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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 20, 2005)
when i was half way through this, I realized it was similar to this other thing I drew. http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/42211/ |
(Jul 15, 2005)
Hmm.Reference can be found at http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/19327450/. This looks nothing like it.
davincipoppalag (Jul 15, 2005)
I particularly like the eye and the lips.. this is a good drawing.
Xodiak (Jul 15, 2005)
Very pretty lady! >:D|XOD|
LisaAnne (Jul 16, 2005)
Beautiful...I enjoy the eyelids...they almost seem to have eye shadow on.
fluffylover (Jul 21, 2005)
i'm a sucker for a red-head..this looks great |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 19, 2005)
ihateu (Jul 19, 2005)
that is amazing it looks real
Pantera (Jul 19, 2005)
Very nice indeed, I love your work :)
Renuar (Jul 19, 2005)
I like her nose lips and beads, makes me want to see her eyes. very nice.
fleeting_memory (Jul 21, 2005)
its fabulous dahling. At least that sounds like what she would say. It really is amazing though |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 19, 2005)
I had one many moons ago :)
featheredfriend (Jul 19, 2005)
I too love the eyes. Will you paint the eyes on the toothpick mouse for us? :-)
davincipoppalag (Jul 19, 2005)
I had a couple as a kid, too. Lil creepy red eyes.. hehe good one Helena
emmamommalag (Jul 19, 2005)
Good pic. Cute little beady red eyes. Glad you're back, Helena. :)
Pantera (Jul 19, 2005)
Thank you all. My sis says it looks like its pregnant lol :) Heather I was trying to make that toothpick holder you have, just could not figure out how to do the toothpicks, I will try again sometime. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 18, 2005)
gift for Aki. for an art trade i suppose?
Xodiak (Jul 18, 2005)
Very pretty my friend! Beautiful colours! Now that you have a tablet, it would be great if you drew on OpenCanvas with me sometime. <:D|XOD|
hideyourface (Jul 18, 2005)
solve (Jul 18, 2005)
anytime you want well opencanvas, instant message me if you like, im not busy
LisaAnne (Jul 18, 2005)
I can deffinately see a change with the tablet. The color scheme reminds me of summer...and also makes me think you could be a makeup artist hehe. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 15, 2005)
Just a simple test of the utilities. I think it looks okay now.
xiau (Jul 15, 2005)
I have always had a strange obsession with round objects. Nyaha, I love this picture! It's so... So round!
friend (Jul 15, 2005)
This is beatiful.
Pantera (Jul 15, 2005)
It does look like water colours, I like it :)
LisaAnne (Jul 18, 2005)
Nice twist on the sphere. I enjoy the color scheme...calming. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(May 29, 2005)
I like red.
George_Goat (edited May 30, 2005)
I just saw your purple one. >u< Although it's obviously water and sky, it reminds me of red foil covering valentine's chocolates and velvet! Very cool, Err...hot (since red's not a cool color on the color wheel! ;) )
emmamommalag (Jun 1, 2005)
Thanks, George. And now I'm hungry for chocolates. ;)
laurael (Jun 5, 2005)
You experiment with colors very well...and red is absolutely my FAV color...Yay!
LisaAnne (Jul 18, 2005)
Just the red tone to such a grand thing as the ocean gives it a very interesting flare...makes you wonder about death and life at the same time. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 15, 2005)
not finished yet, i'll work on it later
LisaAnne (Jul 18, 2005)
This little face just makes me smile...can't wait to see the finished product. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 16, 2005)
will finish soon, damn storm came out of no where and dont want to get dissconnected in middle of artinhg.
p3ndragon (Jul 16, 2005)
Marry me.Or at least let your picture marry me.
HunterKiller_ (Jul 17, 2005)
This is yummy.
LisaAnne (Jul 17, 2005)
Oh yea for you, got your new baby! The eyes work really well...intimidation. Take care.
darkshadow (Jul 18, 2005)
wow great pic sove is a bad a$$ |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 15, 2005)
Yeah, I think dogs are pretty great, and I think noses are very interesting. This isn't too good, but I'm learning about the tools. Thanks to some of the moderators who helped me out with space and such. Take care.
solve (Jul 17, 2005)
hey lisa! im glad you joined this community the people here are very friendly :Di have to agree with anna a lot on the textures too. the nose! i love how its smooth on parts and yet has the dots (for lack of a better word) on it. very true to life. not to mention that you used grayscale as well. impressive.
emmamommalag (Jul 17, 2005)
Yep, dogs are very special people. Very nice, especially the textures.
Ian (Jul 17, 2005)
thats some good work. I like it, looking forward to more stuff [I have no exlamation amrk on this pc...]
LisaAnne (edited Aug 14, 2008)
Awww thanks so much guys, I appreciate it...and I'm gonna look at your galleries later today, because I have class now. Take care.__________edit August 15, 2008 RIP Easton...I miss you so much. (11/2/94 -- 8/12/08) "An example of love" |
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how perfect.