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Public Boards/Intermediate 
DieChan (Dec 3, 2004)
Joo are SO not fugleh.

Maiko: Nuuuuu! I ish very fugleh!! >_<;;

She's not. Tell her she's not. Right now. Good.
14 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 4, 2004)
Mai is hot. *droolz*

Hehe cute piccy. :D
Reich (Dec 8, 2004) just dont get it...any ways Mai you are only as prity as you feel...or somthing like so im not that good at this metaphore thing -_-' the point is just listen to your friends...they will never lie to you *looks at brytani and cam* right guys?.....right??.....aww c'mon....guys?
Noremac (Mar 5, 2005)
nope..... never lie.... ever.
xiau (Aug 23, 2005)
You ain't fugleh! You ish very pretty, Maiko! You're the first foxperson character on this site, you CAN'T be fugleh!
I've seen your piccies, you is SO not fugleh
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Jack_Fox, Hakkai, and squee (Oct 14, 2004)
Okay...don't mark this hidden Marcello plz...I want to get some feedback...I have a real hard time with female anatomy soooo...any tips? Peace, Jack
PS: anyone who wants to collab a little on this memo meh.
15 comments – latest 4:
Jack_Fox (Dec 3, 2004)
Still about 200 kb left for ediing if you'd like to fix that mistake C.Vamp...Otherwise I'll get on it as soon as I can...want to...feel like it...probably never...
squee (Dec 18, 2004)
there's girls like that.. start another girl figure and I can make her a slut for yas XD
Jack_Fox (Dec 29, 2004)
This was supposed to be someone that I know...completely different from her in almost every way though...Ye the boobehs are a tad and the big side *cough*HUGE*cough*. But hey, whatever.
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 29, 2004)
lol I don't need to fix it, I've got v.4 to look at if I want to, lol. :D
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
I dunno what it is but it kinda turns me on..
29 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (edited Nov 21, 2004)
I beg your pardon Xod... my mind is pure as the driven snow!
spiritdweller (Nov 27, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
I dunno, it seemed like the right shape
PeanutButterAndJellyFraud (Nov 28, 2004)
+18??? odd very odd
davincipoppalag (Nov 28, 2004)
Lol the holy buttplug.. lol
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
seaanemone (Nov 27, 2004)
vacation is almost over! >.< *cries*
8 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Nov 30, 2004)
;___; I know.. I did not want to go back to school.. This is really cute! >:D -hyper hyper hyyyypeeeer- SAHAHAHAHHAA :o
Nightmare (Nov 30, 2004)
Wow. Dagan, if our school had a rule like that I would be suspended.
Koneko-sama (Dec 13, 2004)
^_^ I know, long hair is seksi, no, Urei? I think we have the exact same taste in guys... We're always, "Oh my god, he's so hot!"

Ooh, Sanzo, I was born there. ^__^
Cacau (Dec 30, 2004)
Owww I love this pic!! *hugs* ... *steals* I really like long hair...
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kenshin (Nov 25, 2004)
I hate Sasuke.

--timer's off about 15 minutes
28 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (edited Dec 9, 2004)
The anime is in only Japanese.
SanzoGirl (Dec 17, 2004)
Mine! *grabs Sasuke*
squee (Dec 27, 2004)
Wow. This is great. You can have Sasuke, Naruto is mine!

Kenshin (Jan 5, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hakkai (Nov 27, 2004)
Wasil has bigger bo0behs than I do. HAHAHAHA. >:]
11 comments – latest 4:
MORNiNGSTARx3 (Nov 28, 2004)
^^ lol dats funny, nice picturee
Maiko (Nov 28, 2004)
LIES LIES OMG now ijust HAVE to draw a picture of you!!! >_< *rahhr*
SanzoGirl (Nov 29, 2004)
foxes are sexier then rabbits XD
squee (Dec 23, 2004)
What is up with you two and the Boob thing? O__o
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hakkai (Nov 26, 2004)
I wish I could just bundle up all the thoughts in my pea sized brain and flush it down the toilet.

I woke up feeling shoddy, I'll fall asleep feeling shoddy.
7 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Nov 26, 2004)
*loveglompmar-ness* >__< marness!! be happy ;___; *love*
p3ndragon (Nov 26, 2004)
I'm feeling like that too?...
Hope you feel bettah~
Great job esp. in PaintBBS like you do.
squee (Nov 26, 2004)
aww *pat pat* wats the matter 'kai?? stress? *hands stress ball and axe*
TaCO (Nov 27, 2004)
Looks like your cleaning in your ear. Great job on hair.
drawn in 53 min with PaintBBS
_Latias_Latios_ (Nov 26, 2004)
sry not done...going to my dads...when i come back ill finish. its a surprise for bakuraiscool. cant comment getting yelled at >>

6 comments – latest 4:
bakuraiscool (Nov 27, 2004)
Yeah, it's a Segg, but I like it! Thanks!
_Latias_Latios_ (Nov 27, 2004)
oops sry ^^; -sigh at p3ndragons comment- thats one reason y im leaving 2 draw >>

Pika_Fan (Nov 27, 2004)
To p3ndragon:

God your a stupid jerk! Look she mispelled one f-in thing and you flip out!!! -mocks- ITS A SEGG NOT A SOGG OMFG!!!!
SanzoGirl (edited Aug 5, 2005)
Your a fucking faggot p3ndeagon. -_- You don't have to go an yell at her for one fucking spelling error! Who do you think you are!? Like you never made a spelling error!? Like you've never been wrong about someone?! How do you think you'd feel if someone said "IT'S A PENDRAGON NOT A P3NDRAGON OMFG!" And, go take your noob talk somewhere else! If you can't even spell out "Oh my fucking god" and can only type "OMFG" and can't even put a "e" isnted or a "3", so don't make fun of other people spelling errors because you don't even bother to type out the whole fucking word or use capitals and periods! D:<
drawn in 41 min with PaintBBS
Shuichi (Nov 26, 2004)
My first oekaki
4 comments – latest 4:
seaanemone (Nov 26, 2004)
i suggest you use layers. they will really help! :D
Edward (Nov 26, 2004)
YAY! LAYERS! *loves layers* Yes they do help when you are doing pictures!

Welcome to 2Draw
SanzoGirl (Nov 26, 2004)
thats good for your first drawing! Welcome to 2Draw!
seaanemone (Nov 26, 2004)
lol... i forgot to say: Welcome to 2Draw! XD
i hope you like it here and keep drawing! :D
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
bakuraiscool (Nov 25, 2004)
3 comments – latest 4:
seaanemone (Nov 25, 2004)
SanzoGirl (Nov 25, 2004)
thats proably you best drawing so far! ^^
p3ndragon (edited Nov 25, 2004)
There's a layer tool.
Learn how to use it.
Someone already told you how on another one of your.... drawings.
bakuraiscool (Nov 25, 2004)
drawn in 7 min
(Did I make it uglier?)
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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