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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Maiko and ky (Nov 26, 2004)
collab with ky sama :\ he's doing kadaj
Edit: C & C is wanted *frown* i can't get yazuu right >__<
I am the Queen of crapp lineart >:D
21 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Dec 9, 2004)
ROFLS! I have no idea what they are saying but it cracks me up! XD
Maiko (Dec 9, 2004)
Well let's see
Yazuu: "Kadaju, otouto, Kawaii!" "Kadaj, my little brother, you are so cute!"
Kadaj: "Ani, daikirai....." "big brother, i hate you"
silver_maiden (Mar 25, 2005)
sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!
SanzoGirl (Sep 21, 2005)
Kadaj and Yazuu! :D
I luff Kadaj. =_=
drawn in 3 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DragonClaw, DieChan, Noremac, ky, Missy509, and more... (Jan 1, 2004)
if you wanna join just say so...
27 comments – latest 4:
15grifficorntears (Feb 21, 2004)
I wanna join ~wimper~
Noremac (Feb 22, 2004)
now rygals strait pimpin G. hell yeah thats nice
15grifficorntears (Feb 27, 2004)
drawn in 23 min
i did one......HURRAY!!
SaheraNights (edited Mar 14, 2004)
I wanna join..wait..i'm too late -cries-
drawn in 5 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DragonClaw and ky (Dec 31, 2003)
Almost Finished completely. Just waiting on porcelain to do the speed lines.!.!
8 comments – latest 4:
DragonClaw (Jan 2, 2004)
if anyone wants do do the speed lines as a collab be my guest ( sucks at speed lines )
Enishi (Jan 3, 2004)
Woo sonic! Yeah speed lines were make it awesome...get Porcelain they did a good job on speed lines with their Sephiroth pic
ky (Jan 3, 2004)
drawn in 30 min
Aggh. I'm sorry. 'Tis shit. And compression. You'd better get Porcelain.
DieChan (Jan 4, 2004)
I think it looks cool the way it is. Ky is awesome at coloring! Uhh... not saying that DragonClaw isn't either, tho!! Good pic, you two should collab more often.
drawn in 2 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
RabidMalikFanGirl, Knockoff, and ky (Oct 25, 2003)
Kuja! Everyone's favorite iron-thong clad villian from Final Fantasy IX!

It's sad... he looks much better in skimpy clothing that I do ;.;

EDIT: I deem it finished, but if anyone else wants to work on it, memo me ^^

KO, your turn! Oh, sorry about the crappy lineart, I shouldn't draw when I'm tired... with a mouse... I love my tablet. Mice are eeeeeevil!!!
16 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (Jan 26, 2004)
I know......scary........a man in thongs........shouldn't FF9 be rated........mature?
Deformed (Feb 5, 2004)
Who's that pretty girl in the mirror there? (what mirror where?) such a pretty face, such a pretty face, such a pretty face!!!!! i feel stunning and and quite cunning OOOO- h screw it........
wyrickj (Mar 3, 2004)
Nice color BG. Great job everyone.
Knockoff (Mar 3, 2004)
Heh I really didn't do much. =P
drawn in 5 hours 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter