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Public Boards/Beginner 
Lessien (Oct 26, 2004)
6 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Oct 27, 2004)
wow.. that is a nice eye! ^________________^ I can't wait to see this done.. yes, welcome to 2draw. I already know i wanna collab with you. :D
haruko_ryuu (Oct 28, 2004)
waii! sexah eye. i luv it
Xodiak (Oct 28, 2004)
Yes, the eye is sexy! >:D
bumpinthenight (Nov 3, 2004)
wooooooowwwww... so shiney... amazing... neat draw, lessien! :D
drawn in 41 min with PaintBBS
aznanime93 (Oct 24, 2004)
I'm trying harder to draw this.
10 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Oct 26, 2004)
Why angry? Everyone should be friends and happy on 2draw! <:)
aznanime93 (Oct 27, 2004)
lol it was a terrible fight at school with Grades...%76 i got on Social studies and people keep on hitting me with lockers and stuff..
Xodiak (Oct 27, 2004)
People really hit you? Oh, that is bad... <:(
aznanime93 (Oct 28, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mazi (Oct 26, 2004)
sorry i havent been around guys. university has me crazy. i have 0 time. i think i just may have lost my mind. :D

right now i should be doing 1 of 3 projects that are due this week but im not. just so i can tell you where ive run off to.

..that will be all.
7 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Oct 26, 2004)
"AAHMOTHERLAND" XD Gotta love those Russians. "Hokay, take a nap, and then FIRE ZEE MISSILE!"
Or not.
I wish you luck in finding time for the more fun things in life.
Maiko (Oct 26, 2004)
good luck Mazi-ness *throws confetti* university sounds like hell >_>; don't die on us.
bumpinthenight (Nov 2, 2004)
yaaay! the end of the world flash animation is finally mentioned here... XD hehe... sorry.. that made no sense... fart... XD woot..... very nice drawing, mazinator... XD the hand is really cool XD
Koneko-sama (Nov 8, 2004)
OMFG, didn't I comment? Ah, well.
I love End of Ze World!

Along with this drawing... It's kawaii.
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kenshin (Oct 25, 2004)
This is weird.. Practicing lines.. o.o
9 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Oct 25, 2004)
Mentos-the freshmaker!!! I really like the hair on this one. >:)
Xodiak (Oct 26, 2004)
I like how happy she looks! It is like there is an invisible smile on her face. I cannot see it but I can feel it. I have a fantasy about this girl: I imagine that we meet and we greet each other with the tradition japanese bow, but we do it at the same time and hit our heads together! Wouldn't that be fun? >;D
Kenshin (Oct 26, 2004)
:D Xod, you are so silly. -hugs-
ILoveKenshin (Nov 16, 2004)
Whee! I like the dress. ^^
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ayu-Hua-Ann (Oct 25, 2004)
I can not sleep right now, it is 2:53am. So I wanted to draw something for Halloween. -Ayu Hua-Ann
5 comments – latest 4:
Anime_Girl (edited Oct 25, 2004)
That's cute! i like it!!! But her arm is too fat...
Ayu-Hua-Ann (Oct 25, 2004)
re: Anime_Girl
I know I tried to make it look better but this is as good as I could get it do with a mouse.
aznanime93 (Oct 25, 2004)
i think it looks cool that way too..
Kenshin (Oct 25, 2004)
That is so kawaii.. and proportioned.. -envy envy-
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TaCO (Oct 25, 2004)
This is a very weird program.
1 comment – latest 1:
aznanime93 (Oct 25, 2004)
the program is not weird...Maybe you should practice on it more...^__^
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
HtPnkKttn (Oct 24, 2004)
O.k so I'm no cartoon character but it is me sorta...
7 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Nov 6, 2004)
I like the hair very much! <:)
HtPnkKttn (Nov 6, 2004)
thanx...its between a fro and dread locks
davincipoppalag (Nov 6, 2004)
Very cute! Kinda like frolocks...or a dreadfro hehehe
aznanime93 (Jan 5, 2005)
Its so Cute!I like shoes ^_^
drawn in 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
natsuki (Oct 24, 2004)
Hello everyone This is my first time here (also my first time using this type of oekaki...) I hope you like the pic I drew!! It's not my best though...
6 comments – latest 4:
p3ndragon (Oct 24, 2004)
Very cool. You may want to clean up your lineart, but maybe that's your style.
Hope to see you around. Welcome to 2Draw!
charmyc (Oct 24, 2004)
hiya welcome to 2draw^^ hope you enjoy your stay ^^ very cute ^^
Urei-sama (edited Oct 24, 2004)
its very pleasant. like, traditional pic. very pretty. Welcome to 2draw
Edward (Oct 24, 2004)
EEe!! Welcome *glomps* ^^! I kinda like the sketch-ness of it....maybe just because I cant really do line art myself....*shifty eyes* But that is besides the point.....Your picture is uber kawaii and I really like the way you added those little redish orangish flowerlike shapes in the bottom. It really adds to the picture *^-^*
drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
aznanime93 (Oct 22, 2004)
its a cat!
7 comments – latest 4:
aznanime93 (Oct 23, 2004)
O_o Don't worry about them its what u think not them...Your drawings and very good ^__^
SilverEntei (Oct 23, 2004)
Yeah, that's why I don't listen to insults (thinks of some).
aznanime93 (Oct 23, 2004)
hehe i will finish i just want to play with it haha(the picture..)
aznanime93 (Oct 23, 2004)
drawn in 10 min
I was bored V_V this is to a person who is lost (STupid huh)Yup im rite muwhaha
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ayu-Hua-Ann (Oct 19, 2004)
My first Oekaki on this board and it sucks. =(
5 comments – latest 4:
aznanime93 (Oct 19, 2004)
It doesn't suck its really good for a drawing since your a newcomer plus u draw better than me!^__^
spootdemon (Oct 20, 2004)
Looks snazzy!
Silver_Note (Oct 20, 2004)
Very very nice! Welcome to 2draw!
seaanemone (Oct 20, 2004)
what are you talking about?!? YOU ROCK!!!
drawn in 43 min with PaintBBS
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