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Public Boards/Intermediate 
kik (Feb 1, 2025)
4 comments – latest 4:
bitbof (Feb 2, 2025)
kik (Feb 2, 2025)
luv2 (Feb 3, 2025)
fab so far!
elly (Feb 4, 2025)
Oh this is nice!! Lovin the details!! Great work!
drawn in 3 hours 22 min with Kleki
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
buffaww (Dec 14, 2023)
Hello0 everyone; I just got advice from a technical person at"Best Buy"that I should buy an I-Pad to draw and paint on online computer websites like and Pencil Madness,and (Im a member of has great software why would I want Photoshop?They said PS is really an art and photo graphic software.But you hook it up to your PRINTER.I GAVE UP ON HOME PRINTERS,the inkjet was lousy,tricky,expensive; then my black/white laser printer waas good but conked out.Home printer...
1 comment
Kleki Petition: Symmetry
PlainJerzel (Oct 25, 2023)
If you want Kleki to add symmetry respond here with "KLEKIKELK" KLEKIKELK
Main Forums/ 
52Hertz (edited Aug 19, 2024)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
TheCrimsonKing (Aug 12, 2023)
It should've been the 20min mark to cut this off, but I just kept going.
3 comments – latest 3:
bitbof (Aug 12, 2023)
should be rated appropriately
RUSSIANFOXX (Aug 12, 2023)
true. but nice anatomy tho.
Kloxboy (Aug 12, 2023)
Cute eyes. ( o )( o )
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
dingaling (May 8, 2023)
I'm sorry to have to tell you all but Dave passed away last night. I will miss him forever but he's not suffering anymore.
lil error
croweatrosze (Apr 16, 2023)
Hi, i have this error when trying to upload a drawing that won't let me upload it, so i usually end up losing work. Does anyone else have/get this? And can it be fixed?
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Mar 2, 2023)
after bruno walpoth
8 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Mar 6, 2023)
Excellent. Nice work.
elly (Mar 7, 2023)
Unique and beautiful piece!
Rosemary (Mar 8, 2023)
Oh wow I love this.. beautiful work!
luv2 (Mar 9, 2023)
Okay, I didn't know this artist, I looked up his work, and you captured his art wonderfully!. Fantastic!
drawn in 5 hours 48 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
yellow.nutella (Feb 7, 2023)
Tips and critiques are forever welcome, please comment on where and how I can improve, I sincerely appreciate it.
9 comments – latest 4:
yellow.nutella (edited Feb 14, 2023)
Thanks guys! It means a lot to get feedback.
@luv2 I am keeping the dots jaja. I like them and was recently watching Puss in Boots and their amazing, scratchy animation. I fell in love. Not to mention I also adore Spider-man into the Spider-verse and their equally, if not, more scratchy smear-frame, animation and not to mention those juicy lines they add on top of the 3-D models. Just, ah, chef's kiss. I like the dither. And I'm a sucker for animation. I lean more towards that than realism, so adding the half-tones is a little of my touch.

@bitbof I have watched a few videos and they encourage references with good, contrasting lighting for drawing portraits (and many things, for that matter), I thought this was a great time to put that info into use.
I did zoom out quite often, but I agree, the tone for her chest area was not a perfect match. The expression, oof. It wasn't until my family member pointed out that her face was tilted and open-mouthed. But I was too tired and too lazy to alter it. Jejeje. Since I didn't get the tilt and positioning of her face in my initial sketch, I feel like it did affect the draping and expression in the end. I do acknowledge that the end product doesn't carry what the referenced did. I did spend more time in the face, I was just too excited!
Nonetheless, I had a good time drawing this, I learned a lot. To be honest, I just wanted to see if I could draw a face that make people say, "Yep, that's a person."
shults (Feb 18, 2023)
Very nice :)
susu (Feb 24, 2023)
Excuse me mrs. nutella, but what technique/ tools do you use for shading in kleki?
yellow.nutella (Feb 25, 2023)
@susu, I normally go in with flats and block out each part with hard shadows and highlights. Once I get a good idea of how and where the light hits, and where it doesn't, I use the airbrush (the one next to the first brush, because I don't now what else to call it) and change its setting to 100% opacity and blending to 100% as well.
I set it to 100% for opacity because I do own an apple pencil, which supports pressure sensitivity, but if you don't, I suggest 60% or lower so the blending doesn't overboard. Then I see how it looks like compared to my reference and add or remove the highlight/shadow with my mid-tone with the first brush set to low opacity and the square nib. I repeat the process until I am satisfied or rage-quit. I hope this helps!
drawn in 6 hours 35 min with Kleki
Rosemary (Sep 9, 2022)
its such a sad time here in the UK...
4 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Sep 9, 2022)
Shoooot. Beautiful drawing
madscientist111 (Sep 10, 2022)
bitbof (Sep 12, 2022)
Crazy to think only 230 years ago France still had a monarchy. I can't imagine having one.
Kloxboy (Sep 14, 2022)
She was cute back in the day, no denying that. You can see it here. Nice work. 👍
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Kleki
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