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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Teapot (Nov 14, 2011)
I'm taking care of a puppy with a broken leg so I got interrupted a lot.
6 comments – latest 4:
Mr_L_V (Nov 20, 2011)
Beautiful just beautiful :D
Black_Bird (Nov 20, 2011)
Great piece. A warm, comfortable, natural mood/feeling comes from this for me.
Teapot (Nov 22, 2011)
Thanks, all. What a nice thing to say, Shults. Flubbles, I played around with the dark/light contrast quite a bit but I kind of liked the more subtle contrast, the way twilight or candlelight or any kind of low light removes the high contrast. I was trying for a feeling of intimacy without any sexual tension. So you'd say to yourself "Friends?", "sisters?", "mother, daughter?" "Lovers?" You decide. I wish I could get someone to cut my hair like that...
Suntan (Jan 29, 2012)
this is great, Teapot, love it.
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drawn in 6 hours 31 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Roytje (Nov 15, 2011)
Schoolwork. That;s why I made it here. This is only place where I can draw so big, so I can print it :) Hope you don't mind it, Marcello
11 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Nov 18, 2011)
You're still listed as a member, Roytje, so you should be able to log in. You've got draw, upload and animation save access. If you can't remember your old password, just re-register. No one is ever there anymore but it's all still functional except I disabled the messaging, forum and member's galleries because we kept getting spam.

Shults, it's a drawing site similar to this one but it doesn't have Lascaux It is unusual in that members with access can upload their art and work on it using Shi or Chibi. They can also download the animation files and all the studios have 1048 X 1048 canvas size options.
Roytje (Nov 18, 2011)
That's great. Thanks! :)
Mr_L_V (Nov 18, 2011)
This is turning out great :) but what does FG stands for my friend :O
Teapot (Nov 18, 2011)
Oh, sorry, FG stands for
drawn in 3 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
itchymonkey (Nov 14, 2011)
be inspired ;)
8 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Nov 14, 2011)
Teapot (Nov 14, 2011) that an LED?
Black_Bird (Nov 15, 2011)
Incredible lighting.
itchymonkey (Nov 15, 2011)
he tends to get a little inflamed when thinking....and no, it has to be incandescent.
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Chicken Paint
Black_Bird (Nov 12, 2011)
8 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Nov 12, 2011)
Good work on this, Black Bird.

I keep forgetting that there are still people walking around with that kind of hatred. That's what happens when you live too far out in the country and hang out mostly with dogs. You forget how vile humans can be.
Mr_L_V (edited Nov 16, 2011)
Oh wow I can't believe people have such disturbing thinking like the guy from above all of us :/
Ignorans will always be ignorants but we will be a fool to follow their lead >:B
I love your art my friend and I will always admire the great effort you put on them :D
And this one is no exception, came out great and his face expression is priceless for it you capture an outstanding and realistic expression :)
Imperfect (Nov 18, 2011)
His expression suggests that his attention has been caught by something, and that in turn captures the viewer's attention. Great subject.
Black_Bird (Nov 23, 2011)
Thanks a lot guys. :)
drawn in 46 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
Teapot (Nov 11, 2011)
It was a good tribute you made to George.
9 comments – latest 4:
itchymonkey (Nov 15, 2011)
nicely done .. could pass for joe mantegna too.
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 15, 2011)
fabulous, my boys!
Miss_DJ (Dec 5, 2011)
KuteDymples (Dec 28, 2011)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
shults (Nov 10, 2011)
Miss brown was only 21 when forced to go shopping on a thursday night.

I hope you can forgive my dark humor. If not, I'll paint you another one expressing my sorrow and regret.. ;)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 10, 2011)
I get depressed when my wife makes ME go shopping...
shults (edited Nov 10, 2011)
I took my grandmother to the mall today, it was hilarious. I felt like I was going out with a celcebrity, we had to stop every few steps to greet somebody else.
She visits the mall 2-3 times a week, always eating at the same place, and apparently always talking to the same old crowd, and she knows them all, living in the city for almost 60 years. :)

And I forgot to mention she they have the same conversations over and over again. :)
Teapot (Nov 10, 2011)
How old is your grandmother? Sounds like she has a nice life...and a nice granddaughter. Will your shopping friend see this? Pretty funny. I hate shopping except in hardware stores.
shults (Nov 11, 2011)
My grandmother is 80, and was very vibrant and had many friends in her neighborhood. In recent years some of her friends have passed away, so the concept of 'death' came to awareness, and she was down and bored cause she didn't have her friends. We decided to make a 'grandma operation', so now she spends every with at least one of her children or grandchildren (and great grandchildren), and she has many of them :)

And yes, my shopping friend saw that, it was funny :). I hate shoe shopping, because I have a classy-dull taste, and a common size in shoes, since they're small and girls today buy women's shoes, so it's hard to find the right pair. I bought mini boots with her yesterday. :)
drawn in 11 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
dydyro (Nov 9, 2011)
13 comments – latest 4:
Imperfect (Nov 18, 2011)
Ohmygosh, amazing, especially for 1 hour. Meow.
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 5, 2011)
She is very tre chic,and muy linda.Muy bonita!! I'd love to have the huge picture of her, and put her on my wall, and that's as near as I want to get to a real cat again in my house. But she's beautiful! Congratulations.
Miss_DJ (Dec 5, 2011)
so great!
linepine (Dec 14, 2011)
AMAZING! So cute.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
shults (Nov 2, 2011)
Notice I've used the sharpen tool!
31 comments – latest 4:
shults (Nov 10, 2011)
thank you, and we've decided to give this issue a rest :)
Flubbles (Nov 10, 2011)
Lets not beat about the bush, no pun intended. But I'd much rather see a nice shiney new "Pot" any day of the week, but as we all know old "Pots" can be beautiful aswell. I'm 31 now, so I'll soon have to be getting used to an old "Pot" myself one of these days.
shults (Nov 11, 2011)
Why don't you quit smoking Flubbles? don't the smell bother english ladies?
lori (Nov 11, 2011)
I'm sure there are plenty of "pots" you can look at elsewhere.. or maybe you could get a girlfriend? 31 gives you a long time before you see an old "pot"
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Black_Bird (Nov 9, 2011)
6 comments – latest 4:
Mr_L_V (Nov 9, 2011)
Nice one :)
Teapot (Nov 10, 2011)
This is really nice. Do you draw with a tablet and stylus?
Black_Bird (Nov 11, 2011)
Thanks all. :) teapot, i use a wacom bamboo fun.
Imperfect (Nov 18, 2011)
Another lovely sketch. You seem to choose portraits that are like um..."in the moment". Gives it an impromptu, but interesting aspect. :)
drawn in 40 min with Chicken Paint
Felistorm (Nov 8, 2011)
Safety save
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 9, 2011)
Right out of a storybook. Nice
lori (Nov 9, 2011)
I love this, it's so cute :D
Mr_L_V (Nov 9, 2011)
Love the concept :)
Teapot (Nov 10, 2011)
Sweet. Looks like it's going to be a good story.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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