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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Wraith (Dec 28, 2011)
I was happily drawing and Oekrapi shi painter stopped working for me. I could not see what I was drawing after a while. So I stopped.. Bummer.. This could have been something interesting. Maybe if it works for me again I will continue.. Sucks because I was really feeling this one. It was going to take shape weather I was able to or not. I was in a zone. My best moment to draw. And program messes up!
3 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 28, 2011)
what's here is pretty should try and see if it will work and let you continue
Teapot (Dec 28, 2011)
When that happens to me, I click the + at the bottom of the canvas for enlarging, then click the - to get it back to the original size. So far, that's always done the trick for me and the program resumes working. Try it. Hope it works for you, too. This definitely seems like a piece that deserves to be finished.
Mr_L_V (Dec 28, 2011)
That suck big time my friend D:
I has happened to me a lot as well, sometimes I do stop to see if the program works later on but when it does it turns out that my inspiration to keep on with the same drawing is no the same like it was in the first time DX
Wraith (Dec 30, 2011)
drawn in 38 min
Yup. It works when I click on zoom, then unzoom.
drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
davincipoppalag (Dec 24, 2011)
3 comments – latest 3:
lori (Dec 24, 2011)
merry Christmas Eve
Teapot (Dec 24, 2011)
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Dave.
madscientist111 (Jan 8, 2012)
Merry Christmas, Dave! Warm and cozey! Very pretty!
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
theta4 (Dec 23, 2011)
Not sure what to make of this, but it looks pretty cool...
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Dec 23, 2011)
Yea it has a spooky atmosphere
shults (Dec 24, 2011)
I agree.. this is cool
Teapot (Dec 24, 2011)
Looks Like a backdrop for a scene out of a Tim Burton movie. Very cool spooky, sinister moodiness.
drawn in 33 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
zep (Feb 14, 2008)
wrong head
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 14, 2008)
Maybe he has the right head and the wrong costume. So good to have you drawing again.
mooki (Feb 15, 2008)
how do you make that mistake ?
anyways, its good to see you back
your work is so refreshing
huirimeir (Feb 16, 2008)
ejale toro
Teapot (Dec 23, 2011)
There's a cow body walkin' around with a dragon head somewhere, I think. :-)))
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
itchymonkey (Dec 21, 2011)
its no use
7 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (edited Dec 22, 2011)
Results for :

% [ node-1]
% Whois data copyright terms

This is for spambot 2draw user denastoecker

inetnum: -
netname: SH-LT-KEJI-CO
descr: Shanghai TuXiang Data Telecommunication Co.,Ltd.
country: CN
admin-c: ZF2-AP
tech-c: ZF2-AP
changed: 20030901
source: APNIC

person: Zhou Feng
address: No.34, East Yanan Road, Shanghai
country: CN
phone: +86-21-63296600-6312
fax-no: +86-21-63232310
nic-hdl: ZF2-AP
changed: 20030901
source: APNIC

So far I searched 2 different IP addresses and both seem to be coming from In China. Sorry for the spam just trying to help. That is why the posts do not make sense because it is all Chinese, translated. Could this be his website?

Edit* 2 Well, this is strange. I searched two more IP addresses and one was coming from the UK, the other from Europe. Why people are so hell bent on annoying people with lame spam is beyond me.
enjoydotcom (Dec 23, 2011)
I cordially invite you to do this in real life to these spam-botters servers. Their messages are a pain to delete...
Teapot (Dec 23, 2011)
I'll second that! Powerful drawing, Itchy. Frazetta comes to mind.
Wraith (edited Dec 23, 2011)
It's funny because these people make such stupid spam bots, and it takes them years to learn Computer language. And this is the outcome! HA! Getting paid big money to produce spam, in order to make another program to get rid of the spam they produced in the first place, just to make money. I think that is how a lot of Antivirus companies work too. Because without Antivirus, and a fresh install of windows, my PC runs better than new.

"Oh u silly amewicans. U want get rid of spam, buy ouw pwoduct from and we square u away!"
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
xswirvex and Mr_L_V (Dec 11, 2011)
anyone wanna color?
13 comments – latest 4:
Mr_L_V (Dec 20, 2011)
Thanks guys :) I'm getting tier of seeing this kind of bs around D:( I'll ask who is doing this? because its just plain nonsense to add this type of comments with nonsense info D:(
Wraith (Dec 21, 2011)
It's just little kids hoping to flood your brain with stuff. So come Christmas time, your sub conscience may remember some of this and purchase it. Bunch of BS.
Mr_L_V (Dec 24, 2011)
Hehe thanks my friend :) I'm glad that everyone liked the collaboration, had fun working on it :D
Teapot (Dec 24, 2011)
yep, this turned out great!
drawn in 1 hour 52 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Silvair (Dec 18, 2011)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Dec 18, 2011)
A playboy bunny who likes apples!
Teapot (Dec 18, 2011)
No, the genesis of the playboy bunny, compliments of your friendly garden serpent if memory serves.
davincipoppalag (Dec 18, 2011)
Ah.. her name is Eve!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 16, 2011)
trying to use pixels at the very lowest form,to make people and things;the tiny little pieces,if possible.
8 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Dec 18, 2011)
@ uttintifa - Why spam? So you can prove your a hacker? This proves nothing. Please quit.

Nice picture Dorthy! I actually like your black and white pics better.
Purplemartin (Dec 22, 2011)
Very cool, it took me time to see the face too.:)
Suntan (Dec 23, 2011)
cool, Dorothy
Felistorm (Dec 27, 2011)
I've been getting the weird spam comments on mine too like they took a random thing and copy pasted it off a site. Looks almost like a bot or something. Annoying if nothing else. Also looks like they are using different addys and names.
As for the drawing I love it. Very interesting and different. :) Something that you sorta want to just keep staring into to see what all you can see :)
drawn in 4 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
nightlily91 (Dec 9, 2011)
Future comic idea, needing to be remembered
6 comments – latest 4:
nightlily91 (Dec 17, 2011)
Thanks guys ^^
Godzilla (Dec 17, 2011)
i love the backgrounddd
nightlily91 (Dec 17, 2011)
Thanks I've been trying to actually put effort into them now ^^
davincipoppalag (Dec 17, 2011)
I like the depth you created with those leaves in the foreground
drawn in 20 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zep (Dec 16, 2011)
never know...
5 comments – latest 4:
lori (Dec 17, 2011)
this should be showcased.. it's got so many elements.. seven faces.. cool
Teapot (Dec 17, 2011)
Vintage Zep coolness. Glad you mentioned all the faces, Lori, I had to put my glasses on to see them all! So happy to see you drawing here again!
lori (Dec 17, 2011)
it made me think of this song:
Suntan (Dec 23, 2011)
heythere..great to see
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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