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Public Boards/Advanced 
davincipoppalag (May 2, 2004)
This sucked the life from me.....
16 comments – latest 4:
dixielandcutie (May 10, 2004)
DAVIN!!!! omg omg omg omg....i love yoooooou, this is beautiful!! so givin out any rides??? *hops up and down*
Lois_Lion (May 10, 2004)
Cool pic Poppa : ) I find cars just about impossible to draw,so I appreciate this one even more.
LovelyLori (May 11, 2004)
I can so relate to a pic "sucking the life" outta someone....
Justin_Sane (May 13, 2004)
Lovely pic Poppa ,well drawn.......In one of my fav colours too.....:)
drawn in 3 hours 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
LovelyLori (May 10, 2004)
ok, I realize there a couple little imperfections left to fix, but my chest actually hurts from smoking so much while I did this! I have more space, so will do the touching up later.... hope everyone likes this!!!! :)
40 comments – latest 4:
laurael (May 12, 2004)
I think that's what they were talking about the 'unbalanced'. I think you did an awesome job and if you leave it alone, it is still beautifully done.
LovelyLori (May 12, 2004)
I have five or six things I'd like to fix, but for now I need to stay away from this one, until she recovers from all the things I said to her... lol
laurael (May 12, 2004)
Lmao...that was the best laugh I had all day...(bet ya called her a few choice names and then some...)
Aubrey (May 13, 2004)
Lovely picture Miss Lovely, livin up to your name! :-D
drawn in 8 hours 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
dixielandcutie (May 6, 2004)
hehe...thought i'd jump on the greyscale bandwagon...all you masters out there...yea, you know who i'm talkin bout...and even anyone with eyes ;p any c&c very appreciated!
28 comments – latest 4:
laurael (May 8, 2004)
Wow, dixie! You rocked with this...what an awesome job you did! You're getting quite good at learning how to use the tools! :)
dixielandcutie (May 8, 2004)
thanks for the kind words yall :) just hope to keep learning
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 13, 2004)
Awww.... this is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol The baby's like: "Woahhh....." lol aww the baby's first words.. XD
Zack (Jul 13, 2004)
Gah! I thought I had commented on this already a long time ago. Now I must slap myself.

Okay, that being done, I must say this is fantastic, Dixie. The subject is great (I chuckle every time I see your user icon) and you did a wonderful job capturing the expression and blending the skin tones. Bravo!
drawn in 3 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
DMV (May 7, 2004)
Bad tweety!!!!
7 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004) THAT's a scary concept! Gotta do Sylvester now..and see whats under him!
sal (May 7, 2004)
wow... v. cool... nice pic dmv...
emmamommalag (May 7, 2004)
Eeeek! This is really scary.
DMV (May 7, 2004)
Thanks all:) I saw this poster before so i just thought I'd try it lol!
drawn in 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (May 7, 2004)
Yeah I know not intermediate!
2 comments – latest 2:
dixielandcutie (May 7, 2004)
oh thats a cool idea!!! those are some scary lookin eyes
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004)
Who says so?? I think its great!
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 4, 2004)
Come on baby, let's do the twist (er) (Tornado in a circa 1950's neighborhood :)
20 comments – latest 4:
Soshell (May 9, 2004)
hey i was doing the twist last night at my mom and stepdad's reception last night :D..but seriously cool picture :) i like those cars it looks like the pic is set in the fifties (they did the twist back then right?)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 9, 2004)
Well, yeah, actually this is kind of early sixties I guess. They were twisting then and twisting again in the 60's. I was born in the mid 60's so alot of these cars were still driving around when I was little and I have always loved them. :)
thug (May 12, 2004)
this is my favorite of your most recent art. That looks just like the neighborhood I lived in until I turned 3. We go back there sometimes and it still looks like this, only without the classic cars. Never got a tornado but my dad burned up the back yard accidently once. Ahhh, reminiscing about the good old days... I can still feel the ashes burning my eyes.
cod25 (May 25, 2004)
cindy you a genies you such a good drawer plz talk back
drawn in 11 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
DMV (May 6, 2004)
Kinda like a dream...
4 comments – latest 4:
Supergurl103 (May 6, 2004)
very trapped, dmv, nice work of art ;)
SaheraNights (May 6, 2004)
thats how i feel
dixielandcutie (May 6, 2004)
hehe...*hold up key* you wannnnnnt it? ;p
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004)
Wow D.. I like that double exposure effect, it gives motion to him.. This one is good!
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Hedwiga (May 6, 2004)
who wrote holden caulfield?
2 comments – latest 2:
dixielandcutie (May 6, 2004)
you mean the catcher in the rye dude?
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004)
Wasn't that J. D. Salinger? This is an interesting face Hed. The way you used the colors it looks a bit like a serigraph..(spelling?) Very interesting draw.
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (May 6, 2004)
2 comments – latest 2:
dixielandcutie (May 6, 2004)
hehe, toooo funny! he's lookin buff!
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004)
Lol how did you draw, flex, and look in the mirror at the same time D?
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (May 6, 2004)
This is Sam. Sam says hello.
28 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 7, 2004)
Lmao... this is the greeter at our local Walmart!!!
Knockoff (May 7, 2004)
LOL. Thats awesome, looks like someone cut his face out of a magazine and drew his body. What an awesome idea axil!
shdajl (May 7, 2004)
I thought Sam was a plumber
shell (Mar 1, 2011)
But I don't like green eggs and ham, I don't like them Sam-I-am.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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