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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 14, 2005)
Wee, For all the pokemon peeps..
Gobblegobble4me (Jul 14, 2005)
Oh pokemon are the best!
pikagirl (Jul 15, 2005)
AAWWW!! It's Growlith!!! HE IS CUTE!!! SUCH A CUTIE!!
Rudeezy (Dec 11, 2005)
you copied a picture AGAIN. http://www.suta-raito.com/images2/Growlithe.gif
kristine (Dec 11, 2005)
dude, come on. and you arent even saying you used a ref. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 12, 2005)
Paris with her hamburger.
ambermac (Oct 8, 2005)
linda trippe of lowensky fame?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Oct 8, 2005)
Multifaceted... not to a fault.... but back to default. This is great.You could maybe use the hamburger... combine "A Night in Paris" with "9 1/2 weeks" the burger, the fridge, Paris, yeah. Could have something there. LMAO
kristine (Oct 8, 2005)
paris hilton looks like a man
IkariIreuL (Oct 8, 2005)
It´s more for that other girl than for paris hilton. ;) |
(Dec 31, 2004)
Havent drawn sephiroth fora while...All praise teh almighty sephiroth-sama o_o;
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 18, 2005)
>:) It looks like he's on a strip pole..(yay! sephy stripping!) (throws money at him) lol
whitebunny1063 (Jan 1, 2006)
Work it honey (throws money at him)
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Jan 1, 2006)
wow!! O.O that is SEXY!!! |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 20, 2005)
renire (Jun 23, 2005)
TaCO (Nov 25, 2005)
Is It going to kill me???
SanzoGirl (edited Nov 25, 2005)
Aww, it looks like a cute little fuzzy alien!Or even my furby, if it got black eyes. O_O; *Checks furby* Nope, still blue eyes and white fur. :D Old school furbies PWN those new "hey furby" things... they're like, deformed! D: Why is this on begginer? This should be on intermediate. :D
kristine (Nov 25, 2005)
awwww. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 15, 2005)
or sad Pound...
sincity (Jun 15, 2005)
I really like these portraits your doing. Of course your choice of colors are great also:}
zep (Jun 16, 2005)
thanks a lot people :) i like science and poetry and....
saucy (Nov 26, 2005)
That's amazing.. Magnificent
kristine (edited Nov 26, 2005)
omg this is beautiful. To me his facial exression kind of gives of that hes sitting in his suite (x_x sp?) waiting for his turn to die or something. i love this. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 11, 2005)
Yup, that's me ^^
voodoobunny (Jun 11, 2005)
XP lol.
Xodiak (Jun 11, 2005)
No, you must go back to school or else the teacher will spank you! >:p~|XOD|
kitty25 (Dec 3, 2005)
lol!!!!!!!! nicw bg and this is cute!
kristine (Dec 3, 2005)
quit with the damn !!! will you? |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||
(May 28, 2005)
September 13! Can't wait! =D
kuramaandhiei (Sep 26, 2006)
Sexy sexy sexy!
mindfreakbitch (Nov 27, 2006)
WOW!! I've been looking at all your drawings. They are fantastic! Great Job!! ^.^
Alexisntemo (Jul 22, 2007)
Outstanding! |
Main Forums/The Post Board | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Zack (edited Jul 4, 2005)
I was looking around for a forum thread about t-shirt designs and couldn't find one with that specific purpose for everyone, so I'm making one here. I just made this picture to demonstrate an idea to Emperor Marcello and it actually ended up becoming a legitimate work in itself, so I thought I would post it: Mine: Mech w/ signature and logo VisceralVamp's: [url:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/visceralvamp/Artses/stylized-bear.j...
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||
(May 9, 2005)
This is just a seedling of a giant tree. At full size they can be used to support entire towns of tree dwelling peoples.
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Feb 10, 2006)
wow! this is awsome! o.o I'd love to have a tree like this!
cianteed2 (Jul 4, 2006)
i am madly in love with this.
sonzai (Aug 24, 2008)
this is so thoughtful...
SillyLady (Oct 10, 2010)
This is wonderful! |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Apr 3, 2005)
dont really know how i did this cos i havnt been here in months just used what looked right... |
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