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Public Boards/Intermediate 
solve (Aug 12, 2005)
whoa compression! changed it up.
8 comments – latest 4:
LisaAnne (Aug 12, 2005)
Haha you know who this reminds me of! Hans Bellmer :)
Also seems like an "opera lady"
Yeah I still know nothing of the "anime" type stuff...I'm sorry.
Interesting color...when did pink become feminine anyway?

Yeah I'll shut up now.
hideyourface (Aug 12, 2005)
I really like this. Your stuff keeps getting better and better.
SimplyX (Aug 14, 2005)
I love it!! It's sort of a hidden 18+ pic and that's the beauty of it! I love the curves and the roundness. Soft colors and lines really makes this captivating in a way.
woah_pockster (Oct 15, 2005)
your art is so purly organic. it's very whole and it's just all around beautiful
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
solve (Aug 30, 2005)
timer is way off.
7 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 31, 2005)
I couldn't see it at first either, HK..but ..she's there...and she's evil lookin...good one marcus
LisaAnne (Aug 31, 2005)
"Now even meatier"...This shows improvement in that area alone, from the fleshy lips character.
p3ndragon (Aug 31, 2005)
Is this a part two? :D
This is some creepy stuff you're putting out.
woah_pockster (Oct 15, 2005)
It looks decent, the initial line art has a lot of feeling to it, though. <3
drawn in 3 hours 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
koo (Oct 12, 2005)
I'd really like some comments that will keep me in the right direction of getting this image as close as possible to the reference. I feel I am about half way atm.
9 comments – latest 4:
koo (Oct 13, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 50 min
Hope it was worth the extra space :)
darkshadow (Oct 13, 2005)
haha great job that looks well wow and it was worth it or atlest i think so
Rosemary (Oct 14, 2005)
lol looks good now its done :)
LisaAnne (Oct 14, 2005)
Oh this made me smile, and for that I thank you. As far as constructive criticism...the head looks a little squashed (forehead area).
I realize space is tight, but I think that perhaps the image going off the canvas might be better. Very nice in general though.
drawn in 3 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Gigge (Sep 30, 2005)
I recently took up yoga. (No reference used.)

10 comments – latest 4:
darkshadow (Oct 4, 2005)
wow is right this is great i agree iwth lycene about the skin in v3 and v4 but the cloth on the is very well done aswell great job on this
Gigge (Oct 4, 2005)
Thanks. I thought about leaving her unclothed after version 4, but that would have made it much more sexual than I intended this piece to be.
JK-Arts (Oct 13, 2005)
Very Good shading the gold looks good and that is one whicked thumbnail she got. Good Draw.
Miss_DJ (Oct 13, 2005)
this is fantastic! the detail is wonderful..if yoga makes a body like that, where do I sign up?
drawn in 1 day 4 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Pence (Oct 9, 2005)
Yeah, It's a little early but I love october and I LOVE halloween!
3 comments – latest 3:
LisaAnne (Oct 9, 2005)
I really like this style...very unique...
My only suggestion is that the black lines around the moon are a little distracting. Either way its a very chic and cute draw.
JK-Arts (Oct 10, 2005)
Did you use mouse to do this or a palette? then i can say some people don't deserve a palette. I use a mouse.
Pence (Oct 12, 2005)
I was to lazy to go get my tablet. So I used a mouse I think at the end I went back in with a tablet to fix up some of the lines.
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Oct 10, 2005)
it has curly things that he thinks.
5 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Oct 10, 2005)
Love the face, colors, and swirly curlies. :-)
Boichi (Oct 10, 2005)
I love it! Great job.
LisaAnne (Oct 11, 2005)
Extremely tantilizing to my eyes.
jayceepearl (Oct 12, 2005)
This is my brain every night before I try to go to sleep.
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooseflower (Oct 10, 2005)
Reach rhymes with peach which rhymes with leech which is distantly related to the butterfly!
5 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Oct 10, 2005)
That's neat. The butterfly looks as if it's heading toward the hand, but the hand looks as if it's just released the butterfly. It kind of makes me wonder who's catching who.
LisaAnne (Oct 11, 2005)
I dig it.
jord (Oct 11, 2005)
i love the sharp white lines of the background and the white shadow-outlines on the hand (even more). this is cool
DarkCloak (Oct 11, 2005)
Cool! I do like the way this was drawn and colored!
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Mal (Oct 9, 2005)
4 comments – latest 4:
Yuugi-chan (Oct 9, 2005)
I like this. It looks like it was done with oil paints! =)
Fobix (Oct 9, 2005)
WOW thats really pretty! :)
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
Very pretty picture Mr. Mal. The look of the metal pitcher is good
LisaAnne (Oct 9, 2005)
poppies are my favorite! Beautiful.
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
NemesisT (Oct 8, 2005)
What can I say. It's a dog and a girl.
3 comments – latest 4:
LisaAnne (Oct 8, 2005)
I like it...very unique picture, and nice color scheme.
NemesisT (Oct 8, 2005)
drawn in 28 min
background. can't help but giggle at my own line art XD
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
I like the look of this one. The figures are interesting, and the grays you used really make it jump out.
lycene (Oct 9, 2005)
What can I say, I'm a sucker for black-and-white. I really like the simplicity of this.
drawn in 2 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
breac (Aug 10, 2005)
Once again, I have fallen into a creative slump and have No idea as to what I want to draw. SO..... Any requests?
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