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Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Sep 9, 2009)
24 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jan 21, 2010)
Well that sounds great, but were gonna have to wait till the dishes are done and is it alright if I bring along my mother as a chaperone?
Flubbles (Jan 21, 2010)
I'm guessing you both used the same photo reference.
Axil62 (Jan 21, 2010)
I'm almost positive.
Bobstained (Jan 21, 2010)
I like it when people use the same photo reference but approach it in their own style, people should do it more often.
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
jpjp1052 (Jan 14, 2010)
17 comments – latest 4:
Rethikat (Jan 15, 2010)
Aww! I used to have a Webkinz (wow that was like 5 years ago..) that looked just like this.
firecracker (Jan 15, 2010)
This puppy is so cute......I want one!!! :)
gel_o (Jan 16, 2010)
Great work jpjp! He really is adorable and fuzzy!
Mikkiz (Jan 20, 2010)
Cute :D
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
mkbb317 (Jan 18, 2010)
2 comments – latest 2:
Flubbles (Jan 18, 2010)
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jan 18, 2010)
OI really like this, I don't think it's gay; is one of the lions or the Lions clubs out of "what's the name of that Disney lion movie?" Anyway, it's a really cute movie. This is a really great drawing, good for you.very neat and good line work.
drawn in 2 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
spizzy (Jan 16, 2010)
Hey everyone, I'm back from the dead again... again... again...


Well, I'm done here. See ya'll in another thousand years.
5 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 16, 2010)
I like it, the handle looks slightly off to me though.
spizzy (Jan 16, 2010)
heh, I'm sure it is off. I rushed it cause I was itching to take a shower.
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
I would like to see some "mint flavored" herbal tea sitting in that cup...:)
Suntan (Jan 18, 2010)
I like the creaminess of it all.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Facebook Oekaki!!
DoOp (Jan 17, 2010)
Facebook has oekaki xD
Public Boards/Beginner 
Flubbles (Jan 16, 2010)
6 comments – latest 4:
jpjp1052 (Jan 17, 2010)
Yes, and Oxfam is a great organization for helping in natural disasters and should be commended for all of the work they do (on a daily basis and when disasters strike). My point is that, once again, America also stepped up to the plate, without having to be asked, and is also helping - both the government and private organizations and private citizens. Yet after all of the help is rendered, everyone goes back to criticizing America.
I feel like I have 1 degree of separation from the Haiti disaster because my art instructor does missionary work in Haiti and supports one of the orphanages there. He shows us all of his photos that he takes when he goes there, and he has brought some of the orphans to visit our art class, and we have met them. He had the class paint pictures from his photos and auctioned them to raise money for the orphanage. The orphanage was spared destruction, but unfortunately, one of the orphans was killed in the earthquake. He gets daily emails from the orphanage and shares these with us, they are rationing food and water and need help. Ted Turner had his private plane fly in food and water for them. A lot of people are doing whatever they can to help.
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
did you donate flubadub???
Flubbles (Jan 17, 2010)
Bubblicious (Jan 17, 2010)
Wish I could, but I cant. Plus I'm under age.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cyclops (Jan 15, 2010)
18 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
ok......I won't say no more....:)
cyclops (Jan 17, 2010)
thats probally the best thing you've ever wrote.
backmagicwoman (Jan 17, 2010)
also..some guys even like a little pie after they already had meat and taters..
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
"Lol".....I could say somethin'.....but I'm gonna keep my mouth shut....hahahaaa! :P
drawn in 36 min with Chicken Paint
Dr.Moony (Dec 14, 2008)
15 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Jan 17, 2010)
I know, they always look so stern...but not this, I have to get the idea out of my head of this is standing watching me sleep. eh.
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
I think it's a friendly looking "poltergeist".....not scary....I wouldn't be afraid if it was watching me sleep....:)
cyclops (Jan 17, 2010)
yeah your probally use to seeing poltergeist looking forms in you mirror every morning ;]
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
I like poltergeists......even if I see them in the mirror....Hahaaa!! :P
drawn in 4 hours 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
lynnandcharlie (Jan 14, 2010)
19 comments – latest 4:
lynnandcharlie (Jan 17, 2010)
you are right
Miss_DJ (Jan 17, 2010)
that's true, Flubbles, but honesty without compassion is cruelty. Not that I'm accusing you of such.
I'm not judgin, I'm just sayin.
shults (Jan 17, 2010)
I'll get a critic (good/bad) better from an artist I respect much more than of someone whose gallery is empty, (or even empty of worthy pieces).
Today, I find myself asking for criticism, probably because I agree it's nessecary for improvement.

It may not be too nice to just say you dislike something without further explanation,but I don't think that someone should post his pictures on the public, if he's not ready to hear a variety of comments.
lynnandcharlie (edited Jan 17, 2010)
yes thats what I have been trying to say, I just should have explained myself better when I made that first comment. when I read my comment again I saw how people thought I was complaining about a negative comment
drawn in 2 hours 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Suntan (Jan 15, 2010)
20 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Jan 17, 2010)
oh gosh, yes. Thank you, flub. This flipping nail is driving me nuts now.
Suntan (Jan 17, 2010)
drawn in 1 min
Better now? Yes, she's wet and he's wiping away the water.
firecracker (Jan 17, 2010)
This is the wettest lookin' draw that I've ever did a fantastic job with this suntan.....she looks wetter than wet, and I bet the guy is enjoying wiping away the water.....hahaa!! :)
Suntan (Jan 17, 2010)
Thank you. ;)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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