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Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
The Seven Deadly Sins :O
xiang (Apr 9, 2006)
Well, I decided recently to do a series of lineart for each of the seven deadly sins :D I already did Lust, which Maiko will color. The next sin I'm drawing will be Envy, but I don't know how to draw him/ her. D: I need suggestions on what to do. I haven't come up with anything so far. =__=;
Public Boards/Beginner 
Golgoroth (Mar 20, 2006)
Woah... can't believe I did this good for once! First thing posted on intermediate board...

Please comment!
9 comments – latest 4:
solve (Mar 20, 2006)
hey jesus... OMG... i thought it was really him talking to me through another vision on 2draw. i really gotta watch my self, j man is a top notch prankster.
comd (edited Mar 23, 2006)
I hope you don't mind me suggesting something, but consider not using very soft brushes until later. Soft gradations are very attractive, but the fact that your pictures lack any hard edges make me feel like they're destroying the clarity of your vision. Your pictures come out as a digital blur to me, but it looks like there is something nice behind the blur if only we could see it with clarity. There is a striking composition in this picture, but it's weakened by the fact that the foreground is drawn in a way that's almost equally obscure as the background. The only thing that makes the foreground stand out somewhat is the contrast between the hair and the skin.
Natsuna (Mar 23, 2006)
He's my homie :D Fer Real son'
mx (Mar 30, 2006)
I agree that this is not intermediate quality....
however...i do see some potential. I have seen work of a spanish artist that reminds me of this. There is some innocence with it, which works with the subject matter. i do thing if you want to distort, you need to know how things should be drawn in order to distort well. There are certian things that must still refer to actual anatomy, even when distorting.
I think you can consider adding stark, solid bright & flat colors in some places which could work agains the soft feel of the painting.
drawn in 32 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mx (Mar 8, 2006)
Sitting on a hard, single chair
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Mar 8, 2006)
I like the loose watercolory style you used.
mx (Mar 29, 2006)
thank you
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mx (Feb 22, 2006)
Was inspired to do batman for a change - not sure which version is the better one
6 comments – latest 4:
mx (Mar 1, 2006)
thanks :) but whos Adam West?
darkshadow (edited Mar 2, 2006)
adam west was batman in the 60 tv show
and is the mayor in family guy
adam west
Zack (edited Mar 2, 2006)
Adam West is the actor who portrayed Batman in the old TV series. The one with the "WHAM!" "THWACK!" messages in the fight scenes. This reminds me of my favorite movie line of all time: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."

edit: Beaten by 11 seconds. Argh.
mx (Mar 27, 2006)
great....Adam i have to delete this....
drawn in 2 hours 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mx (Mar 22, 2006)
tried to go back to my original portrait style
5 comments – latest 4:
comd (Mar 24, 2006)
Very nice! It has a classical style look to it.
xswirvex (Mar 24, 2006)
i love the softness
DoOp (Mar 24, 2006)
it's unique in a beautiful way ^_^!
mx (Mar 27, 2006)
thanks guys...
your right is kinda odd....but my intent was not for it to be odd :S But my work always come out that way because it has mistakes in...mistakes i struggle to get rid of
drawn in 2 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Mar 27, 2006)
When I was seven, there was a girl named Julie Lovato who lived up the hill and across the dirt road in my neighborhood. I liked her and I wanted her to like me. She wouldn't give me the time of day. I would take my Schwinn Stingray and ride it past her house on the dirt road. I would wait till I thought maybe she might be looking out the window and I would wipe out on purpose hoping she would come to nurse me and be worried about me. I got a lot of skinned knees and bruises that summer. She never did come out and sometimes I wonder if I ever really did quit trying.
10 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Mar 28, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
left crank installed and ready to roll
Claire (Mar 31, 2006)
This is not good this is a bad use of colours and looks like CRAP
Axil62 (Mar 31, 2006)
Yeah, not enough contrast and complimentary color I guess.
Artiste (Mar 31, 2006)
Claire's expertise like gold! I wish she would comment on MY peices... lucky!

Schwinn's were the shit. I wish I still had mine. It was blue also, but w/ a regular seat. I could do a wheelie on it for as long as I wanted.
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Inspirational Message
staci (edited Mar 10, 2006)
Herro. I've been going through a bit of 'artist's block' lately and wanted to get some feedback from the great and mighty 2draw community. What do you do to keep yourself inspired? Is it other 2draw artists? Music? Traditional art? A bit of undigested cheese? Do you ever feel you are more creative based on your mood? For instance, I feel my best art has been inspired by depression, pain, and just generally hard times, emotionally. When I am happy and active, I tend to have less desire...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Jodylicious (Mar 7, 2006)
Just a quickie.
2 comments – latest 2:
friend (Mar 7, 2006)
Verry pretty!
mx (Mar 8, 2006)
very nice eery effect here
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Jodylicious (Mar 7, 2006)
This was fun to do~
7 comments – latest 4:
Jodylicious (Mar 8, 2006)
drawn in 5 min
The nose was buggin me hella lots so...
MelissaMissy (Mar 11, 2006)
soooo b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l
concannon (Jul 3, 2006)
I really really really like this. The colors are wonderfully eye-catching. :D
Sweetcell (Jul 3, 2006)
Looks like you colored over a photo. It's painted but if you look close enough you'd swear there was a real photo under the colors. Hope that makes sense. I like the colors you used.
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Feb 18, 2006)
I was sitting here, and this flopped out.
69 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 13, 2010)
is it in your memory,what underwater is like?or you skindive a lot?wonderful effects---would someone please paint MEN this way?thank you
axxido (Jun 20, 2010)
me gusta..!!
Wraith (edited May 29, 2014)
"Hold me close and keep me near, my underwater love." - Faith No More. Can't believe I never commented on this. Amazing water and light effects!
davincipoppalag (Sep 23, 2020)
she's still swimmin
drawn in 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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