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Public Boards/Intermediate 
phantasmagoria (Dec 5, 2005)
She is one sexy beast...

Looks like she's been busy.
4 comments – latest 4:
archangel18 (Dec 28, 2005)
wow I love how you got the leather to look so shiny! great job.
Opium (Dec 28, 2005)
oooh! vinyly! good job!
darkshadow (Dec 29, 2005)
hot as hell and eyes that kill
great pic
davincipoppalag (Dec 29, 2005)
Oh, nice work on that catsuit@ Good drawing!
drawn in 6 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Felistorm (Dec 28, 2005)
For Opium by request. ;P ok so this one wasn't so great but I did work hard on the petals and then when I was done I redid the background color to black which does a weird effect. :P
4 comments – latest 4:
whitebunny1063 (Dec 28, 2005)
Good pixie
TOL-CREW (Dec 28, 2005)
nice jelly rolls
Opium (Dec 28, 2005)
woohoo! hehe I really like it! and she's naked :O You did a great job on the petals and the fairy. LOVE the blue wings! Great bright contrast!
darkshadow (Dec 29, 2005)
do more roses!!!
like this one alot
the pixie is great too
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
RoHcky (Dec 23, 2005)
Not done.
10 comments – latest 4:
shadesoflove777 (Dec 26, 2005)
wow. very detailed. i could never do that! ( well i could with practice cuz i do good on paper)
Deino (Dec 26, 2005)
The hair is awesome, veyr nice portrait.
terracotta (Dec 27, 2005)
This is a real eye-catcher; the way you've done the backlighting on the hair is really nice and dramatic. If this were mine and I was going to rework it (not saying I think you should) I'd put some highlighting on the hair over her forehead to give it more dimension--it looks a bit flat. Also, underneath that part of the hair there is a shadow that makes the skin above her eye look indented. The shadow's there in the photo, it's just much lighter. I might try to make the eyeball look more rounded. The mouth and teeth are so well-done it looks like cut and paste! lol. Very nice job. (Hope you don't mind me making some suggestions.)
RoHcky (Dec 28, 2005)
By all means, comment away. I would like to edit the picture, but I went over the alotted picture size and am too lazy to contact the admin to request more. I have touched up the picture using Painter IX and will post a link when I'm done. I will take all suggestions given here into consideration. Thanks for the comments/critiques.
drawn in 3 hours 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
patienceisoverrated (Dec 23, 2005)
Just trying to figure out the programs and whatnot. Advice always appreciated!
4 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Dec 28, 2005)
the hair is coming along really nicely! That's been one of the hardest things for me to try and draw....they have some great tutorials on it under the drawing discussion forums
patienceisoverrated (Dec 28, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 59 min
I think I might be starting to get a hang of whole drawing-on-a-computer thing.
bobtherulerofcows (Dec 28, 2005)
the hair is gorgeous
Rosemary (Dec 28, 2005)
yeah as the others said...beautiful hair :) and i love the smooth skin
drawn in 5 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kristine and Priszcilla (Nov 27, 2005)
i dunno, i made her up just now. i think she looks like an "Ella." :P
11 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Dec 27, 2005)
Great job on the lips and the hair!
MidnightRaven99 (Dec 28, 2005)
This is wonderful!
squee (Dec 28, 2005)
She's beautiful. Goth is good and you captured it at it's finest moment.
anarie (Dec 28, 2005)
Coloring is gorgeous Priszcilla, and, as usual, great linework. -nodnod- I love how you managed to bring the hair alive; it was such a great idea for the hair, and it looks so wonderful.
drawn in 6 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
NewTails (Dec 27, 2005)
It says I did it in 2 minutes but I really did it in 30 mkin. I accidentally pressed Reload at the top which made the time start over.
8 comments – latest 4:
S1NC3R3 (Dec 27, 2005)
Well, this is quite possibly the worst drawing I've seen to date in my life. Thanks for the laugh!
squee (edited Dec 27, 2005)
*snicker* mother ass picker
DrsFan (Dec 27, 2005)
how is this intermediate?I dont want to be rude but the coloring is kinda funky!
GalletasCookies (Dec 28, 2005)
My god omfg why do you have to call people like that that you don't even know!
drawn in 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
patienceisoverrated (Dec 21, 2005)
Yup. First piece here.... comments/suggestions/constructive crit VERY much appreciated.
5 comments – latest 4:
Creature201 (Dec 23, 2005)
Ooh! Very nice! Although some shading on the hair wouldn't hurt.
Opium (Dec 24, 2005)
Welcome to 2draw! Very nice first drawing! You did phenomenal on the eyes. The skin could use a tad more blending. Oh, and I am fairly new too, and I would say try Oekaki shi-painter also. Play around with both applets. I've found I prefer shi-painter. Lascaux has a lot of buttons and options, OSP is a tad more basic and less overwhelming. Oh, and what took me forever to find was the opacity option. Try using that to help blend skin and what not on your drawings. Good job again and welcome!
patienceisoverrated (Dec 27, 2005)
Thanks for the tips and the welcome! I will definitly try Oekaki shi-painter as well.
Miss_DJ (Dec 28, 2005)
wow very impressive, especially for a first draw. I think you did a nice job on the skin. I don't think realism is always what people are going for in here. The skin is a perfect compliment to her hair.
drawn in 3 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Felistorm (Dec 27, 2005)
everyone because she ummm may be nude but you can't see anything. She is either nippless or her arm is covering it. ;) LOLO Don't ask where the bunny came from. I was really bored and was working on shading. :) That and avoiding housework. I got some stuff done but my back was hurting and was getting no help from kids. :P Liked how the rose came out if nothing else.
3 comments – latest 3:
Opium (Dec 27, 2005)
what a cute idea! cept for the albino bunny...those scare bit really bad by one when I was young. Still have the scar on my thumb! stupid red eyed rabbit...not yours, yours is actually kinda cute! Plus I'm pretty sure he can't bite me from here
Felistorm (Dec 27, 2005)
LOL Honestly this one kinda creeps me out. Not sure where it came from other than I did this after replying to the board where they asked for signs and mine is Virgo and chinese is the Rabbit. :P LOL Not sure where the girl's glove came from on this either. :P Was just kinda drawing along there. LOL
Opium (Dec 27, 2005)
lol those are the best kind!! I forgot to say in my first post that that's a great idea, her coming out of a rose! you should do a pic of that, and make the flower more of the center of the picture! that'd be purty
drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
JDB (Dec 27, 2005)
Getting use to the new tablet. So why not draw an RP character of mine with his, yes, Pokemon. No need to shout, I know I am cool ^.^ Suggestful and Helpful crit would be lovely.
1 comment – latest 1:
Opium (Dec 27, 2005)
don't do clouds that way...smooth them out...make them look fluffy. And your lineart needs to be smoother, try using the pen instead of the pencil for lineart. Work on it some more then it'll be intermediate quality :)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Rudeezy (Dec 24, 2005)
I totally love the mangas, mostly the four swords one.
5 comments – latest 4:
Rudeezy (Dec 24, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
Totally forgot to shade some stuff.
Punky (Dec 24, 2005)
I like the face and his expression so much. :)
Opium (Dec 24, 2005)
Good draw, great game! I played the N64 version only till I got the horse, then I was satisfied hehe
laurael (Dec 27, 2005)
Good job...great Link. Love those eyes.
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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