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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 7, 2004)
This is what happens when you go to far with your finger. |
(Jun 8, 2004)
I have sent squee through the anime teleprter and she came out looking like this
Urei-sama (Jun 9, 2004)
you know... the style reminds me of FLCL! i like it... her neaks long but not too bad for what you were going for ^_^ keep it up!>>urei<<
squee (Jun 10, 2004)
ILoveKenshin (Jun 10, 2004)
Er, her neck looks kinda fat and a little long... I like how the background is simple, though.'~:Kaoru:~'
Knockoff (Jun 10, 2004)
Hey! I like this ros. The hair is really cool. The coloring and shading isn't bad either ;) |
(Jun 9, 2004)
I really like this picture becuase I has a hazy feel. But, I would love some tips!
TheCrimsonKing (Jun 9, 2004)
Very cool. Great interaction.. Some tips? Perhaps making the eye, and lashes a bit smaller..that and the eyebrow looks as though they were made to be on a face on view and not profile. Some other minor things..But It looks really good ^_^
BlueDreamer (Jun 9, 2004)
This was just something to do. Thankyou.
ILoveKenshin (Jun 9, 2004)
Unless they're supposed to be glowing, I suggest that you might want to fill in all of the white around them.I like how you made all of the blues not look crazy, instead they look nice together, and as you said, hazy. '~:Kaoru:~'
BlueDreamer (edited Jun 10, 2004)
I made the little bubble around them because it kind of shows that they are inseprable. |
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion | |||||||||||||||||||||
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KiwiKitsune (May 4, 2004)
I need some ideas... I have no creativity left. This big... eighty-story digital monster drained it from me... <:'( does anyone have any ideas of what I should draw? No, I do NOT draw porn... but anyways... just give me a couple of ideas!! I'd really, really appriciate it... I haven't been drawing lately... because I don't know WHAT to draw... any ideas!? O_O;; (^._.^)?? Ha ha. Nyanya. No... I'm not getting my tablet fixed any time soon... :'( I've gotta ask mommeh when she gets home if she'll t...
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 9, 2004)
Like the title says...
ILoveKenshin (Jun 9, 2004)
Not to be rude, but I might say that that should belong in the beginner's room. I like how you shaded it, though! '~:Kaoru:~'
Zack (Jun 9, 2004)
Nice colors, but I agree with Kenshin. This picture could have been drawn in MS Paint. Lascaux has a variety of blending and antialiasing options... make use of them. |
(Jun 1, 2004)
;____;!!! I'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS HER!! ...how does Porcelain do such a good job with her art? She's awesome!! O_O!!
KiwiKitsune (Jun 2, 2004)
Aww... thank you! ^^;
ILoveKenshin (Jun 4, 2004)
Umm, you drew the wrong hand... O_OAlso, what's with the little pinkish dot things on the shoulders...? '~:Kaoru:~'
KiwiKitsune (Jun 6, 2004)
I know. I changed it a little bit... I dunno.
Xodiak (Jun 7, 2004)
She looks very pretty, I like Porcelain's artwork and yours as well! You both draw pretty girls! >;D|XOD| |
(Jun 6, 2004)
Not as good as the last one I don't think...I don't think i picked a very good photo, should've had some legs in there or something I reckon. Anyway, I was experimenting with colour, and I plan to do more...What do you guys reckon? I like how the colour came out...
PolythenePam (Jun 6, 2004)
Look past the grossness...Please!
Gothic_Otaku (Jun 6, 2004)
*hugs* yay spiders <3 ....i'm a strange little girl. I love it, it's very realistic, but don't spiders have eight eyes? I can only see four here.
Zhenny (Jun 7, 2004)
Aww, tentacles~*has been playing too much Cthulhu'ish games lately* The eyes are really good (=evil), but, the body looks a bit two-dimensional.
davincipoppalag (Jun 7, 2004)
Dang Pam.. this is well done! (Creepy) but well done! |
Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||||||||||||||
(May 22, 2004)
just wanted a picture for my msn icon. idunno i tried to drwa myself in anime... hair in all haha yurp
laurael (May 22, 2004)
I LOVE the eye...and yer very cute!
Childlike_Vampire (May 23, 2004)
This is very well done, the very small lines and details make it so. Nice! :D
bumpinthenight (May 25, 2004)
oooh... very cool.... kind of looks like Relena Peacecraft from Gundam Wing... Does anyone else agree?
ILoveKenshin (Jun 6, 2004)
In a very weird way, it reminds me of Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew...It's anine-ish, but then again it's realistic... not really realistic, but a little.. It's pretty ^.~ '~:Kaoru:~' |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 3, 2004)
First time drawing here. Drew it for Anna to say thanks for that lovely windmill. I'm also gonna have to say sorry though, mostly for the poor quality.
Thear (edited Jun 4, 2004)
welcome Garth! ^^ really nice looking shirt! good job!
ILoveKenshin (Jun 4, 2004)
I'm not much into sports, but that's cool! I like the way you made it look all realistic, and you even bothered to put a tag in!Great first picture, and welcome to the site! '~:Kaoru:~'
Garth (Jun 5, 2004)
You are all very kind :-) ((((Poppa)))) "mizz anna" ? lol. So there are at least 5 takers for shirts with different length sleeves... *Develops a marketing plan* Thanks for the welcome :-)
emmamommalag (Jun 6, 2004)
This is great, Garthy.. glad to see you're drawing. (((Garthy))) |
(Jun 3, 2004)
what I've been snacking on lately... life is good...
davincipoppalag (Jun 4, 2004)
Dang it KO are you still hungry?? You ATE my muffin! Sheesh.. lol
Knockoff (Jun 4, 2004)
Sorry Davin, I can't help. I also ate moose's toaster.I don't think it will end....... lol.
laurael (Jun 5, 2004)
Hey...this looks damn edible...good thing it's 'just' a picture...I would have missed it seein' as knockoff's goin' 'round 'eating' everything...heh heh... |
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