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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 6, 2005)
it's just a rough right now, but it will look good when finished |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 15, 2005)
Comes a time when you look back. I remember times before I discovered this site and many many more before it, before the internet at all, and my life had more quality. I spent my time persuing other intrests but I had balance. It seems to me that this has become an addiction, make no mistake, every bit of an addiction as drugs or alcohole ever were. I have a compulsive personality and when I find something I like, I tend to become obsessed and it consumes my thoughts and time. My family, my self image, my quality of life have all suffered as a result. I know how much I disliked it whenever someone would write a note and say goodbye and I swore I would never do that, that if it ever came my time to go I would simply go. And of course there is always the risk of making a fool of yourself by doing this and then comming back. We'll see. A fond farewell to you Marcello, and everyone with whom I've come to know or interact with. Wish me luck.Dan
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 23, 2005)
This fills me with great sadness, but I think I understand it. Your reasons for doing it are just one of the many reasons I have always admired you not just as an artist, but as a man of great character. I hope there will come a time (soon) when you find it comfortable to be here to share your beautiful expressions of art with us. I, for one, am willing to wait patiently to see you here again.
stuartlittle64 (Aug 5, 2005)
I, too, was one who came to your site every day just to see your wonderful art. I loved the diversity, the willingness to try so many types of expression, and always the greatness (and sometime silliness) of your thoughts which accompanied the art. You think deeply, love deeply, and I know you will continue making hard decisions based on your tenacity to endure and improve. You've been there, and you're going on. Bless you on the journey. Your life has made a difference to me. May I give you a standing ovation?
Heartsdomain (Aug 6, 2005)
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
So 5 years ago you wanted to leave. Huh. You've been here friggin long man. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 18, 2005)
Happy now, Dave? :-) *hug*
starmarked (Jul 19, 2005)
Very nice Anna! It's nice to see you draw again too :] The tie is very satin-ish looking. Awesome :]
SimplyX (Aug 7, 2005)
You hooked me up with this picture, the moment I saw the thumbnail. I am now tied (not into knots) but rather can't take my eyes off the lush of its fabric.
laurael (Sep 10, 2005)
Great tie texture, but I like that hook, too.
Jodylicious (Nov 9, 2007)
I like the pop-artish kinda feel to this, the tie has really great texture! ^_^ |
(Jul 16, 2005)
... I do it for you. lol I was listening to Bryan Adams. The little thing on the left there is just crap. If you look at the animation, you'll see that that was the beginning portion of this picture, and it looked like he was demonic or something. I just wanted to include that because I thought it would look something abstract. hehe Meh. The timer's off. I've been doing this for almost 5 hours actually. hehe Had to leave it on while I was at work.
davincipoppalag (Jul 16, 2005)
This is really well done Christy..it does have that done with pencil feel.
Renuar (Jul 16, 2005)
nice technique, i think you done a great job.
kejoco (Sep 28, 2005)
nice job...I like the hatching lookThe little brown thing looks like an alter ego or something
pulmonq2 (Nov 2, 2005)
nope. Turns out you were safe, but yea, I wish there was a way to tell if you were about to go over the limit or not, and not have to worry about whether you can submit it and have room left to come back to it. Sketch has a nice pencil and ink look. And that thing on the left... :S his evil side? |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 14, 2005)
Xodiak (Jul 15, 2005)
Haha, nice! I like how they look into each other's eyes... I like the man's muscles too. Great drawing! >:D|XOD|
davincipoppalag (Jul 15, 2005)
I was sure this was going to be a Crimson King.. nice work here..
HunterKiller_ (Jul 15, 2005)
Yeah i was sure this was Joes... Awesome.
kejoco (Aug 5, 2005)
There is so much depth in his face with minimal shadingnicely done |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 14, 2005)
I really like cats.
kejoco (Jul 15, 2005)
Not sure if they have anything to do with each other but ok...interesting message. good to see anti-smoking, pro-cat people here :l
Xodiak (Jul 15, 2005)
Does this mean that people can smoke cats? >;D|XOD|
ninjapizza (Jul 15, 2005)
to kejoco: no affiliation, i just hate cigarettes and love cats.and to xodiac: please keep lighters matches and all other devices capable of starting flames away from cats. thank u 4 your time. :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
I decided to see if I could draw a mecha. Someone want to make it actually look like... um.. not crap? :D
– latest 4:
hideyourface (Jul 14, 2005)
bah, It's ok. I didn't care much for the original sketch and didn't care what happened to it.back to how it was before i messed it up
learned new things
coloring book style;P
ohwell i will not mess with this ever again-_- |
You get nothing. Just imagine what it would look like colored. Just imagine what would happen if I cared. The universe would be turned backassward. [for chumps]
– latest 4:
Renuar (Jul 14, 2005)
Nice characters. good picture.
kejoco (Jul 14, 2005)
I want some awesome juice!!!
Kasha (Jul 14, 2005)
hahaha, Xod's drink. Wow, this is some work.
SimplyX (Aug 7, 2005)
This is really something. I like the different colors used. Red, green, blue, and yellow, not brown, all my favorite colors. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 12, 2005)
Xodiak (Aug 5, 2005)
Very nice drawing! I like the girl and her hairless head! Xod thinks that she looks very sexy this way! <:)|XOD|
Urei-sama (Aug 6, 2005)
this is brilliant. All your artwork is fantastic
terracotta (Mar 12, 2006)
If this were a painting and I had money I would buy it.
patienceisoverrated (Mar 12, 2006)
This is beautiful. I love the expressions on both the woman and the little blue man. Makes me think he's singing her silly ballad he wrote. It made me smile. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 13, 2005)
i just started drawing w/ mouse after such long time.. =( figured i practice w/ new character and stuff..wha-ever.. =P
Kabomb (Jul 13, 2005)
it's looking good, and you should get used to a mouse again- I went from mouse to tablet (for 6 months) and back to mouse again and had no problems after a little while. But now I'm back on the tablet (hehe that sounds strange) and would prefer a tablet over a mouse.
Menyway (Jul 13, 2005)
hahaha... that is cute!!! Cool pic!!! ^_^
miedel (Jul 13, 2005)
i have a tablet.. =( i can't install the software, however, since i am using another's computer..i will ask her tomorrow if i can install it. it shouldn't take up much ram........ but.. that's like.. 8 hours away.. and she'd probably say no.. so waaahh.. ..ty, menyway =)
kejoco (Jul 13, 2005)
thats actually pretty funny |
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hey sep, if you get any more space add a shine to the blade! make it look like if you touch it ever so slightly you'll get cut! Nice one!! this is brill!!