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Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
In the palm of my hand
(Apr 14, 2005)
A new twist on the space theme
EverDream (Apr 16, 2005)
hey! that's pretty nifty!! =D
geekyshoes (Apr 16, 2005)
wow!liking the concept!very pretty!
Animegirl250 (Apr 29, 2005)
THAT is in the palm of your hand?! YOu lucky son of a...
fleeting_memory (May 16, 2006)
wow-nice concept and even better execution. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
Zack (May 2, 2006)
Very nice, reminds me of DireOnion.
mikron (May 2, 2006)
Really nice stuff :)
Punky (May 2, 2006)
Thanks everybody. :)
woah_pockster (May 10, 2006)
eeeee adorable <:D <333sorry you got sick >_< |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Nov 4, 2005)
So it's me in Gorillaz style! cause Icats said so :] Thinking about adding a background
squee (Nov 10, 2005)
You know kejoco, it's just a comment to help him out in the long shot. That's what critique is about, letting someone know how someone feels about their artwork. That's how critiquing works. Sure no body can get their's just like the gorrillaz, but It was just a pointer and a hint. See what I'm saying? No reason to be so hostile there kejoco. Plus, It wasn't a bad comment hince that I put "But good shot at it." You just missed that part apparently. I'm not saying that mine is better and just like the Gorillaz I was just making a non-hostil, critiquing comment. Got it?
kejoco (edited Nov 10, 2005)
No squee, it would have been a pointer and a hint if you offered advice on how to fix it to make it look more like a gorillaz character.Or if you had said "nice try, it looks good but not quite as it should. I also had trouble with my rendition of a gorillaz character" Cause if this is, as you say "not very gorillazish", then yours is way off the mark as well. But, as I see it, both yours and alones are good versions of yourselves as gorillaz characters. If you are going to criticize, do so with the intention and advice on how to fix it. My hostility is only directed at meaningless, empty criticism
squee (Dec 20, 2005)
Sorry kejoco for not being as literate as you are. I'm sorry if I didn't word my flippin comment right. People make mistakes, no one's perfect. If people don't comment or draw like you think they should then you shouldn't put your nose where it shouldn't be. We all have different ways of commenting. They may mean different things. I mean come on! People shorten up comments and usually people get the picture. This is the internet for crying out loud! No one is definately not going to be perfect at criticism and commenting. You shouldn't go off and about ranting on how people comment. Someone could say you're too literate or something then rant on about that. Cool it down kejoco, and remember that no one is you.
O_O (May 8, 2006)
O_OHow about we just say he tried hard which is all that matters... Geez, must you people get so into it? Just ignore what everyone else says... >>; |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Kloxboy (edited May 7, 2006)
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 20, 2006)
This is me Manga'd. I an full of woe at the moment, and the sun has just set on it. Is there anything I could improve?
Maiko (Mar 20, 2006)
I'm only pointing out the flaws to help you improve :\but I guess you can't take constructive criticism.
kejoco (Mar 20, 2006)
You asked for things you could improve on...Is there anything I could improve?Maiko responded with things that needed to be improved. If you didn't want that, don't ask.
dietsoda (Mar 25, 2006)
Cool background... it looks the the sun setting on the prairy or something. I've never been to a so called "prairy" but thats what I imagine it would look like. The girl looks very expressive and shows great emotion.
Tai_Chi (May 7, 2006)
Thank you VERY much dietsoda!! ????? |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Apr 19, 2005)
Ewwww ...shuddder....
Queen_Asheer5600 (Oct 1, 2005)
Ah the Black Widow, one of the true beauties of the spider kingdom (Aside from the Yellow, Black and White orb webs I have here) yet one of the most deadly. I am a true fan of spiders, mainly because they are very interesting. Just never bring a Brown Recluse or Wolf Spider near me *shudders* I will freak out then >_<Wonderful work :D keep up the great work *claps*
ShePaintsWithBlood (Oct 22, 2005)
What an amazing beautiful creature. She is absolutely stunning. Lovely job and this is a view of her underside even which is perfect. The limb structure is very real. I have quite a few about and in the house so I get a chance to admire them often and must say this is very real.
davincipoppalag (Oct 22, 2005)
You have them in the house and admire them??? I would be 300 miles away if I had those! hehehe Thanks..
Sweetcell (edited May 5, 2006)
Just came to your gallery to find this piece. She's absolutely beautiful, I really have no trouble with spiders. If ones in the tub I make sure and scoop it out and place it safely back on the ground. (I know I know I'm nuts) And one time I spent hours watching a spider make it's way across one side of my fence to the other on this long spider line. It was mezmerising to watch. If I could I'd have a Turantula as a pet. (but my cats would eat it.) I am so in love with that hourglass. They are the beauties of the spider world. (though not the most dangerous.) One of my favorite of yours Poppa.Oh, forgot to mention those are amazing webs. |
(Apr 18, 2006)
Magic reference:http://www.deviantart.com/view/32029668/ :D EDIT! Let's play something: Identify the songs! >:)
Deino (Apr 23, 2006)
Thanks Deadly! *jumps of joy*
comd (Apr 23, 2006)
Fantastic realism - that's awesome.
tandrew971 (May 5, 2006)
i really like the reflection in the sunglasses, and the face is great
Deino (May 5, 2006)
Thanks Comd and Tandrew :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Apr 30, 2006)
Lol, some goof in the dark.
staci (Apr 30, 2006)
oh beautimous. beautimous indeed. he looks chillaxed. ;)
kejoco (Apr 30, 2006)
reminds me of freddy kruger
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 30, 2006)
It looks like he's trying to sneak a peek at something he is NOT supposed to be looking at. Busted!
davincipoppalag (Apr 30, 2006)
What, < you said to say it, so I said it. Another great looking Cloxhead in forty four minutes |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 5, 2006)
i wanted it less that 20mins but im such a goddamn perfectionist
kejoco (Jan 5, 2006)
Looks awesome...only thing that stands out to me that doesn't seem to work with the rest of your drawing is the belly button other than that, extremely cool
frootcake (Jan 5, 2006)
shh dont point that out or else everyone will stare at it. i'm out o space, so i can't fix it :(
SimplyX (Apr 28, 2006)
this is great!!!! i always wondered what's the end of the rainbow. :)
Sweetcell (Apr 28, 2006)
Psychedelic, maybe this is what a person on acid sees. Great emotion in this. Very Axilish. |
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(Apr 25, 2006)
Trying to get Shi-Painter like strokes...it's almost there.
Anna (Apr 26, 2006)
The lighting on the side of his face is so great.
kejoco (edited Apr 27, 2006)
Looks like Agent Smith HulkThat would be a crazy cross over comic for you. Imagine Neo fighting off a bunch of Agent Smith Hulk clones He would get is ass whomped
Kloxboy (Apr 27, 2006)
Haha, interesting concept Kejoco. I'd see that movie, couldn't be much worse than the original Hulk movie.
Gemmy619 (Apr 27, 2006)
Whoa that was weird, i was looking at this drawing and only saw the green then all of a sudden the red bits just kinda popped out at me.... (maybe im still half asleep or it could be a lil hangover from last night) it gives a really great effect to it though :) |
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