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OneWingedMoo9se (Jun 21, 2003)
Take away about 3 mins from the time...just practicing stuff...nope he has no eyes...yet.
3 comments – latest 3:
concannon (edited Jun 21, 2003)
....*bursts out laughing*
00smith.cb (edited Jun 21, 2003)
Why does this person have one square nipple?
rosalyn (edited Jun 29, 2003)
I feel sorry for him.*hands boy a blanket* He looks cold>;}
drawn in 16 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 24, 2003)
Uh please excuse the lupmy arms and stomach. Eh, darn I forgot to fix it!
As you have probably already noticed or have not, I have a nipple fetish.
4 comments – latest 4:
Zinc (edited May 24, 2003)
Nice shading on the heart.
- $
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 24, 2003)
Oh thanks. Oh and the heart and face has no real symbolism. I just like drawing random things and making them fall from the sky. ::shrugs:: Oh and I could not draw hair lol so I drew a fro. I assure you all I draw alot better than this on paper and with a pencil.
mazi (edited Jun 13, 2003)


rosalyn (edited Jun 29, 2003)
The heart is pretty!! *huggles heart*:}
drawn in 48 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 18, 2003)
Im really upset. I don't like how this turned out. Oh well. ;_;
2 comments – latest 2:
Dorkz-R-Us (edited May 18, 2003)
Don't be upset! This isn't as bad as you make it sound. Besides, the next drawing will be better, won't it? This is the practice board, silly. Don't get discouraged over art on a computer.
- $
quitelacking (edited May 18, 2003)
maybe the lips should be colored... hey, she looks familiar.
drawn in 11 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 14, 2003)
OOOOHHHH What a saucy biscuit!!!!

Note: Nakey fairy was edited. It will be a few more times, heh.
12 comments – latest 4:
lost_loser_loner (edited May 15, 2003)
i love nightmare before christmas it is so hardcore .....and your drawing it awesome
Mnemosyne (edited May 15, 2003)
Yay! My favourite movie! Okay, well, not really, but to hell with that because it's way up there. And that song, "this is Hallowe'en" gets stuck in my head like nothing else does, the only thing that gets it out is something like Kylie Minogue. But if you ever really get that stuck in your head them you just have to go jump off a very high wall because death is the only answer to some problems. This is why I don't listen to the radio.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 15, 2003)
Yes Kingdom Hearts is the shiznit <----scary gansta terminology. I don't really own it borrowed the game from a friend. I loved it.
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 16, 2003)
That's my fave movie! Just ask raenboe!
drawn in 8 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 12, 2003)
Nakey fairy thing uh its not finished. It took so long because I kept on changing it up
9 comments – latest 4:
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 14, 2003)
Oh this will definitley be edited again!
quitelacking (edited May 14, 2003)
oh, my lord. ^_______________________________________________^
Kirby (edited May 14, 2003)
.... I am SO confused.... =D
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 16, 2003)
Oh yes and those things coming from the sky are speedos and bikini bottoms. Although they do not look like it.
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 11, 2003)
Egg filled noodleness...Uh yeah this picture is just sad and wrong.
9 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited May 12, 2003)
I know! I know! It's nemar backwards! i'm right, aren't I? haha.
quitelacking (edited May 12, 2003)
happy noodle boy. (goes molests the venerable noodle)
raenboe (edited May 16, 2003)
ramen is a type of noodle, isn't it? I mean, I like ramen noodle soup! I get it all the time from Kroger!!! I dunno. maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right.
Nanibunny (edited May 17, 2003)
hehe yayness!!! i love happy noodle boy. . .he's so awesome. .. he's my lover ~.^

hehehe.. .j/k . .nice pic ^_^
drawn in 13 min with OekakiBBS
OneWingedMoo9se (May 11, 2003)
Its just a simple flower. I drew it from a calender. Im a newbie please be nice...heh
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (edited May 11, 2003)
Nice job! I'm a newbie too, ehehe. o.O;;
quitelacking (edited May 11, 2003)
dots on petals. oooh. ^_^
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS