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Public Boards/Beginner 
dangerous_punk (Nov 16, 2003)
Look Gothic_Otaku its CASSANDRA LIP the world’s preppiest person known to man kind.
2 comments – latest 2:
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 6, 2003)
Draw something else than labels once in a while. -_-;;
Knockoff (Dec 8, 2003)
lol, yea thats nice.....
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
HJ (Nov 13, 2003)
Mom is calling, suppose I'll finish later. Any c&c (comments/critique?).
6 comments – latest 4:
dangerous_punk (Nov 16, 2003)
NO I hate grasshopers there evil evil :<
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 20, 2003)
I like grasshoppers. They're yummy.
Knockoff (Nov 20, 2003)
Grasshoppers are stupid. Kicks stupid Hoppers. DIE>!
furyofroy (Nov 20, 2003)
...are you imitating Wasil?
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Childlike_Vampire (Nov 14, 2003)
It's winter, so spiders are invading my house! I will kill them all!!....okay, only so threre's only been two so far...but it's two too many! I hope none of them are as big as this one...

Practice on woodgrain, and blood splats. I like how the tiles in the background came
3 comments – latest 3:
HJ (edited Nov 14, 2003)
I like the hammer alot. *whack* I need one of those for the spideys in my house. I saw a bunch of baby ones right outside my door on Tuesday. Eeek.
taori (Nov 14, 2003)
aaaugh... major, major arachnophobia... one time i was in the shower and i looked over and here's this friggin huge spider right there next to me on the shower curtain... needless to say i was hysterical... damn. *hides*

those are very dudish tiles, though. and blood splats.
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 20, 2003)
No! Don't kill my spiders! *uses the shock thingies to revive the spider* It lives!!!! *cackles evilly*
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dangerous_punk (Nov 14, 2003)
Thats right the food will eat you some day wether you like it or not

read what it says on the bottom of the pic
4 comments – latest 4:
ky (Nov 14, 2003)
Better, my friend. That food looks ghastly.
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 16, 2003)
The arms are slightly too short, and she overall looks very stiff. The coloring could be cleaner, and some shading would be nice. Don't worry, you'll get better with practice.
RIKG (Nov 16, 2003)
This style reminds me of someone that got banned here. *hmmm.*
Harmanye (Nov 16, 2003)
*giggles* Hmm. Anger management Dangerous_punk?
Yes Gothic, do "Shout up"; T'is superior to shouting down. Typos are not cool.

But she (=gothic) is right, this could stand some improvement. Though the food is rather -vicious- looking, which is good.

Like I said on your other picture, shading is good, it makes a picture better, and more worthwhile.
Oekaki shi-painter has a wonderful tool called the Pen. Take advantage of its majestic line-art superpowers. K? ^_^
The food also has cute feet.

Also I would suggest, maybe, starting out with smaller images and then working your way up through the sizes. But you know, wh'ever.
Maybe I shouldn't mention this but, It doesn't seem like you are using layers, because with layers you wouldn't need that ugly white line next to the food/monster/thing. I won't explain layers because I'll mix it all up; it would be better for you to ask someone else ^_^;;

Also the breasts seem a little... freaky. That's really one heck of a bra she's got on and I would ask for a refund of the purchase price if I were her.

I'm also agreeing with RIKG. Deja vu. *shrugs* I've got a suspicious nature.
But I do applaud you for spending over half an hour on this. ... *applause*

*shuffles away with a cheery wave*
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
haruko_ryuu (Nov 14, 2003)
i wrok really hard on all of my stuff even if i may not seem like it ok. and this one i tried really hard to do on a pixel by pixel basis. im sick of all of my work being deleted!! ive worked hard on my things!!just let them go! you say their not intermediate quality on the sprite bard, ive seen some that arent beginer quality! quit deleting my stuff! i wrok hard on it and im really happy with the picture and then next time i sign on u deleted it! stop that!!
15 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 20, 2003)
I went trough this when I was a newbie and the only thing that makes the moderators to stop deleting your pictures is to work harder on them and not post 5-10 minute drawings that don't deserve to be there. If you spend time on your drawings and work hard you will improve and so will your 2draw reputation, not to mention your points.

