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Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (Oct 12, 2003)
first that dude was getting shot...then on a whim i put in a little nekojiru cat and it no longer made i added squishface...and realized that the dude looked kind of like shinji so i gave him brown hair.
1 comment – latest 2:
joe_shmo (Oct 12, 2003)
finish please......good job
taori (Oct 12, 2003)
drawn in 34 min
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
tanman and joe_shmo (Sep 30, 2003)
wel this is my first pic on this site and the first time ive used this program. i made thuis at joe_shmo's house i dont have a the internet so it may be a while before i can finish it.
4 comments – latest 4:
ryanator (Sep 30, 2003)
wow tanman i love you
*pssssst its ryan i really do knoe you in real life---OMG!
joe_shmo (Sep 30, 2003)
yay thats amasing?
marcello (Sep 30, 2003)
it's a pretty unl33t pic 10000, I'm disappointed. someone should collab-hijack it
joe_shmo (Oct 12, 2003)
drawn in 32 min
hurray for cheesy backrounds !!!!!!! yay!
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zappo (Oct 12, 2003)
Not my own original Idea...I took it off of a CD cover i got.
9 comments – latest 4:
joe_shmo (Oct 12, 2003)
i love death cab they are awsome! good pic looks just like it
nyao (Oct 14, 2003)
oooo... birdie... lookz so real! and i luv how the strings are put. ^^
twiztedgirl (Nov 18, 2003)
i love ur drawing thanx for showing me this website
alwaysLearning (Feb 16, 2004)
Ooh, this piece is nice! I agree with tigr3ss - the raven is very effective, despite some anatomical flaws - this piece was good enough to catch my eye from your user gallery, as I was browsing your work. I admit that I'm rather fond of ravens to start with, but this piece is good! Nice use of environmental imagery to practise with - I prefer not to see artists stick with copying other people's work, but I can see why you'd want to try your hand at this piece -- and it's really nicely rendered. :) I'd love to learn more about some of the techniques you're using. :)
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
joe_shmo (Oct 8, 2003)
just another icon comment if you wish
2 comments – latest 2:
Zinc (Oct 8, 2003)
Messy, but skulls are good.
joe_shmo (Oct 8, 2003)
i was going for the messy look thing but yes skuls are good
drawn in 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Hakkai (Oct 7, 2003)
Eee~ hee hee! This is how I take notes.. some of the time. -shrugs-

Naaah~ I take good notes.. with little doodles in the blank spaces. Nothing with 'Lub Jo0!' or 'He gave me a hug!' in it. n__n;
10 comments – latest 4:
joe_shmo (Oct 11, 2003)
hey is that "squee~!" as in the magic card squee
Wolfheart (Oct 12, 2003)
lmao...looks just like my notebook during class >>; and paper and writing looks real!
nyao (Nov 12, 2003)
wah.... it lookz really real!! I think it's really cool! ^^
The_Chosen (Jul 30, 2004)
looks almost as bad as my notes lol ^^
drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 6, 2003)
Okie, I want this to be my user icon. It's me, sort of. But I can't color it right. Because I never colored anything that wasn't in a coloring book before I came to 2draw. So it would be really spiffy if someone else could maybe color it good for me. I've never collabed before. Please msg or post, as most people say. Thanks!
6 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (edited Oct 7, 2003)
drawn in 41 min
Methinks I like it. It looks better smaller anyways, so that's good. lol. Thanks anyways. :D
--I've never used the burn tool, and mostly I was just sick of it and I wanted it done.
--Thanks, and I totally agree it looks better smaller. Not my best, that's for sure. nyah!
Fin_beast (Oct 7, 2003)
looks good! but next time, try and use different colours for the tones instead of just the burn tool.
marcello (Oct 7, 2003)
the icon sized version looks cool, can't say the actual size one is too great.
ShadowKitten (Oct 7, 2003)
random comment but i think this is the 4800th post on the bigginer forum
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
joe_shmo (Oct 6, 2003)
well its a quick pic for the specialty boards ......i need more time to work on drawering>_>

====comments? please?====
2 comments – latest 2:
Zinc (edited Oct 7, 2003)
A) Head is deformed.
B) Picture is messy in general.
C) I don't understand the picture?

But this is all anyone can expect for 11 minutes. ;x

Edit: Thanks for the explanation. ;p
joe_shmo (Oct 7, 2003)
well i know the head is deformed and he is furios cause' the sign says "new rule, school 365 days a year" i dunno its not all that great (at all)
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
mazi (Oct 6, 2003)
this really pissed me off. -_- i have nothing against christians in general, just some are downright bigots. -_-

ok just to prove that i dont want to argue this entry is locked. go argue elsewhere. -_- im sick of hearing it.
15 comments – latest 4:
supermonkey (Oct 7, 2003)

I'm kinda torn about this subject.
I'm a Christian, but I really have nothing against homosexuals. I do think it's wrong, in a way, but if a person chooses to be like that, let them be. I still think that Phelps is a dick....And to put this monument in a city park is bullshit. I'd pee on it too, if I was a guy :/
Nice pic by the way. I'm luvin tha haiir.
Fin_beast (edited Oct 7, 2003)
I agree with Hakkai....
"Piss on their shoes! Crap in their mouths! Etc etc etc."
Phelps!?? Fuck that dick! I mean what a twat!
I dont really agree with gays.....It's a, but there is deffinatly no need for that stuff!
I was brought up to belive in god but I still dont belive in it.
I don't see how god can be possible.
Look at all these people dieing and shit in 3rd world country's! What's he doing for them?
All these people who need help around the world? ay! Whats he doing for them?
hmmmmm......*strokes his chin and raises and eyebrow*
Boo (Oct 7, 2003)
I would like to point out for a start that this is a drawing website and not a mass-debating posse where we debate about topical controversial issues. Some of the comments ive read this evening made me sick! I'm christian so fuckin what! I have a few friends who are gay and other ways inclined, so what? Just coz im christian doesnt give me the right to say its wrong, i have no problem with it at all, i actually couldnt b hap[pier for them atleats theyre not pretending to be someone theyre not! You people that have made comments on here from some moral high ground coz your christians and dont believe in it and think homosexuals are wrong etc etc should be damn right ashamed of yourselves, a religion doesnt give you an excuse to persecute or hold prejudices! that my dear friend is being very unchristian! So get your head dislodged out fo your ass, take a look around, see no ones impressed by your opinion and live in the real world and start being a real christian and excepting people for who they are!
method3 (Oct 7, 2003)
I must say, if you're a chick and you can pee standing up like that, you got some mad pissing skillz.

On a side note, on one Purity test that more than something like several thousands of people have taken, the majority of people who have spat on someone else for any reason also happen to be Christian. Coincidence?
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
NETO (Oct 5, 2003)
Finished finaly PLS tell me your comments , she is walking on a bridge and got impressed when she saw the bathhouse
11 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 6, 2003)
Those clouds are very cool! Very bright, nice piccy.
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Oct 8, 2003)
I seriously envy your talent

You have seen the movie? I have Its fantastic -^o^-
NETO (Oct 8, 2003)
thanks, yes i have seen the movie, i am a fan of Miyazaki's movies specialy Nausicaa and princess Mononoke
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 17, 2003) young-ness thing.....I think it's too big....just a thought.
drawn in 4 hours 39 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
the pressure sensitiveity
joe_shmo (Oct 4, 2003)
in Lascaux Sketch v0.672 the pressure senseitiveity works fine but wheni go into shi-painter it has only worked once, i have looked at all the requirements and it wont work
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