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Public Boards/Beginner 
^v^........... (Apr 17, 2003)
hehe..i wonder if u have noticed but i always use easter colours to draw pictures......i love easter !,blue,torquise and purple are the best colours of all!!
3 comments – latest 3:
ky (edited Apr 17, 2003)
Yes. Yes, indeed.
Spudz (edited Apr 17, 2003)
yay ^-^ its easter!!! yippeee! chokki, chokki, chokki!!!
i like chokki!!!
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 17, 2003)
The best part of easter is no school. that would make any time of year amazing. I don't have to go back to my hellhole for another 4 days. there's a cause for celebration! Your Easter colours are very nice, but I always thought yellow was an Easter colour too, you know.
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with PaintBBS
Teej (Apr 15, 2003)
I blurred it to hide its hideous-ness.
6 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Yes, but in general it wouldn't LOOK LIKE CRAP or have a dark haze following it where ever it goes.
Equus (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Very nice, Teej, getting better... It's very... um... dagger-ish...
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 16, 2003)
It's lovely Teej. Lovely.
Teej (edited Apr 17, 2003)
THAT WAS SARCASTIC. hOW UNB....stupid caps....How unbelieveably unkind!
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DuPo (Apr 16, 2003)
I love to fly :)
*edit*=I tried to put my "lunette" on but it not really pretty
5 comments – latest 4:
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 16, 2003)
See the bar, Mnem? It's called hang gliding.
Ari (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Oooooooh, hang gliding!!! V. cool pic, a little "different" from the normal stuff people draw.
DuPo (edited Apr 17, 2003)
lunette = something you put on your eys to protecte your self from the wind

and "Bravo" it's hang gliding, Tesia-chan :))
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 17, 2003)
I get it! Actually I knew it was hang gliding, at least I figured it was hang gliding, either that or it was suicide. And I like that name, Mnem! I am Mnem! Grrrr! And Ari's right. You're very original DuPo.
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Tesia-chan (Apr 15, 2003)
A rather strange looking picture of Aoyama Motoko (Sorry about that, Roy! I knew it didn't look quite right...) from Love Hina... lovingly nicknamed "The Sword Girl". Erg, I wanted it to turn out better than this...

