OekakiBBS
quintessence (Jun 8, 2003)
Ye-ah. This was supposed to be Willow from Buffy (Alyson Hannigan) but it didn't turn out looking all that much like her. Ah well.
6 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited Jun 9, 2003)
the other one you did looks more like willow
this one is also very nice
Xodiak (edited Jun 9, 2003)
wow, so much talent! <:o
mazi (edited Jun 9, 2003)
*drools all over self*

willows effing hot.. good job.
nsn_superwoman (edited Jun 11, 2003)
wow... I love that style
drawn in 30 min with OekakiBBS
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