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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 21, 2005)
more naruto stuff. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 26, 2005)
??????XD???????????3Supposed to be Die from Dir en Grey. It's crap. I really need to fix the goggles XD I'll finish soon. ?????
voodoobunny (Sep 28, 2005)
I love Die too! <3I planned to cosplay him in the next mangaday, but the clothes are so hard to do, that I think I'll have to wait ½ year. but here are some good news, I'm going to be Gackt XD
Kenshin (Sep 29, 2005)
XD yay, Gackt. There is this one Gackt outfit I kinda want to be. There's also a Die cosplay I want to do... It seems complicated. Especially the hair x_x I also want to cosplay as Toshiya. I think they will be my main cosplaying <3 Yay for cosplay XD;
voodoobunny (Sep 29, 2005)
Yup. last time I was Shuichi XD Can you imagine...pink hair and the concert clothes.(I hope you know that who is Shuichi)
Kenshin (Oct 1, 2005)
Yes, I know who he is <3I love Gravitation. ^_^; o.o; I cosplayed as somebody with pink hair, too XD; |
(Sep 21, 2005)
Toshiya inspiredish ness.. thing.. XD; It's special. <3 Dir en Grey >w< Shinya is so freaking cute when he says pistachio
ILoveKenshin (Sep 22, 2005)
I like his expression, and the style. The hair kinda diappears on the one side :O He looks mad, but like he's about to pull a prank on someone, like putting pisatchio ice cream down Kyo's pants while he's sleeping. *random* XD Okay, blahblahblah. Oh, yeah. Nice signature. XD
Kenshin (Sep 22, 2005)
Hah, I know where that came from. The little Vanilla story thing+Pistachio video XDI know, isn't my signature so freaking secksay XD?
kiketsu (Sep 27, 2005)
oh, wow! really awesome!
minikuineko (Sep 27, 2005)
totchi!!!!!!!!!! *glomps* |
Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13+ for the flesh and the stickehz on her b00beZ
– latest 4:W00T i'm BaX ShItTeH cornwall!! thanks jakira, that looksies WiCkEd
voodoobunny (Aug 22, 2005)
nice boobies :P
Minty_hippo (Aug 26, 2005)
lmao! hehe nice colour jakira ^^
Claire (Sep 19, 2005)
I think u need to look for your white dots left behind and maby the side veiw of the face no offence it a comment.
SneakyWalter (Sep 26, 2005)
You, not u. Maybe, not maby. "It a comment"? This makes no sense.No offence Claire, it a comment whoops i ally put a comma there oh well proppper gram still sux *Sigh* |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 17, 2005)
Yeah, it's a Ragnarok Merchant. They're so ugly. But, I tried to draw it anyways. 'cus it's funny. Like... I dunno... comments appreciated.~Liz 'o5 Finish later. ON and OFF working.
D: Looking around for my sweet boyfriend... where'd he go off to nooow... hmm... I'll finish this later.
ILoveKenshin (Sep 23, 2005)
Try fixing up the hands, and the chest. I like the eyes. ^_^
Dragnakita (Sep 25, 2005)
Yeah. I have artist's block. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 20, 2005)
I tried out a few things and ended up drawing a eye. Comments apreciated ^^
ILoveKenshin (Sep 22, 2005)
Try not making it so box-like, make it more... curved and stuff. Nice start, though. :3 |
(Aug 25, 2005)
Whee! XD This is so crappy. I wasn't really trying to make it be really good or anything :PIt's supposed to be Gackt, but I guess it doesn't look much like him ;\ I hate this picture :D
Kenshin (Sep 17, 2005)
Masa is a cuuutie~Totchi [Toshiya] is hot, too D: So is everyone in Dir en Grey <3
voodoobunny (Sep 19, 2005)
Gackt is gay. That is the only thing I like about him. (Have anyone seen the live video Vanilla? He...well..better if I don't say anything XD)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 19, 2005)
i like gackt and this pic here *~~~* cool!voodoobunny! i have seen it! :33
Kenshin (Sep 20, 2005)
OMFG Vanilla live is the best video EVER XDDD! <3<3333333333 This picture bothers me XD |
(Aug 7, 2005)
XD Yeah. Doodle. I drew one similar on a different oekaki, so I thought I should draw one here. In a crappier version! XD I didn't mean for it to be crappier, but whatever :p Isn't he cute? <3 Somebody better stop me from drawing so many Albels. >_> |
Not done. Ninja person.
– latest 4:
BunnySlippers (Sep 5, 2005)
I like the shiny hair! :D Very nice!
marron (Sep 5, 2005)
a masterpiece! you're much too good 4 the beginner board!!!
ILoveKenshin (Sep 5, 2005)
Thanks for coloring it, Sayo. Great job. :3
Kenshin (Sep 5, 2005)
No problem :3 I had fun XD; |
(Aug 17, 2005)
This used to be England's flag. Hope you guys like it.
Xodiak (Aug 21, 2005)
I like Mr. Cloxboy's links! >;DNice drawing, it reminds me of all the years I had to have English lessons! >:D |XOD|
sesshomarulove (Aug 30, 2005)
thanks for complimenting my pictures....by the way this one look awsome this picture is stright forward
KH44N (edited Sep 3, 2005)
Thanks. ^__^ |
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Sasuke's hawt o_o They shouldn't have dubbed the anime. It's horrible. The dubber version, that is.
drawn in 10 min
but Sasuke sucks and is a dumb ass you will see one day i like the 5th and the guys from sand
keep up the good work