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Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Apr 4, 2008)
Back to my homework again...
14 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Apr 7, 2008)
Thanks. :)
Aakyra (Apr 7, 2008)
Very dramatic piece of art! I love how this finished. The details of the hand are spectacular ... the elements of the background are as well. Seems to be a message here. Very beautifully done!
Roytje (Apr 7, 2008)
drawn in 18 min
And it will go on and on and on and on.
Moosh (Apr 8, 2008)
Hey, I like all the new bits you've added. That tree is very nice.
drawn in 5 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Moosh (Nov 23, 2007)
D: bleh
12 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Apr 7, 2008)
wow, this is great 8D
Roytje (edited Apr 7, 2008)
Moosh (Apr 7, 2008)
Thanks y'all. :}
STARZSHINE (Apr 10, 2008)
very cool moosh, really intriguing, love the metamorphesis!
drawn in 6 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Apr 6, 2008)
when options vaporize as your fingertips touch them.
7 comments – latest 4:
PS (Apr 6, 2008)
This is really amazing.
patienceisoverrated (Apr 6, 2008)
this is so beautiful, I want to live there and lie on the floor and feel moody and grey all the time.
vlad.the.hamster (Apr 6, 2008)
Deep. o_0
horsefeather (Apr 10, 2008)
Wow... thats incredible. Especially for having drawn it in 30 minutes... It's too often that I find myself doing just that.
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
i like babies. like this.
other wise they look like gross midget aliens.

this is secretly for axil.
3 comments – latest 3:
crucob (Apr 6, 2008)
ROFL.. that's awesome, he's all like "what the F#@k do U want"
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
hahah spot on on crucob
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2008)
Ha perfect.. they should all come like that.
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
electronichaze (Apr 6, 2008)
1 comment – latest 1:
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
DOOD! i have those EXACT same tapers!
:o they are too small now though..hehe

drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Cordelia_Pink (Mar 28, 2008)
... he's so pretty, and pretty, and gahhhhh!!! don't you think?

just say yes. please.
9 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Apr 6, 2008)
really good depiction of hotness. lol
Cordelia_Pink (edited Apr 6, 2008)
thanks people. maybe it's about time I post the pic.
prepare to drool, ladies. :D

really good depiction of hotness.
oh yeah? wait till you see the actual. *\o/*
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2008)
It's beautifully drawn whoever it is
Aakyra (Apr 7, 2008)
Excellent work... he is amazing!
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
i fuckin hate turtles. but i like the idea of (is it india?) that the turtle carries the world on its back.
ive never really done this style on oekaki before, its my skate board painting style :D

blahhhh, ive been filling out job applications all gunna either work at the boardwalk arcade (santa cruz) or marinis (ice cream place) so eh. drawing feels good. even if its fuckin gross turtles that i hate.

8 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 6, 2008)
me too
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
thanks you guys
means alot from you
horsefeather (Apr 10, 2008)
I really like the style of this and great content too!
Aakyra (Apr 14, 2008)
I love this! The style is great, compliments the theme beautifully!
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
gel_o (Apr 5, 2008)
7 comments – latest 4:
jpjp1052 (Apr 6, 2008)
Nice colors & very nice draw.
Meno (Apr 7, 2008)
Aces, gel-o! Those pink flamingoes that people stick in their yard are actually manufactured in Massachusetts ... although I understand the company has recently been sold. Just a useless fun fact I thought you might find interesting ;D
Aakyra (Apr 7, 2008)
I like it!!!! I just saw a gorgeous photo on deviant of these creatures! They get the color from their diet.... shrimp. If this food is taken out of their diet they loose this gorgeous color and become white! Beautiful work mi amigo!
FuzzyWuzzy (Apr 15, 2008)
Well done Gel-o, I like the softness of this picture.
drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 75: Turtles
Sweetcell (edited Apr 20, 2008)
Contest Week 75: Turtles*two week contest Your votes have decided Turtles to be the next contest. So for the next two weeks your to draw Turtles. Seems simple. But I've decided to leave the field wide open and allow for any kind of turtle you can think of. From realism, to cartoons, to well known Turtles, from abstract, to advertising. Any and all kinds of Turtles. I will be looking for effort this time. The more you put into it the better the cha...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
crucob (Apr 5, 2008)
still just learning 2 use lascaux, but this was fun.. watchin tv and readin really killed my time, though... shoulda just safety saved it :P
8 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Apr 6, 2008)
america isnt about claaaassss though. thats just silly.
well you did the skirt well anyways.
enjoydotcom (Apr 8, 2008)
Not to be mean, but why does she have a beard?
crucob (Apr 8, 2008)
enjoy... i guess i pulled some outline when i was blending it.. i wasn't goin for the bearded lady look, that's just her chin, lol
enjoydotcom (edited Apr 8, 2008)
Aha, blessing cán be a blending and a curse.
drawn in 14 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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