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Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Apr 26, 2003)
Kinda feeling blah-ish... thought I'd draw something happy and see if it would make me feel better. -_-
11 comments – latest 4:
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 28, 2003)
I like her hair, too, but I'd go for the whole head. And I like her arm dealies.
raenboe (edited May 1, 2003)
I want her hair! I lurve orange and blue tips finish the look! Awesum pic!
concannon (edited May 9, 2003)
Becca, why have you stolen my arm socks? Hmmm? *prod*

...cute pic. ^^; Love the BG.
Teej (edited May 12, 2003)
I think you may have used to much elastic material in the crotch area of the pants...
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with OekakiBBS
cherikit-chan (Apr 26, 2003)
Uhhhh... I know, know the word's are a little small... well, tell me if you have trouble reading them... any way, hope you like it ! (sorry for the plain backround) ^^!!
5 comments – latest 4:
Nanibunny (edited Apr 26, 2003)
hehe cuteness! .. . i like the bg, its original ^.^
Kazukie (edited Apr 26, 2003)
Very cute. ^^;;
Knockoff (edited Apr 27, 2003)
Yes, I like it.
cherikit-chan (edited Apr 27, 2003)
Thank-you I'm glad you guys like it! I feel happy now.
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with OekakiBBS
Nanibunny (Apr 26, 2003)
oki's i fixed it up a bit. . . .but i still have a lot more to do. . .like the skin, eyes, etc. . . ^.^
4 comments – latest 4:
Equus (edited Apr 26, 2003)
Pretty, but I think you went a bit heavy on the outline around her head... And the eyes look a bit wierd to me...
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 26, 2003)
I'll agree with Equus, but you also might want to work a little bit more on defining the feathers in the first I thought they were scales on mountain.
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 27, 2003)
I'm sure once it's coloured, the wings will no longer look like scales on a mountain. *laugh* the line around the head is definately too dark though, and something to think about: if she's facing the front, we wouldn't really see a wedge nose, now would we?
Nanibunny (edited Apr 27, 2003)
um. . well she wasnt supposed to be facing the front. . .shes sort of looking at something on the left. . .
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Spudz (Apr 25, 2003)
yay for the colour blue!!! yippee!!! n e way this pic is a bit different to the no arm ppl that i draw... for one thing she has arms... i couldnt do the shinies in her hair coz they got stuffed up...i tried...>< enjoy
8 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 26, 2003)
Aww! cute. The only thing is while it is physically possible, it's really awkward to hold your wrist like that. Usually in that hand position the index finger would point forward. (If you have foreshortening phobia, like me, and did it just to avoid having to draw something coming forward, I forgive you.)
Kazukie (edited Apr 26, 2003)
If you bent your arm back like that and pointed you'd see the palm of your hand. *Nod*
Spudz (edited Apr 26, 2003)
ok! thnx for the tips and pointers etc! ^^ i really appreciate it...
ok, about the eyebrows...I CANT DRAW THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and with the hand stuf...ill work on that!!!
yeah i kno, i should spend much more time on my pics...
well n e wayz...THANX!!
eSheep (edited Apr 26, 2003)
Hey Spudz!!!! It's eSheep!! I love dat's soooooo cool! I wish I could draw like dat! *sad fact*! Love the colours! My damn tablet suddenly shut down but now it's working!! >< Thank God!! Well cya around!
drawn in 16 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Nanibunny (Apr 25, 2003)
grr. . .jerk. . yay i finished it . ..oki. .. time for sleeeeep ^.^
8 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Apr 26, 2003)
Nice flames! I really like this one, the coloring is wicked awsome! You've got such a cool style! And who is "he"? ^_~ The only thing I can say about it is that her arms are kinda weird looking. They're hard to figure out.. o_@;;
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 27, 2003)
so . . where is he? and dear god, what did he do to inspire random flames and fireyness? *wouldn't want to be him* the colouring on this is really exceptional. it's pretty. The colours look nice together, that's important.
icybluecub (edited Apr 27, 2003)
hehe! >;) looke like BARBIE!
Nanibunny (edited Apr 28, 2003)
hehe . .thanx ^.^. . . well. . yeah. ..i was really mad at him. .. he was being a jerk >.< .. . its all good now though. . .
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Spudz (Apr 25, 2003)
sorry pplz 4 this piece of crap but it is ANNOYING!!! i cant gget oakis(cant spell) too send... i draw these pics on it AND I CANT SEND THEM!!!!!!!!!!! do u get that as well??? or is it just me? aaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ITS REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!
4 comments – latest 4:
Spudz (edited Apr 25, 2003)
*breathing deeply with eyes closed* sorry pplz! 4 taking up room with this complain pic... SORRY!
just that i was EXTREMELY cheesed... i like the tools better in oaekis(cant spell) ... its annoying tho... i drew this pic in it and it refused to send...*sigh* oh well...
Turtlebuster (edited Apr 25, 2003)
well, i've had some trouble with oekaki myself (although mostly with the animations).
I feel for ya...
ask marcello if something is up (i used oekaki a little while ago and it worked for me :D)
Nanibunny (edited Apr 25, 2003)
yeah. . . grrrrr >.< i was having problems with oekaki too. .. . i tryed editing like three things and when i sent them i kept getting "error sending" and crap like that .. . i was so mad >.<
Spudz (edited Apr 25, 2003)
i kno...
drawn in 5 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Xodiak (Apr 25, 2003)
he has a pet mouse <:)
12 comments – latest 4:
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 26, 2003)
I love the way you shade stuff.... " >;) " he's so sexy
rosalyn (edited Apr 26, 2003)
What Equus said.... *><*
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 27, 2003)
I have a website I think you'd like Xod. there's this one set of photos of a man who was decapitated by a helicoptor. His brain was just lying there all smooshed, and the skin on his face was in a floppy pile. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. And plus, if you ever need reference pictures, you could find all kinds of stuff there.
concannon (edited Jun 15, 2003)
Brain matter is grey. Shame Xod, you should know that.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 51 min with PaintBBS
Ari (Apr 24, 2003)
Rose, a character from my pending e-novel Sweet Rose. I'll add a better background later.
2 comments – latest 2:
Xodiak (edited Apr 26, 2003)
she looks pretty and sexy >:)
Nanibunny (edited Apr 26, 2003)
hmm its nifty. . . .but she doesnt have a nose! wheres her nose??????? i like the shading. . .it could use just maybe a little more though ^.^
drawn in 4 hours 31 min with OekakiBBS
RabidMalikFanGirl (Apr 24, 2003)
I decided to give Hiead a bit more kute look just for this pic :)
3 comments – latest 3:
Xodiak (edited Apr 25, 2003)
nice bunny, but somebody spanked it! there is a pawmark on it! <:)
Nanibunny (edited Apr 26, 2003)
hehehehehe . . . . all these cute lil bunny pics!!!!! i love them ..hehe i like the paint brush too. . .good job ^.^
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited May 1, 2003)
Xod... One of these days... >:]
drawn in 18 min with OekakiBBS
Huh, what happened to the boards?
marcello (edited Apr 24, 2003)
If you didn't notice already, the boards have moved around quite a bit. If you are looking for images, they are all still there, and nothing has been removed. The OekakiBBS practice board has now merged with the PaintBBS to help organize in preparation for what's to come. In addition the AsciiBBS board has been promoted from practice status to intermediate, and moved to a new miscellaneous boards category.
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