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Public Boards/Beginner 
Mal (Sep 27, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
kristine (edited Sep 27, 2005)
hey this is pretty! (did you know Mal in french means "bad"? lol)
davincipoppalag (Sep 27, 2005)
Really good job on this one Mal..I love the softness in the feathers and the lighting is good , too.
JK-Arts (Sep 28, 2005)
The bird looks like a baby Chicken with Seagull wings. I do like this picture alot thought good job.
Mal (Sep 29, 2005)
Oui Kristine , malheureusement Je m'appelle Mal
& Thanks everyone.
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kristine (Sep 27, 2005)
Never Sell you soul to the devil.....(I'M A DRAWING MACHINE!!!!! lol = P)
5 comments – latest 4:
kristine (Oct 3, 2005)
no one has any comments on this? ok then...
davincipoppalag (Oct 3, 2005)
I didn't see it! You did great on the violet eyes
kristine (Oct 3, 2005)
i was about to say no one loves me! lol j/k...thanks for commenting
davincipoppalag (Oct 3, 2005)
Lol I think sometimes it has more to do with when you post. Often there are many pictures posted about the same time, and some get lost. Not everyone scrolls through evertyhing.
drawn in 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kristine (Sep 26, 2005)
I had to do this with my dang brand new tablet is already actin up... i gotta take it all my drawings for a couple of days will look like pooooooooop. what do you all think? could this possible be advanced quality?.......NAAAAAAAAA! no way.
8 comments – latest 4:
hideyourface (Sep 27, 2005)
well it depends what you're drawing with a mouse. If it's just lines like in this picture a tablet would probably be better, but with Aubrey's car and a ton of other very detailed pictures, theres not many long precise strokes required.

Anyway, this picture is really nice and simple, but I think her head is too far to the right if you think about where her neck would be compared to her shoulder
darkshadow (Sep 27, 2005)
i keep comming back to this i ;ike it a lot and dont know why i mean i can normaly tell you what i like and what i dont amd i dont have eather one for ya good picture
kiketsu (Sep 27, 2005)
DieChan (Oct 7, 2005)
This is a very unpoop-like drawing. :O~~~
You draw so well! >< Marry me? <:D
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
yxky (Sep 26, 2005)
12 comments – latest 4:
starmarked (Sep 27, 2005)
Ooo very nice, I really like how you drew the hair. Welcome to 2draw :]
lycene (Sep 27, 2005)
I really like the lighting on this; it adds a lot to the motion of the picture. Very pretty.
darkshadow (Sep 27, 2005)
really like this great job
JK-Arts (Sep 28, 2005)
ery nicelighting and shading it looks glorious.
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Truearashi (Aug 22, 2005)
okay, he's 15 and innocent...
need a name..
any name ^^;
7 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Sep 27, 2005)
kiketsu (Oct 6, 2005)
this is really cool! and how dunno, Aris? ^^;;
whitebunny1063 (Oct 11, 2005)
How about James?
kristine (Oct 16, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
My room
Animegirl250 (Sep 22, 2005)
These are pictures of my room I took last night. ^^ The corner My cieling My TV (While watching Love Hina^^) My hand praising yaoi
Public Boards/Beginner 
Alex-Cooper (Sep 22, 2005)
He killed you five times before you finished reading this sentence.
8 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Sep 22, 2005)
haha, you made him all rabid and DOMOKUNRAWR!
*thumbs up* spiffeh
JK-Arts (Sep 22, 2005)

heh rabies he he rabie are cool if i had rabies i'd give them to everyone.
Ty854 (Sep 22, 2005)
Ahahah! You finally drew it! Awesome prince, Alex.
kristine (Sep 26, 2005)
OMG I LOVE THIS GAME! this picture is too cute
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
kristine and xiau (Sep 20, 2005)
I kind of suck. Sorry. i cant draw lineart lol. I have no idea what I am drawing. I just got bored =) Does anyone want to color when I am finished with the lineart?
4 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Sep 21, 2005)
ooh She looks like Felicia :3
xiau (Sep 22, 2005)
drawn in 32 min
Coloring? Yay. I'll shade tomorrow.
wow its comeing along nicely! wow!
kristine (Sep 22, 2005)
oooh, pretty!!!!! keep up the good work, xiau!!! =)
drawn in 4 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
TRIP (Sep 15, 2005)
"I've lost my soul."
"Where did you lose it?"
"It was stolen"
"Stolen? By whom?"
"By the Demons of Yesterday... Please find it for me"
"I am sorry. I can not help you."

Erasing the past is an impossible task.
15 comments – latest 4:
gloryhog420 (Nov 20, 2005)
The stained glass windows are superb (is that how you spell it? lol).... those faces with the hollow eyes... spoooky but a great effect!.... good job!
LisaAnne (edited Nov 20, 2005)
Although this is done in a more cartoon like style, quite powerful...the music I'm listening could be effecting it too. The tear is very well done.
Shmoopy (Dec 10, 2005)
Some people say that nothing is perfect.

Your art comes close to proving that wrong, in my opinion. This is awesome.
kristine (edited Apr 15, 2006)
I adore this style :)
drawn in 3 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Sep 15, 2005)
16 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Sep 17, 2005)
The more i look at it, it more it looks like a hand holding a lemon/potato. =]
Orkdoop (Sep 24, 2005)
well, I hardly comment on your stuff because I think its strange to comment on my own dads work, but I really think this one is amazing. ^_^
marcello (Sep 24, 2005)
I think it's strange to think that's strange.
kristine (Mar 23, 2006)
I love browsing through your Gallery. I go in to find one thing, and end up finding many other things that are so great, i'm suprised that they havnt caught my eye. You're amazing.
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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