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Public Boards/Advanced 
Artiste (Jan 31, 2006)
29 comments – latest 4:
iulia_elena (Sep 27, 2009)
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
awesome stuff
Teapot (May 25, 2010)
Happy 69th Birthday, Mr. Zimmerman.
davincipoppalag (Oct 16, 2019)
Still good stuff
drawn in 4 hours 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Anna (Oct 22, 2004)
34 comments – latest 4:
Slim (Nov 30, 2005)
awsome like how the light reflects on the bear
backmagicwoman (Aug 12, 2007)
This is completely amazing. i am most inspired.
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 25, 2009)
Yep,wonderful study of light and color,great bear.
davincipoppalag (Aug 6, 2019)
still swimmin
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
TheCrimsonKing and theusualsteve (Feb 2, 2010)
We certainly tried. Things happen, I'm sure you understand...
8 comments – latest 4:
wolfchr1 (Apr 23, 2010)
this is breathtaking...beautiful work you two
madscientist (Apr 23, 2010)
Your work is wonderful!:))
hilome (Feb 16, 2012)
Nice figure, eyes are beautiful, Lips are pretty I LOVE IT@!
davincipoppalag (May 21, 2019)
such a beautiful face
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 5 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing and theusualsteve (Jul 29, 2009)
If you're bored, you're boring.
33 comments – latest 4:
montezmaria (Jan 21, 2011)
Amazing, love the coloring, style and really love the unique creative way of this beautiful woman.
Sweetlove15 (Jan 26, 2011)
Incredible o.o
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2019)
Up front again
TheCrimsonKing (edited May 19, 2019)
Yeah I mean...
drawn in 7 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Cianteed (Jun 19, 2005)
None other than Red Hot Chili Pepper frontman Anthony Kiedis.

EDIT: oh man, the first sketch is so ugly! XD
37 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jun 23, 2005)
Sheesh! I wasn't even gone a week and I seemed to have missed so much good art! :*(! Anyway, this is sooo good. I like it quite a bit! I love the painted look to it! The skin tones are excellent and so is his stubble. Great work
Amethysts (Feb 15, 2006)
mmhmm X3
backmagicwoman (Apr 13, 2009)
southern girl with the scarlett drawl..wave goodbye to maw and paw cause..with the birds I'll share..
davincipoppalag (Apr 19, 2019)
still grinning
drawn in 3 hours 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DaveTell (Nov 4, 2004)
16 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 30, 2009)
This is really cool..I love it when i find something cool..
Flubbles (Aug 30, 2009)
I feel exactly the same way when i get a cool toy at the bottom of my cereal box.
backmagicwoman (Aug 30, 2009)
Me too..or something neat from the cracker jack box...or when you go to the flea market and you find some awesome item for like a quarter and the people selling it are too retarded to realize how cool it is..and you're like the luckiest person in the world as a result of their stupidity...freakin' awesome!
davincipoppalag (Jan 21, 2019)
it popped to the front
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 21, 2005)
He's waiting in line to renew his drivers license.

Based off an actual pencil drawing I did a while back.
26 comments – latest 4:
Shredguts (Mar 2, 2012)
Great sketch. Cool style.
Wraith (Dec 16, 2013)
Awesome Sketch! ( Could have sworn I already commented on this )
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 18, 2013)
davincipoppalag (Nov 1, 2018)
still scary
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Advanced 
Fin_beast (Mar 17, 2004)
I drew this on paper and it looked pretty sweet.
So I thought I would try and make it better by drawing it on good ole 2draw.
I made it look better. :D
9 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (Mar 17, 2004)
Looks like a Leviathan...or a Kraken?Either way, this is awesome XD.
Bumble_Beez (Jul 12, 2004)
It looks cool, nice shading, I also like the light reflection thing.... X3
backmagicwoman (Jan 13, 2011)
This is great.
davincipoppalag (Oct 29, 2018)
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Roytje (Dec 21, 2008)
Portrait of a very good friend. :)
22 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (edited Apr 23, 2010)
Suntan (Apr 12, 2010)
oh, very nice, Roy..are you finished? I love the loose color in it. I bought a few acrylics the other day. heh :)
Roytje (Apr 12, 2010)
Nop, I decided today to play with some oils above it. It has much powerful colors now :)

But thank you and have fun with the acrylics.
davincipoppalag (Oct 4, 2018)
Nice to see this again
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
tscott (Aug 8, 2009)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 8, 2009)
Three cans of Old Bohemian ($.88 cents a case!) will do it
backmagicwoman (Aug 8, 2009)
Yep..and don't forget a percocet with that..
tscott (Aug 7, 2018)
don't feel much better'nine years on
davincipoppalag (Aug 7, 2018)
well that aint good
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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