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Public Boards/Beginner 
Nepty (Mar 3, 2003)
See this time this guy has sholders, my other one he just had a long neck and a shirt that had long neck shirt or turtle neck shirt/ I like this picture I like his hair especialy ^_^
5 comments – latest 4:
Azelrellon (edited Mar 3, 2003)
I like how the hair really shows depth perception.
And blue hair is a big plus. ^_^
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Very nice :) Are you... Sure that it's a guy???
Nepty (edited Mar 3, 2003)
I hope it is a guy, I'm sometimes known for my anime characters to be a little feminin. But yes this is a guy. ^_^''''
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
O...kay... Just a little confused o.0
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
Eggie (Mar 3, 2003)
Mr.Blurry has been abducted by ALIENS!!! DUM DUM DUM!
Should I change the '13+' rating to 'everyone', it's pretty mild?
EDIT: Arr, jpg compression! Can't live with it, can't live without it! >:-(
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Eeeek. Poor Mr. Blurry. *sniffle*
I love the alien's eyes, though. Hehe.
Eggie (edited Mar 11, 2003)
He's not feeling any pain. He's under local an-er-stetic. Although, seeing your guts being handled by Aliens might leave emotional scars...
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Mr... Blurry!? AHHHHHHHH!!! *faints* Hey. It's an alien. Kewl.
Knockoff (edited Mar 3, 2003)
This is cool. The alien is cool too.
drawn in 11 min with OekakiBBS
Knockoff (Feb 12, 2003)
Lol. This looks like pikachu.Heh. I didnt mean to draw a pikachu look-a-like. Just doodleing and got this.
7 comments – latest 4:
STAR_WARRIOR (edited Feb 17, 2003)
hey whats up its me star warrior thanks for showing me this website
Knockoff (edited Feb 17, 2003)
Heh. Your welcome STAR WARRIOR.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Pika Pika :)
Knockoff (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Lol. It was supposed to be something else. Owell.=0)
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
STAR_WARRIOR (Mar 3, 2003)
i didnt know what else to draw
3 comments – latest 3:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Hmmm... Maybe you should try smudging it a little. Smudging usually makes a fire pic look more... fire like???
forgotten-memory (edited Mar 3, 2003)
maybe you could try....
thinking about what you want to draw before you hit the draw button...and then maybe spending a liiiittle bit more time on them.

sorry, but...this pick looks so simple I don't even like it
Knockoff (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Its ok. If you smuged it it would look cooler.
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
furyofroy (Nov 27, 2002)
Myself, on the left, and Roy, my character from my webcomic, on the left. I worked very hard on this, and I'd love to hear what people think of it. Comment please!
4 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited Nov 27, 2002)
whoops. I mean Roy is on the right. hehe. sorry-im tired
kaT (edited Dec 3, 2002)
where is the webcomic located at?
furyofroy (edited Dec 3, 2002) Unfortunately, it's not up yet. The form said 8-9 weeks... I think i started in september. I don't know how long its been.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
drawn in 2 hours 17 min with OekakiBBS
furyofroy (Dec 11, 2002)
I broke 20th place! And to commemerate it, I drew jhonen vasquez in his latest filler bunny book! I like it. buy it. You will crap your pants.
2 comments – latest 2:
SgtPancakes (edited Dec 12, 2002)
That makes me insides SQUEEL with delight.

I'm going to the hospital now.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Yeah... I just did too... *sigh*
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Akane (Feb 7, 2003)
another famous penguin ^^, i'm good i'm good, I'm good
3 comments – latest 3:
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 8, 2003)
Penguuuiiins! I like penguins. :P I like how you just use average circles, and turn them into pictures. I'm not too good with that shtuff. :P
Akane (edited Feb 9, 2003)
i love your work tooo chinkyflip the little kitty thing on delusion.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
LOS PEGUINOS VIENA!!!! I probably spelled that wrong soooo... THE PENGUINS ARE COMING!!!
drawn in 42 min with OekakiBBS
CatgirlNukuNuku (Feb 7, 2003)
I feel trapped in a world of gray.. everyone against me, blocked out of my world.
6 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 7, 2003)
Cool! I could never do something like that on Oekaki. I hate Oekaki--too complex. :P
furyofroy (edited Feb 7, 2003)
too complex? I think Oekaki's easy...
This is a pretty good picture! Welcome to 2draw!
pinklynx (edited Feb 7, 2003)
I agree, Oekaki is easy XD
anyways, this is a good pic!=D welcome ;3
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
welcome to 2draw :) Nice piccy.
drawn in 13 min with OekakiBBS
ky (Feb 19, 2003)
5 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Feb 20, 2003)
SIIIIICK! just like the movies =P
Knockoff (edited Feb 20, 2003)
This is so cool. The shading is awsome!
chewy (edited Feb 25, 2003)
yo psyco drawing keep up the sick work
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
I DIDN'T DO IT!!! *Runs away with the picture*
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with PaintBBS
ky (Feb 20, 2003)
Direct interpretation? I'm not happy at the moment.
8 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Feb 20, 2003)
In mythology, angels are thought to be the saddest of all celestial creatures, for they take the pain and suffering from the mortals. It's why, in Greek myth, they say angels 'carry the weight of the world on their shoulders'. I type too much.
Knockoff (edited Feb 20, 2003)
You finished it! This is cool!
forgotten-memory (edited Feb 20, 2003)
it's beautiful.

be happy again soon, because being sad is...well...y'know...sad.
and sadness isn't happy. it's kind of the opposite.
and happy is good, therefore sad is not good.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
awww... It's so sweet...
drawn in 44 min with PaintBBS
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