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Public Boards/Beginner 
buffaww (Dec 15, 2021)
yeah chickensmoothie cut me out,cuz i made and saved big pictures i cannot log into--THANK YOU NEWEGG ELECTRONICS!!AND MICROSOFT!!!MICROSOFT F---- ING EVERY PASSWOERD AND PIECE OF ART I EVER HAD!!!WITH YOUR FFFINGS UPGREADE UPDATES!!!I HOPE someone in Hades has a special dept. for the makers of Microsoft!!
2 comments – latest 4:
buffaww (Dec 21, 2021)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
ok more!!
buffaww (Dec 22, 2021)
drawn in 1 hour 12 min
not fin!!
buffaww (Dec 24, 2021)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
not finished yet
McKellsen (Dec 27, 2021)
This is mesmerizing! Wow!
drawn in 2 days 4 hours with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 23, 2021)
nope Norton following me around,bugging me,after i rejected them--screw em!!
2 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 23, 2021)
so far this reminds me of a coffee table top we had back in the 60s
buffaww (Nov 24, 2021)
drawn in 32 min
not fin
buffaww (Nov 25, 2021)
drawn in 15 min
davincipoppalag (Nov 26, 2021)
my coffee table disappeared hehehe happy thanksgiving
drawn in 1 hour 51 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 17, 2021)
YES your irs CAN NOW GO INTO YOUR BANK AND MAKE YOU GET TAXED OVER AS MUCH AS $600. OR $10,000 IN ONE YEAR,AND whammo!!!THE IRS HAS YOU BY THE BALLS RIGHT IN YOUR BANK!!!THIS badly made and horribely illegal law is "supposed"to catch billionaires and millionaires escaping taxes--but experts say the IRS SOFTWARE is now tuned to get in your bank acct. if you spend or have that $10,000. that is not wages,.or otyher things---they can now tax your abuela if she buys a $800. washer or dryer.--Or people who are in "special needs trust"who can't get any other medical except Medicare--disabled,mentally ill,and old ladies.--Yes,those tax lawyers will be working at all our our expense over time; and you'll wish OsaMA bIN lADEN WAS THE HEAD OF THE irs INSTEAD.--he might at least be a little more merciful,or would at least say,"ALLAH BE MERCIFUL!"There is something to be said for all religions.--They remind us thjat we are all poor,even in the USA,and the IRS denies that,with this illegal unconstitutional new "Biden Decree".and yes, it won't catch those billionaires.WHO'S KIDDING WHO??WE'RE NOT THAT STUPID, BIDEN!!!
1 comment – latest 1:
davincipoppalag (Nov 17, 2021)
Guess you gotta go back to stashin your cash in your mattress
drawn in 36 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 16, 2021)
iT IS TRUE that the richer and more lavish the country is,the worse that country will fall to thieves,politicians,liars and perverts.(Look at Pres.Clinton).Its a hard thruth to handle.The only thing the citizens can do,is to hang onto all their arms and make sure they know how to use them.Because their sordid leaders will make that necessary.--It is true this dimension is what the Chabad call "The Brutal World."(They believe in higher dimensions than this,)Whatever you believe,for most of us life is hard,cruel and an ongoing struggle.If that's not true of you,you are lucky.Most of the people in the world have to do this.Americans were just smart to take their own land,and before this manage to hang onto it.and have better lives than most.But we grew spoiled and weak,and other countries made sure they grew tough and more agressive than a Madonna video.hah. ---Its just the way of the world,and we old people know this.So if you think i would wish for immortality, you got the WRONG PERSON. HAH HAH. ;)
1 comment – latest 1:
davincipoppalag (Nov 16, 2021)
Ill tell ya this.. I would give em all I have if they would only stop running those
goddamned ads for medicare advantage plans....UGH
drawn in 3 hours 5 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 14, 2021)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 15, 2021)
It must be the aliens
buffaww (Nov 16, 2021)
They are all blaming each other.OH you do know that the IRS is going to invade everyone's bank accts and double tax them?Biden administraTION IS DOING THIS.YES.Now if you have a bank acct of $600. or more,the IRS is going into your bank acct, invading it, and taxing it--even though we already have been taxed,THIS IS ILLEGAL.REALLY ILLEGAL.The banks can't stop them.--The banks already know this.WELL, ITS NOT OUR COUNTRY ANYMORE.We can't even have our own baNK ACCTS ANY MORE!!the fed govt and the irs own our money.AMERICA IS OVER.WHOEVER BIDEN AND HARRIS BELONG TO, they are the NEW COMMUNIST-FASCIST GOVT. This is no longer a democracy or a republic, it is a communist-fascist empire.--NO ONE can obey the laws.Everyone will have to go underground and break all the fed.govt. laws.--And don't think the very rich will have to obey this.If you doubt this, go online and go to a lot of news websites that have this;I found it on my android right on Google.This is NOT ON TV NEWS.TV NEWS IS ALL CENSORED. iT IS ON "nEW $600. BANK ACCT. TAX LAWS"--OR "NEW IRS LAWS INVADE YOUR BANK ACCTS TO TAX THEM." it is real. --unlike Biden and Harris, who are "dummy-puppets of Fascist-hidden powers."--You will now have NO CONTROL OVER ANYTHING IN YOUR BANK.--OR YOUR TAXES.--NOT UNLESS you are filthy rich or related to Biden.
