userspakasutemanshikuka's profilePakasutemanshikuka's comment board
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Public Boards/Beginner 
voodoobunny (Jul 2, 2005)
I go to hungary on Tuesday...Awww ;__; I'm going to miss you ALL.
I'm coming back 08.13.
I take my laptop with me, but I don't have ^^
LUW YA! Pai pai!
5 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Jul 3, 2005)
I hope you have fun there, ciao! <:)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 3, 2005)
PAI ! Come back ! i'll be missing you >XO. (i never knew i would say that to you.. ^_ _ _ _ _^) haahhaa. joke. XD but hope you're havin fun there. !
voodoobunny (Jul 3, 2005)
Thank you guys...^^
Menyway (Jul 12, 2005)
Aaahh i didn't know you left... i was sick so.... >.> Bye Valerie!! i'll miss you! have fun there ok!! ^_^
oh and cute drawing here Val!!! ^_____^
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 11, 2005)
I like this ! ^_ _ _ _^ I'm very happy. I like the colours and and the eyes are nice. I LIKE IT . ^_ _ _^
But, what do YOU think about? Please, tell me.
5 comments – latest 4:
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Jul 11, 2005)
thanks to you two. ^_ _ _^ yes, the head is big for her body, but it doesn't look bad, so I like it. And shading is my biggest problem, I can't do it.. I need to practise hard ! +_ _ _+'' But, thank you !
vigilante (Jul 11, 2005)
just practise the shading and you'll be the best shadingperson, i think. XD good that you didn't put her a nose.
hideyourface (Jul 11, 2005)
her hand is a bit small, and you dont need to add those lines on the fingers if its just anime. Makes it look too detailed and stufff.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Aug 12, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
öm.. ..
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Nightmare (Jun 25, 2005)
Getting sick of my neon crap, trying something new.
4 comments – latest 4:
Chimpeggs (Jun 25, 2005)
I love the expression! Finish it! this looks like its going to be awesome!! XD
hideyourface (Jun 25, 2005)
his legs are wayy too big. I like the background and face though.
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Jun 27, 2005)
I love this . I love those too big legs and he's a very cool guy ! Lovin' this, finish it soon, please ! +_ _ _+ background is very good and cool, I couldn't never do that kind of background.. and the face's amazing.
squee (Jul 11, 2005)
Schmexy. >D
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Minty_hippo (Jul 9, 2005)
Thats a quick drawing, night, btw its not me in love, well, I am but....nvm >.<
7 comments – latest 4:
vigilante (Jul 10, 2005)
you can't get it, it's my. XPPPP
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Jul 10, 2005)
Me wants to draw a picture where a girl is thinkin' her sweetheart ! <3_ _ _ _<3 I love a band called Turve. It's so great ! Our schoolboys' band ! XD I have their autographs and pictures of them and blaa blaa. XD I love !

And about this picture XD :
Great colours and I love those little hearts !
Xodiak (Jul 10, 2005)
I guess in a few years she will get a bigger chest. >;)
Nice girl in love. >:D
Minty_hippo (Jul 11, 2005)
haha! I will do another one ^^
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Ameraq and mukumuku (Dec 29, 2004)
once the lineart is finished, does anyone wanna color it?
30 comments – latest 4:
silver_maiden (Jan 18, 2005)
it reminds me of Beauty and the beast! ^^
Cherry (Jan 25, 2005)
Oh this is beautiful,I wish I could draw like that ^^
clowangel (Feb 5, 2005)
O.O Wow. This is gorgeous!
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 11, 2005)
This is fantastic ! Percect colours, line-art.. oh wow . +_ _ _+ her dress is lovely.. gorgeous picture <3_ _ _<3
drawn in 6 hours 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
PsykoitcAnimeFrk (Jul 10, 2005)
My first submission picture thingy,so...yeah.Gah i just noticed i spelled my username wrong. Its supoosed to be Psykotic not Psykoitc :(
1 comment – latest 1:
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 10, 2005)
I like this one. Great colours, that green is lovely colour, my favourite colour and I really like this guys hair +_ _ _ _+ And I'm sorry about your username, it's so irritatin' when you notice that you have wrote your username wrong and it's too late to change that. But, nice pic.
drawn in 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
sanogirl (Jul 10, 2005)
My first drawing here at 2draw ^^; actually it's the 2nd oekaki drawing I did =P
I know I took a long time drawing this simple piece but I think that isn't important, is it? ^^;
well hope you like it =P
8 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Jul 10, 2005)
Oh, I see, it's not here first oekaki drawing, look at her profile, she draws on deviant art. (By the way, if you take requests, can you draw Hyde for me? Please? <3)
sanogirl (Jul 10, 2005)
I meant fisrt drawing here in 2draw ^^;
and the second oekaki I've ever made heheh
it's better to change the description or else people will make confusion =P

It'll be a pleasure to draw a hyde for you SanzoGirl ^^ want it in anime or realistic style?
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 10, 2005)
Oh wow. First drawin' and this good? Great work ! My first work here is horrible ^_ _ _^ this no named boy is very cute ! I love this !
SanzoGirl (Jul 10, 2005)
Realistic please. ^_^
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
vigilante (Jun 30, 2005)
i'll finish it when i get bag from hell. and idiot me 'cause i didn't put it to unfinished.
6 comments – latest 4:
vigilante (Jul 1, 2005)
^.^ thanks,
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 7, 2005)
mikä harmi ! XD you don't have anymore in your profile comment this ' i'm too sexy for my shirt' thing ! 8D ihihihihii. but, about this picture.. nice.
Xodiak (Jul 7, 2005)
Sexy girl, I like her trousers! >:)
vigilante (Jul 10, 2005)
i'll make you suffer Pakasutemanshikuka ! XD
drawn in 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
vigilante (Jun 30, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
vigilante (Jul 1, 2005)
drawn in 4 min
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 1, 2005)
Oh I love this ! I love your colouringstyle so much.. and her eyes are very nice and the neck is long, that's great in that way ! +_ _ _+ *jeeealouuus*
Xodiak (Jul 1, 2005)
Great style, it looks like an old cartoon. Like how anime would be if they would draw it in 1930. Awesome! <:D
vigilante (Jul 10, 2005)
wellthankyou. XD
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Minty_hippo (Jul 9, 2005)
Guess the meaning of the chinese characters ^^ I'm sure someone will know ^^
8 comments – latest 4:
nekodesu (Jul 9, 2005)
I know what the first two things say but Maiko already mentioned it and I don't recognize the rest...I'm a disgrace to my country for being almost illiterate XP
Maiko (Jul 9, 2005)
yeah, same here XDDD I took 11 years of chinese school and I still suck at it
nekodesu (Jul 9, 2005)
lol I went to Japanese school for 4 years and I quit because I thought I wouldn't need to know the language if I was living in America. But now, I kinda regret it and I forgot like 90% of what I learned. >_<
Minty_hippo (edited Jul 9, 2005)
It is sexy little panda ^^ you got some right ^^ Yes, my handwriting sucks ....¬¬' Its hard on the computer ^^
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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