By criticizing your work, Marcello is doing you and everyone else a favor. (BTW thanx marcello)
me007 (Jun 1, 2004)
you know, I think that she does have a point! what is it with you people. Everybody has their own type of skills, and all of you obviously like drawing. I can see that some people are working hard, like huruko ryuu to improve her skill, and all you can do is deleate her work and critisize it! I think that she may work harder on her pictures that you think she does, and, no doubt, critisizim is good for improvement, but the kind of critisizim that Macello is giving out is nothing more that name calling.. *sticks and stones. My point is, as opposed to bringing down everybody elses work, you should concentrate on the good of the art, or whine to yourself about how much you hate someone elses work. I think that the people that give this negative form of critisizim are only reflecting on how unhappy they are with their work, and they should really GROW UP!
sal (Jun 1, 2004)
if its shit, its shit... no amount of good or bad critisizims is going to change that... lieing to people telling them that there shit is good, when it is'nt really, doesnt help them... people who give negitive helpful critisizims have to put alot more thought in about what they think of a certain image, rather then people who just say its great and wonderful because chance's are its not and saying somethings great and wonderful doesnt really help the artist...
Gigandas (edited Feb 1, 2005)
Hmm...I dunno.I've seen some pretty crappy pics in my 2D Design college course, and even when I think there is nothing worth praising and it has killed my interest in the piece, the professor always found something that he could point out about the picture that was worth discussing what the piece may be doing.Now, I'm not saying anything about haruko's drawing here, but I don't agree with sal's theory on "shit is shit." Even the crappiest of pieces have something to it that may be rather interesting if you look far enough into it.I was once right there with ya sal, but my professor taught me to be more open-minded about all works of art.
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dangerous_punk (Nov 13, 2003)
Punk kicks ass
12 comments – latest 4:
dangerous_punk (Nov 16, 2003)
Cool you really think Im an asshole thats so awsome
Hakkai (Nov 16, 2003)
Woo, look. I can be an asshole as well! I don't need to listen to anyone else because I'm better than they are! I don't need to use correct grammar or need to spell words right. I can suck because I suck. I think punks are cool, and that I can catagorize people stereotypically. Look! Someone wearing black with spiked straps! A punk!

Have mercy on me, Mary and Joseph. Dangerous_Punk? You make me sick. People are trying to make your pictures better by giving off advice and criticism, but all your do it shot at them with harsh words. How very inconsiderate. How about not receiving ANY comments at all? How about having people ignore your pictures? I know I will...
Knockoff (Nov 16, 2003)
I hope everyone knows by now that this is a phoney. This my friend is definitlyi dragongirl., O wait The last time when she had her second acount I called he dragon girl and she said that she was her sister, so dangerous punk must be her cousin.
Zinc (Nov 16, 2003)
Hmm. Okay. I award myself for being first to flame here. Congratulations to those who actually commented/criticized on the picture and not the person/people.. and now it's locked for the rest being pointless.
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Krystiana (Nov 11, 2003)
I've not had much experience with oekaki... this was a good warm up piece. I like it. A few problems with it, but I'm mostly pleased with the finished product.
1 comment – latest 1:
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 13, 2003)
This girl looks more like a guy. I suggest making the eyebrows less thick, and the mouth less masculine-like. Shinier eyes would also help.
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Jozz (Nov 11, 2003)
This just came up in my head :P
1 comment – latest 1:
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 11, 2003)
It looks like a good User Icon.
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 10, 2003)
I am having trouble putting pictures in my folders. I don't know how. I don't see any 'choose which pic you want in this folder' link, so how do I? Maybe I'm just completely and utterly ignorant, but please point me in the right direction at least/.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hakkai (Nov 10, 2003)
-prods Hurt Buddy- He be growing up so fast. ;__; -wipes a tear-

Lol. Lookin' good ther'.
9 comments – latest 4:
pkeod (Nov 10, 2003)
.... gumballs :3
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 11, 2003)
That gumball sorta looks like his eye. And since he has one eye closed does it mean it IS his eye? 0_o
nyao (Nov 12, 2003)
ooo... that's cool. I like the gum and the wyw iz cool! it;s a shinie yellow! ^^
bumpinthenight (Jun 8, 2004)
wooooootttttttt....... great stuff, hakkai..... your mad skillz are da bomb....
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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