buffaww (edited Nov 17, 2021)
YES they are only backing down a little.They are not letting go of the basic NEW IRS LAWS.--BIDEN IS NOT GETTING RID OF IT.If your abuela spends that $10.000. in one year,on her house repairs,that IRS will still get riffed to her,via its computer software,--automatically.The bad thing is "software automatically goes DING--"iT DOES NOT HAVE MERCY OR WIT,OR INTELLIGENCE--It gets you,and that is the result of the new law.BILLIONAIRES can have software made so their money never goes--DING!!--Cause their wealth always allows them to buy off IRS off spftware makers,or buy off the whol;e bleedin FED GOVT. yOU AND I will always be the little guys who can't get away.If you don't beieve that,I had "a trainINg job"where I made $100. a month,and the IRS NICKED ME FOR TAXES ON IT.--i was small fry,they could always get us low earners; ajd I know very poor people who work,in Michigan,barely stay alive,and they get heavily taxewd over every penny they make.--cause they are helpless, so the IRS GETS THEM ALL THE TIME.They have to eat cereal for dinner.---and still pay fyyyking taxes!!!
You think it will get worse?yeah its going t0o get much worse.A lot of people think we are heading for Civil War.8.4 million new gun owners in one year say it will come.--that many new,in one year!!EVERYONE is arming themselves.--ammo makers ARE TURNING IT OUT.nEW HANDGUNS ARE NOw invented for the old hand and disabled folk.--Go online and see the huge new websites of the NRA--THEY HAVE MILLIONS OF NEW MEMBERS.--EVEN WE OLD PEOPLE DO IT.--PEOPLE IN WHEELCHAIRS .not jokinmg!!! .>:( MOI!!---AND LITTLE KIDS especially in the Southern states.--they get taught how to safely not hurt themselves if they see a gun.--or they are taught how to use one for huntinmg.I'm NOT ABLE to take lessons here,my feet have broken toes.--My toes need to heal up--or i'd be learning to aim as we speak.
drawn in 12 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 3, 2021)
1 comment – latest 3:
buffaww (Nov 14, 2021)
drawn in 22 min
buffaww (Nov 14, 2021)
drawn in 45 min
ENDLESS PLAIDS--or maybe checks
davincipoppalag (Nov 14, 2021)
its actually kinda cool
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 8, 2021)
1 comment – latest 2:
buffaww (Nov 14, 2021)
drawn in 18 min
peacehealth hospital system in pacific northwest!!! TERRIBLE DUMMYS!!!
davincipoppalag (Nov 14, 2021)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Sep 28, 2021)
4 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Sep 28, 2021)
davincipoppalag (Sep 28, 2021)
Now thats just cool
buffaww (Nov 3, 2021)
thanks but i hate getting old heh.
davincipoppalag (Nov 4, 2021)
me too.. but. it beats the alternative
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (May 23, 2021)
The website "Pencil Madness"is a great fun art site,but every time I'm there doing a drawleing,it goes "NO MEMORY'and I lose it all.Is a draeleibg. Going "NO MEMORY' IS WHO'S FAULT?THE BROWSER?THE SITE?THE BROADBAND? THE ???,,,WHY?too many people on the site?Xfinity Comcast has lousy broadband?
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 23, 2021)
It's the CIA they like to upset you
buffaww (Jun 15, 2021)
It's wierd cause I think this is, "Pencil Madness" ,the only site that says "no memory. "That tells me it must have something to do with the site itself. Or the newer browsers do it.
davincipoppalag (Jun 15, 2021)
It never did that to me.. I think it has a limit for each pic maybe..and when you exceed gives you the No Memory thing...all I can think of
buffaww (Jul 2, 2021)
Thanks,davinci, it probably does have memory limits;heck it has to do LOTS OF ART.I'M also considering "side work"in my retrement.I used to do a lot of casual portraits and where I live is "gentrified."So I'll try to advertise to do portraits of people locally, even PETS ,DOGS HAH HAH.JUST FOR A LITTLE MONEY,FOR FUN. People get their pets painted, now.that sounds interesting. I can do them on the 'puter,take it to printer,have the portrait printed out.A good printer I gotta find.BUT IT WOULD BE FUN.:-D:-D 👵👵😎🎇:/😂:/:-():-():-()🌎🌎⛪⛪🌅🌤🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌫HOT HERE!!!!🌫🌫🌫🌫🌫
drawn in 18 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Mar 15, 2021)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2021)
living inside a prism... cool
buffaww (Mar 30, 2021)
Thanks,I still don't know exactly what the prisms will do.IF you just use them for background they're still beautiful.BUT DESIGNING with them Is tempting.(You guys know about""?I think that's the website,I recommend fooling with THAT,IT IS GREAT FOR STRANGE TOOLS THAT DESIGN.we could always leave a link to have communication.BUT these tools here are great.:)
davincipoppalag (Mar 30, 2021)
ya I love Lascaux classic
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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