forumsthe post boardMy room
Animegirl250 (Sep 22, 2005)
These are pictures of my room I took last night. ^^

The corner

My cieling

My TV (While watching Love Hina^^)

My hand praising yaoi
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 22, 2005)
oh deir! your room looks soo nice *^* i that my room is full of photos and drawings. yy soo unfair! i'll send some photos soon.. perhaps *~~~*
voodoobunny (Sep 22, 2005)
Aww....Those drawings are so kawaii! I love the last drawings <3 ^^ Go yaoi Go!
Maiko (Sep 22, 2005)
aww your room is cute X3
I wish I could reach my ceiling... +_+;;
so far, I only got an Ed poster on it, and that was because I stood on a swivel chair, on a beanbag, on my bed ;__; which was scary...
Shanghai (Sep 22, 2005)
I bet you like anime. I'm not sure where I got that from, but it's just a feeling.

My room is plain compared to you people. I have a rainforest poster, a B-2 test flight poster, a castle in the mist poster, a poster of that wave with mt. fugi in the background by hokusai, and some feathers hanging from some yarn with a stone hanging from it too. Also there's a teddy bear trim around the top where the wal meets the ceiling, but that was already there when we moved in >_>
method3 (Sep 22, 2005)
Well, since I already have a picture... here's an old room picture that I crappily put together by hand. The one that I actually pshopped and made look pretty is on the cs servers, and that's broken for me at the moment. I just noticed that alot of those things have changed now, I have a 19" LCD and stuff. Also... it doesn't matter cause I moved last month into a new place, no pictures of that =/. Well, there goes that effort.

Seriously... alot of stuff on your walls. Aren't you worried about a fire hazard or something? >:P
Shanghai (Sep 22, 2005)
method3's room looks like sidescrolling game now. *imagines him walking through it sideways*
kejoco (Sep 22, 2005)
animegirl, thats just disturbing...*shiver*... so disturbing
sincity (edited Sep 23, 2005)
O.K. You forced my hand! You'll regret it I'm sure. :}
Shanghai (Sep 23, 2005)
Also I forgot I have an art print of whales swimming~
inatyrb (Sep 24, 2005)
Yeah, my room isn't that cool. Lets see.... I have a giant expendable sign in my room that I drew. I have a small assortment of sticker around it. A sketch picture Of alec and I, and a picture of alec on my wall. That's all that's on my walls. I have a giant window where a bird runs into it every morning for a few hours, does that count as something interesting added to my room? lol... yeah.. that's my room basically...
IkariIreuL (Sep 24, 2005)
Animegirl250; Eh didn´t you have nightmares with all of that pics ! :0
redpanda; whales swimming, :( why not walking, it´s more interesting.
Animegirl250 (Sep 25, 2005)
Why would I have nightmares about SEXY ANIME GUYS? No I'm not worried about a fire hazard. There's plenty of other things that could catch on fire.
FLYING_SQUIRREL (Sep 27, 2005)
Method3's room= Da Shiz Nite! :D
rosalyn (Sep 27, 2005)
I thought it would be cool to show ya'll my room eh.
Rosemary (Sep 27, 2005)
well my kinda boring lol..i only left my parents home a few months ago and i still dont have a lot of furniture and things in there...
at the minute living room furniture consists of...sofa and table (yayy lol) ...3 'very large' easels, a sixties jukebox, a 1930's grammephone..4 record players of varying ages, 972 LP's, a few thousand singles...a knitting machine...a computer lol..2 pet rats..and mountains of books/paints/pencils.. oh yeah..and here too..groovy huh? lol..
FLYING_SQUIRREL (Sep 27, 2005)
2 pet rats O.o
nekoxmeow (Oct 24, 2005)
I have a very, very boring room. An ugly one too. I share it with my two sisters, who last summer begged and pleaded to have it painted blue with white fluffy clouds and birds. A nice idea, if you can draw/paint well, but my sisters did it by themselves and it looks like they did it blindfolded. >.< I have absolutely no anime things on my wall. The only anime/manga merchandise I have is my Ed keychain (squee!), an FMA t-shirt, an InuYasha t-shirt, and two InuYasha patches. Tis the sad life of a girl with a poor family and no allowance. :'(
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Dec 22, 2005)
nekodesu (Dec 22, 2005)
As much as I like anime, I have nothing related to anime on my walls or my ceiling....the posters are actually pretty random :P
I like Pakasu's room ^^ It has kind of a modernish feel to it.
Punky (Dec 22, 2005)
I like your bed and pillows, Pakasu, they're pretty. (Yeah, I'm gonna call you Pakasu too, cuz I'm too lazy to spell out the whole name)
yuohoo (Dec 22, 2005)
Thats alot of drawings,I like to have a room like yours. My room is messy,and I don't sleep there because I like to sleep on the couch,because my bed hurts my legs.
kristine (Dec 22, 2005)
thats scary O.O so much anime, AHHHHHH! O.o
BlitzCloud (Dec 22, 2005)
put someone closed there for 1 day, and you have a psicho guy when its finished.
vigilante (Dec 22, 2005)
yay for the fruits basket posters! i'm jealous. :<
Nightmare (Dec 23, 2005)
I see them crackers, method. Computer munchies, eh?
kristine (edited Dec 23, 2005)

my corner

my cieling

my tv (while watching the incredibles^^)

my stupid cat :P

stupid computer >_>
squee (edited Dec 23, 2005)
Jesus Christ.. now that's a lot of anime. Soon I shall have a room filled with Jhonen Vasquez's art. One wall for Zim, One wall for Squee, One wall for Nny, The last for HNB. The doors shall be Filler Bunny and the ceiling plain.. :D

for now my room is junked up, with Winnie the Pooh all over the walls. ... Don't ask. Hte only thing anime is those stickers Mai sent me.
Rukia (Dec 23, 2005) room is nowhere near any of you guys T_T *runs in a corner and sobs* I was gonna do wall art in my room this year but somehow I always end up not doing it >.< Meh..
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