Note: Gomen! I didn't mean for the animation to be so screwed up near the end, it messed up my colouring and stuff and ew... so, Teej, You'll have to ignore the parts where the screen is completely red (I got stupid, forgot I'd done that...I was just outlining the eyes anyways.) and when everything goes wacky. That usually doesn't happen.
5 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Woo! That was the best part! I love her's all clench-ified.
Equus (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Whee! I like this one, too! It does look like her, sorta...
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 16, 2003)
I haven't seen Love Hina (Don't eat me) so I don't really know if it looks like her. But whoever she is, she looks like she wants to kill me.
Eggie (edited Apr 16, 2003)
She looks cool. I like her expression.
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with OekakiBBS
Spudz (Apr 15, 2003)
??? no comment ???
except ugly!...><
7 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Apr 16, 2003)
I think it looks awesomely cool. It's got the whole De Stijl thing going on, and I love it.
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 16, 2003)
The backgorund is very Mondrian. Hehe. I had a scary are teacher once who made me do that. This may be considered pointing out the obvious, but it doesn't have hands.
Spudz (edited Apr 16, 2003)
heheheheh>< i doesnt have hands coz i'm seriously hopeless at hands... ^^
i cant draw hands if my life depends on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eggie (edited Apr 16, 2003)
drawn in 13 min with PaintBBS
Ameraq (Apr 16, 2003)
...The Eye is watching....... o_O
5 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Please stop, It'll give me nightmares.
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Neat. LOVE that eye.
Ameraq (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Thanks much everyone! ...Yeah, Kinda A freaky I agree, We all have to wonder now, Does she have another eye?
Spudz (edited Apr 16, 2003)
i like the eye.... pretty eye....
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Apr 5, 2003)
lol the name describes it perfectly!
10 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Apr 8, 2003)
Yah really... Wow he said ass let's cry about it! Would he have sounded "cool" if he said hiney? Or buttox? Not really so deal with it.
Fin_beast (edited Apr 8, 2003)
thanks kazukie
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 12, 2003)
Dolphingal12, honey, I think if language like that offends you then you shouldn't be on an interactive site like this one. Also, shouldn't we practice what we preach? Who's not supposed to say anything if they haven't got anything nice to say? By the way, nice pic.
Ari (edited Apr 16, 2003)
I agree w/ fin and kazuke, it is perfectly alright to swear IF you aren't insulting anyone. And if you are insulting someone, what the hell, it's a free universe!
drawn in 19 min with OekakiBBS
pr3ttyhorse (Apr 12, 2003)
Dead babies, monster dildo's and puppies with bannanas in their asses, who could ask for anything more? I know I couldnt, I really couldnt, except mayby for some pretty horsies to cum all over me, GOD I WOULD LOVE THAT!
10 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 13, 2003)
Today has got to be the day for funny pictures. I think someone's been visiting too many weird porn sites . . . Funny. Actually It's coloured nicely too, except the dog, which I think is, yes, a bit messy. It looks alot like paint. (maybe because it's a bit messy . . . that would mean it only looks like My painting actually . . .) I like it.
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 13, 2003)
that's a lovely fetus
Nanibunny (edited Apr 14, 2003)
wow. .. this is a disturbing image that will take a long time to get out of my head. ..
poor doggy. . .what'd the dog ever do to you?!?. ..
its an okay composition, i guess. .. . o.O
Ari (edited Apr 16, 2003)
This is disturbing. I agree with quintessence, you have *major* issues...
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with OekakiBBS
theraven (Apr 14, 2003)
"I'm sorry to everyone for those disgusting sonic story panels I've been coming up with of late. They have become grotesquely (sorry I can't spell very well) sexually perverse in nature that I am afraid I probably would have went to far if I had continued. Forgive me, my comrades. Just for the record, I am a Christian and I shouldn't endorse immorality with my artistic talents. Instead, I shall endeavor to produce more uplifting peices of artwork. I'm going to try to delete the rest of the sonic/amy/dachick comics asap."
7 comments – latest 4:
Five (edited Apr 15, 2003)
I found that Sonic comic was cute (ok, last part evoked some dirty thoughts). Why don't do a final panel giving it an innocent plot twist, instead of deleting all your work?

@ this picture: I like it, nice perspective and she has a cute nose. Only thing I would change are the lines of her upper lip. They are a little too drak, I think.
Kazukie (edited Apr 15, 2003)
Aww I wanted to know what was going to happen!! *Crys*.. This is really pretty. =]
theraven (edited Apr 16, 2003)
It was suppose to have an innocent plot twist from the beginning. Then it just got more sexual. I'm not even going to describe it. But, I might finish it for your sakes. Thankyou for your support.
Ari (edited Apr 16, 2003)
PLEASE finish the Sonic comic!!! I liked it, it was funny!
Here's an idea: do both! (Your comic and "uplifting" stuff) :P
I agree with Kazukie, this is v. prettyful!
drawn in 45 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
roguefrequency (Mar 20, 2003)
Not done... I need an idea for a background... ideas?

edit 1: ok, I got the cheese, what else? I don't want to do shadows until I get an idea for the bg.

edit 2: I'm still stuck for a good bg... I want this to be good a picture (my best one so far).

edit 3: I'm done! I can't believe it! The first pic I've done that I'm happy with!!!
12 comments – latest 4:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 23, 2003)
The finished product is very cute :) *huggles tiger rock*
roguefrequency (edited Mar 23, 2003)
Thank you Razor and RabidGirl! I appreciate the compliments.
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 15, 2003)
PET ROCKS!! Ok, maybe it's not a pet rock. But Moo to that because of how much I care. I like pet rocks. There's something cool about having an inanimate object for a pet. I had one, but I kept losing it, so I've settled for having invisible pets. They're great! they don't even complain when I forget to feed them. You do get some damn strange looks from the pet store lady though, and the vet. They tell me they can't operate on something only I see. But I knopw it's just discrimination against the invisible people running around. Such prejudice. (That has got to be the longest lie I have ever told. But nehoo, I like it, It's cute and blob-like)
Ameraq (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Squoooooooossshhhhyyy! ^.^
NIce coloration, Very creative!
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with PaintBBS
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