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Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Nov 6, 2003)
I have no idea what it is, or where it came from.
3 comments – latest 3:
concannon (Nov 6, 2003)
Aww, cuteness. Love the slug, the lack of nose, and the hair. Background as well.

Simplicity = good.
furyofroy (Nov 7, 2003)
I love that hair. And the purple slug, of course.
Ari (Nov 22, 2003)
This has happened to me a few times... *lives in Seattle where the slugs are*
'Tis v. kawaii! ^_^ Me likes!
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (Oct 8, 2003)
Love Fang. Stopping with the crappy doodles, now... x_x I don't do them often. 'Night.
2 comments – latest 2:
Nadesco (Oct 9, 2003)
Yippee it is the cute lil' weasel that we all know and love thank you for the lovely sight that you have blessed us with. :-)
Wolfcub3113 (Nov 17, 2003)
IT'S FANG!!! *squeeze*
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Oct 27, 2003)
Oy. -__- This took a lot longer than I'd meant for it to... ah well. It's supposed to look like that's being drawn out of him/her, not like a human blowtorch.

Which would undoubtedly be interesting.

Bed now. *scoots off*
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Oct 27, 2003)
it looks like she's sucking something out of the air.
mundi (Oct 27, 2003)
Apologies, aww... :( I hope this all gets resolved with you and Carolyn... And this one of those pics that just makes me jealous of other people's talent. :B Tis awesome.
mazi (Oct 28, 2003)
very nice. very metaphorical. etc etc.

id complain about something or other.. or make it up to keep up my reputation but im so braindead and tired right now -_-;
furyofroy (Oct 28, 2003)
Hey, sucky or no sucky, it's a spectacular effect. '.'
drawn in 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (May 22, 2003)
Ah, my sweet greyscale-ness. How I have missed you.
13 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
are they furry chess pieces? >:)
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
The Doombunnies! Heeeeehe. I love them, despite my loathing of rabbits. I love them, for they resemble salt shakers.
aphrodites_curse (edited May 26, 2003)
*glomps them* I love bunnies! And doom! Combining them only makes it that much sweeter.... *pets them* *has the sudden urge to fashion a doom bunny out of a salt shaker and a sock* Hrrrrrmm...
mundi (Oct 27, 2003)
D00m! Bahaha. That's so cool.
drawn in 18 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Oct 21, 2003)
Too much anatomy homework for me. -___- This was supposed to be funny, at some point.
10 comments – latest 4:
supermonkey (edited Oct 23, 2003)
That weasel is so cool. I can't stop looking at it. Draw another one.

I looked at all of them. This one is my favorite, for some reason. :o
marcello (Oct 22, 2003)
you obviously haven't looked at her userboard
nyao (Oct 23, 2003)
hee hee... that's so coot! Me luv the blank expression and the kittie! ^^
mundi (Oct 27, 2003)
That's too cute. xD
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Oct 12, 2003)
Reed. My work here is done.
4 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (Oct 12, 2003)
is she fit?
quintessence (edited Oct 12, 2003)

Fin: Eh hehe, excuse my lack of slang knowledge. Yes, I imagine she's quite fit.
taori (Oct 12, 2003)
Damn. You and your halftones... 'n such...this is impossibly sexy. I want that hat.
Fin_beast (edited Oct 12, 2003)
fine, pretty, good looking.....whateva...
dirty matress?
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (Oct 8, 2003)
Random doodlings. *yawn* I should sleep now... probably won't.
1 comment – latest 1:
Nanibunny (Oct 10, 2003)
heh love the simplicity of it
drawn in 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Sep 5, 2003)
There, can you tell it's her?

I lurve high contrast. So lazy am I. ~_~
4 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Sep 5, 2003)
O... MY... GAWD.... SO... VERY.... MOD... I want it for my room. ^_^ She's damn sexy... actually, it looks a lot like one of my friends... (and AGAIN with the ellipses)
mazi (Sep 6, 2003)
yay faith. gotta have faith huh.. lol.

the right eye looks a lot like her but i think the eye on the left is drooping down too far on bottom? just a wee bit.
quintessence (Sep 6, 2003)
drawn in 1 min
There, mazi, fixed it. Think it looks better now. Thankoo.
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 10, 2003)
Oh you're right, it does look like Eliza! Mrow bad slayer! hehehe
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
quintessence (Apr 6, 2003)
There ya go. His hair was a bitch to draw.
13 comments – latest 4:
donnajoe (edited Apr 28, 2003)
awsome! its soo uhhh perfect. flawless: )
Ameraq (edited May 2, 2003)
oooh, Kurama....*drools* Youko Kurama ! *huggles*
Edward (Oct 5, 2003)
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 5, 2003)
Actually Kurama means Dennis in japanese. Looks good enough to be him. =) But.....the.....ears bother me....Otherwise it's awesome :) yay for bishies.
drawn in 1 hour with OekakiBBS
quintessence (Oct 1, 2003)
Well, I managed to royally kill this. x______x

Mrrrm. I'm going to bed. *yawn*
3 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (Oct 1, 2003)
drawn in 34 min
*stabs jpeg compression*
Nadesco (Oct 2, 2003)
*sigh* I like to gaze at the stars too. Especially with someone like that whoah!!!!!
nyao (Oct 2, 2003)
pretty.... i luv the shininess and the tones and the bluness! Very prettie. ^_^
Edward (Oct 5, 2003)
I love the swirlies and lights and stuff ^o^
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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