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Public Boards/Beginner 
buffaww (14 days ago)
"YES ITS BEEN YEARS; AND I don't have same email!"please give message to Fearsome Oekaki,whom does not have current head to email,old member needs to login!"---my fiend friend needs this ad,cause Fearsome is hard to get in contact with,after years,"doreet" has not got password nor old email to update.sigh--so I', assigned to give them this message(wouldn't you think there's be an international oekaki chatroom for ALL OF THEM?OH NO, nope.Please someone ask "Fearsome" to get me my new email, she'll give it here.(I think I got email,or connect,here? Yes,the most I can do for "doreet."sigh.So much for old oekakis from long ago.thank you.
drawn in 2 hours 45 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Nov 28, 2024)
will not work to get fin work!!!!!ok it probably is too much data in one pict for the site,or I was revising and using equipment wrongly.--I need to find good tutorial for this site and chickenpaint;THE RULES. I am a sloppy person,and often just IGNORE RULES.--Which gets me in tons of trouble.--I just figure things out,no matter what it is,cause I'm pretty smart.--Did that with computers too.--"HOW do I do that?ok lets try this!" and recently murdered my whole computer memory, dumped it by accident; destroyed my computer! fortunately my insurance paid to re-do a whole new memory,I had all stuff saved,--So I was ok.Whew--would have been $400. to re-instate all of Windows--my insurance paid for it.Without :"Geek Squad"repair co. i'd be a dead computer-user several times over.--I "fool around"too much.---thank you! :)
2 comments – latest 4:
buffaww (Jan 20, 2025)
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
beautiful lace!!
buffaww (Jan 25, 2025)
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
madscientist111 (Jan 30, 2025)
elly (Jan 30, 2025)
I need alot of updates and clean outs on my pc but I'm so scared of screwing something up!! So I just do the bare minimum I do know how to do and so far I'm still This draw is so fun and colorful!!
drawn in 1 day 13 hours with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
buffaww (Jan 20, 2025)
sorry the paintings not so good
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
buffaww (Jan 3, 2025)
I was thinking aboout the news and how mean some oekakis can be
1 comment – latest 1:
elly (Jan 4, 2025)
Sad, bad world we live in. Thank God for art!!
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Dec 30, 2024)
YEAH keep telling yourself this!
drawn in 38 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
buffaww (Dec 30, 2024)
S0methong went wrong woth the textures on the blue suit and when I moved the pictures it was like the watecolors RAN OR SOMETHING--A;L the blue ran and tirned into brown;maybe I left tje shading 0n tpoo long and it moved and screwed up.These textures are not dependable.--You cannot trust them to stay on the [pictiure and the mechanism ran or changed. ok our military sucksAnd you can't trust them to protect us from enemy drones.Fing govt. military is incompetent!
1 comment – latest 1:
elly (Dec 31, 2024)
Not sure why you're having issues on chicken paint, layers maybe? But, I love your cartoons!! Always well drawn!
drawn in 5 hours 23 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
buffaww (Dec 19, 2024)
(ANYONE MAY COPY THIS CARD DESIGN,FOR PERSONAL USE)well its messy but it was hard just to accurately do the "center" just not w/my computer injuries and pain owww.Very tough--but I wanted the "mystical" intentionally part of Chanukah to be there'and the red part since Chanukak was a military victory in history.---Blood red.---But I admit this was very crude I'm old,not a young person very skilled in these tools---long ago we used real black ink and real paint,but mu body was better able to do that.I'm not good any more.You young people have it easy, just "flip the erase."wow erase painnt and ink! HAHA! OUCH.I'm not excusing my bad control and bad work, just EXPLAINING IT. I have to go do a real birthday card tonight on real paper,eigh---oh and I'm using fabric paint probably on fabrich or hard draw paper---fun.It used to be fun!

I hate computers sigh---we did more with LESS.I still like the old ways better---but this LETTERING IS GREAT! GREAT LETTERING! HAPPY CHANUKAH!!
drawn in 31 min with Kleki
buffaww (Dec 18, 2024)
2 comments – latest 2:
elly (Dec 19, 2024)
Oh so colorful!!!
dingaling (Dec 21, 2024)
you must've strained your eyes quite a bit to do this one! trippeh....
drawn in 2 hours 18 min with Chicken Paint
buffaww (Sep 12, 2024)
THIS IS ALMOST FINISHED---I really have invented a new kind of cartooning on the computer;its called the "Climate Change Rage!!!"cause you're shot with pain from computer use,ouwwww!!!your back is killing,your chiropractor just says "Stretch more!!"when he should say,"throw out your computer its killing you!!!this type of cartoon-painting is available to be sold(prints)in high-priced fashionable gallery,(haha) and also becauae its a sour truth;Your galaxy A 14 is not a phone!! you need to get a real phone! this piece of advertising junk is barely useable---you can hardly use it to phone!Piece of "Flip" Junk.
1 comment – latest 2:
gauzestromboli (Sep 27, 2024)
I like the vibrance!
buffaww (edited Sep 29, 2024)
drawn in 21 min
POST THIS ON YOUR DESK:(IF you fell the same way)
drawn in 4 hours 16 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
buffaww (Sep 12, 2024)
unfin. quilt too much for dry eyes
2 comments – latest 2:
elly (Sep 29, 2024)
This is so pretty! Love the colors and texture! Welcome to 2D!
madscientist111 (Dec 19, 2024)
Lovely. Makes me think of my mom's quilts.
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Chicken Paint
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