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Public Boards/Advanced 
30 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Apr 12, 2010)
Beautiful finish, enjoy. :)
Teapot (Apr 12, 2010)
Wonderful job of capturing, not just her expression, but a sense of personality. There's such a twinkly spark in her left eye and world weary wisdom in her right. I love her old lady skin. You did good.
elly (Apr 12, 2010)
Oh I'm so glad I spotted this! I almost missed it =O it was tucked into the corner and I didn't see it at first! This is such a beautiful drawing enjoy!! I LOVE the colors! She has the most sweetest face! Just wanna hug her!!
enjoydotcom (Apr 14, 2010)
Thanks for the sweet comments. It isn't really finished, but at times, it wouldn't let me upload the revision I had just worked on. Several hour down the drain.
drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
12 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jun 9, 2010)
yuck to the oil and a great portrait of the results of a disaster.
davincipoppalag (Jun 9, 2010)
three Roy pics in one..
Suntan (Jun 9, 2010)
Very sickening to the core. You did a wonderful job depicting the death of this beautiful bird. :`(
Moosh (Jun 10, 2010)
great work on that.
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Apr 11, 2010)
Just having a test go with chibi.
40 comments – latest 4:
Black_Bird (Mar 24, 2011)
This is insane.
Flubbles (Mar 27, 2011)
Thanks, my computers a bit crappy at the moment so I dont really want to draw anything until I get my new one.
lori (Mar 28, 2011)
these are SO realistic that it's maddening not to be able to eat them... awesome work Flubber
ammona (Mar 19, 2013)
wow ,,just amaaaaaaazing.
drawn in 5 hours 59 min with Chicken Paint
Flubbles and Bobstained (Mar 10, 2010)
40 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Apr 14, 2010)
Are there any drawings you're completely happy with and see no things to fix?
Flubbles (Apr 14, 2010)
There's always thing's to be fixed. There's a few drawings I feel happy with and I wouldn't want to change anything, but they're not perfect either.
enirroc (Apr 14, 2010)
You have a good eye for detail.
Flubbles (Jun 6, 2010)
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

drawn in 20 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
itchymonkey (Mar 21, 2010)
12 comments – latest 4:
madscientist (Mar 30, 2010)
This is fantastic! Wonderful draw and use of textures! You do amazing work!:))
firecracker (Mar 30, 2010)
"Wow"!! This pic is just totally amazing......I agree that it is a "showcase" draw......fantastic job!! :)
LifeGotColour (Apr 5, 2010)
wonderful work! this pic looks amazing...
Suntan (Apr 5, 2010)
I missed this! This is exceptional! well done! Wow, itchy. :)
drawn in 12 hours with Chicken Paint
elly (Mar 28, 2010)
Cleaning, clearing, tossing, deleting....and this flowers season has passed...
19 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jun 14, 2010)
so gorgeous...
lori (Jun 16, 2010)
very very nice elly!
Pantera (Jun 16, 2010)
Beautiful flower :)
elly (Jun 16, 2010)
Thank you Miss DJ, lori and Pantera! It's great to see all three of you!!! I've been somewhat of a stranger around here recently but I'll always come back to where I got my start!! Happy Summer!! Let's go to the beach!!!!
drawn in 2 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
jekyll (Feb 6, 2010)
15 comments – latest 4:
TumblingUpwards (Feb 12, 2010)
Very beautifully drawn, its refreshing to see such an artistic touch to such a beautiful position and woman. I admire you for doing the hair as you did, she is perfect indeed.
jekyll (Feb 12, 2010)
Thank you, Aakyra, TumblingUpwards and Suntan. I have to admit, Suntan. I only added the earring when I fixed the ear....
LifeGotColour (Feb 13, 2010)
i'm in love with this drawing... it looks so artistic...
Miss_DJ (Jun 3, 2010)
splendid! I LOVE her skin tones, so perfectly painted.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 7 hours 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
bette_davis_eyes (Feb 7, 2010)
17 comments – latest 4:
bette_davis_eyes (Feb 10, 2010)
thanks so much everyone! :)
and mursku, after you pointed it out, I can see how that sudden contrast from blurred to sharp doesn't look right .. I'll have to deviate from the reference a bit and try to fix that.. thanks for the tips .. much appreciated :) now let's hope I can pull it off without guidance from the ref and make it look better.
flubbles, you're just hardcore :P but I'm glad to know you were only trying to "encourage me" next time maybe give me some tips where I went wrong, like mursku did :)
bette_davis_eyes (Feb 10, 2010)
drawn in 2 hours 1 min
hope this looks a little better.. I played around with the background too much and messed that up worse than it was :|
LifeGotColour (Feb 13, 2010)
awesome! ... it looks just great!
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
drawn in 7 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
enirroc (Feb 11, 2010)
I'll work more on this later.
12 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Feb 13, 2010)
Thank you guys. =)
Flubbles (Feb 16, 2010)
You look pretty innocent here, so whats this all about?
enirroc (Feb 17, 2010)
lol. No comment.
betty96 (Mar 28, 2010)
good job with her eyes!!!lovely draw
drawn in 3 hours 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
firecracker (Oct 24, 2009)
Just trying to practice doing a silhouette type of draw. I'm not good at drawing silhouettes.....this is supposed to be a silhouette of a ghostly pirate ship. I'm not finished working on this. I'd appreciate any advice anyone might give me..."lol"! I'm posting this as I have room in my unfinished draws gallery.....I can always go back later and work on this more.....
16 comments – latest 4:
DKD (Feb 8, 2010)
very nice
firecracker (Feb 8, 2010)
Thanks "DKD" for your nice comment.....I do appreciate it.....:)
Teapot (Feb 27, 2010)
wow. I'm impressed! This is beautiful...and so well done. You need to meet my friend, Roz. She'd buy all your artwork. Everything in her house looks like you could have drawn it.
firecracker (Mar 8, 2010)
Hi "teapot".....I just now noticed you left a comment on this pic.....thanks very much.....I really appreciate it! I'm glad you like this pic.....I kinda like old pirate ships, and Captain Jack Sparrow is my fave I just felt the need to draw this pic...."lol"!! I would like to meet your friend "Roz".....she sounds like a nice person......she is welcome to buy all my "pics" if she wants......but I don't know why she would want to...."lol"!!! :)
drawn in 10 hours 29 min with Chicken Paint
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