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Public Boards/Beginner 
Hotaru-chan (Jul 12, 2003)
It's my birthday!!

9 comments – latest 4:
mkkmypet (edited Jul 12, 2003)
Ha ha! You are only 3!
Marienkind (edited Jul 12, 2003)
happy birthday, and may your stomach not be plagued by cake aches. :)
Xodiak (edited Jul 12, 2003)
Happy birthday! >:D
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 12, 2003)
I don't think I want to give away personal information......... and it be a miricle <(I can't spell) if I was 3, and learned how to go to this website without accidentally going to a website full of stuff xodiax would look at ... no offence.........

drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Jul 11, 2003)
i dunno.
5 comments – latest 4:
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jul 11, 2003)
Nothing better than rain and pretty boy in the rain!
concannon (edited Jul 11, 2003)
Pretty....great background. The nose seems to be at the wrong angle for the head, though. ~_~
Marienkind (edited Jul 11, 2003)
ya, i don't like the nose either, but i'm too lazy to fix it... sigh.
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 12, 2003)
I like how you based almost every thing (like the sky, the hair, etc... ) on the same color........ it's awsome........

drawn in 1 hour 16 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
fuziwara (Jul 8, 2003)
I can enjoy drawing. I appreciate your kindness. THAK YOU!
46 comments – latest 4:
GeeGee (Aug 11, 2005)
Very, very cute. :3 I love how you outlined it!
KH44N (Aug 11, 2005)
Very beautiful. I love the way u did that hair!
hyschara (Oct 25, 2005)
I like the natural sketch feeling ^^
and how you made him have dark skin :D
beth92093 (edited Nov 23, 2006)
wow this is so kool !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes sooo hot!!!
drawn in 47 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Blue_Sun (Jul 8, 2003)
Amy Lee Again. "Im running out of things to draw."
4 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 8, 2003)
It's a very great picc you have, too bad your running out of things to draw, I like how you draw, though........

Blue_Sun (edited Jul 8, 2003)
OH OH OH OH OH !! I know what I can draw ! =D.
Kisa (edited Jul 13, 2003)
I like I really like. what do you mean Blue_Sun is running out of stuff to draw????
Blue_Sun (edited Jul 17, 2003)
It means I can't think of any more things to draw ..... =U_U=
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Blue_Sun (Jul 7, 2003)
This is my way of drawing Amy Lee from Evanescence.
7 comments – latest 4:
Blue_Sun (edited Jul 7, 2003)

raenboe (edited Jul 7, 2003)
That's very good! I agree, it looks better.
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 8, 2003)
evanescence is cool, but now that I think of it..... you made her cooler than I ever thought of her as, because I never liked her very much..............

Blue_Sun (edited Jul 8, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with PaintBBS
Hotaru-chan (Jul 7, 2003)
what question do you think he was asked ?!?!? I'd like to see some answers, if you don't mind, because I haven't quite figured that out yet........

7 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 7, 2003)
the last time I checked your middle finger isn't right next too your thumb......

Hakkai (edited Jul 7, 2003)
You know whats sad?
I think that there are more people who want to agree with you Zappo when you say that.

Not to be rude, ofcourse. I'm just saying it because its probably true. n_n;
Doodlibop (edited Jul 8, 2003)
"You want fries with that?"
Zappo (edited Jul 8, 2003)
He he he I try to say what everyone is thinking.....
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
Hotaru-chan (Jul 6, 2003)
I'm back..............

8 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jul 6, 2003)
Disturbingly cute. o.O Erm...welcome back? I never met you. O_o
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 7, 2003)
you never met me because I wasn't here too much this month, so if you haven't...... Hi blah blah.... nice to meet you and all that stuff.....
Nanibunny (edited Jul 8, 2003)
hehehe its adoooooooorable!!! can i give it a hug? pweeease??? ^.^
nyao (edited Aug 5, 2003)
tee hee hee... i luv how you drew the kittie! cutie! like a lil'o plush. ^^
drawn in 17 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Blue_Sun (Jul 5, 2003)
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Jul 5, 2003)
Love the hair and the eyes, not the mention the up and down!
concannon (edited Jul 6, 2003)
V. well done! Love the eyes, and the expressions. *shuffles off, humming 'Do Your Thang'*
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 7, 2003)
which one is you??????

Blue_Sun (edited Aug 13, 2004)
drawn in 28 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Sanzo (Jul 3, 2003)
hi there, I'm new herer ^.^
I heard about this place from one of my close friends.
I know my pictures aren't great, but I hope you will be nice to me :D
6 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Velcome!!!! Great piC!!! *shakes hand*
Hakkai (edited Jul 4, 2003)
o__n; Welcome Sanzo-sama!
Very cute picture.. in a Youko Kurama way..
I hope you enjoy drawing here.
Sanzo (edited Jul 4, 2003)
ah, so i see that someone has claimed the name hakkai,
would there happen to be a gojyo and a goku?
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 6, 2003)
I think Draco Malfoy is the coolest character from Harry Potter, and you made him look cooler...... if possible................

drawn in 12 min with PaintBBS
Xodiak (Jun 20, 2003)
I am naughty! >;)
8 comments – latest 4:
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 20, 2003)
ha ha ha! that's either some extremely weird coincidence, or Turkey girl really liked the picture Visceral drew. pritti.
Xodiak (edited Jun 20, 2003)
Yes, I drew you VisceralVamp, but without your suppet! >:)
concannon (edited Jun 21, 2003)
Aww, my poor suppet.

Well, I'm glad that was cleared up. -__-
bumpinthenight (Jun 1, 2004)
hahhaha!! tis VisceralVamp!!! Woot... Great stuff, xod... your work never ceases to amaze me!
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drawn in 58 min with PaintBBS
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