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Public Boards/Intermediate 
thesolarwinds (Aug 26, 2006)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 27, 2006)
Blah,nothin..this one is very good! The sheen on the horse's coat..the bg.. the flying mane.. I like this one.
KuteDymples (Aug 27, 2006)
This is awesome, if it looks this good now it will be amazing when it is finished!
pandabarrie (Aug 27, 2006)
wow. i love it, you did a great job with the lighting and of the coat. and i especially like that angle of the head and how you did it :)

*watches this one* i cant wait to see it finished
GreenEye (Aug 28, 2006)
WOWEE! This is really beautiful! The sheen is gorgeous and it looks uncannily realistic! Way to go! Keep it up! ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Felistorm (Aug 25, 2006)
Was playing w/ lighting and colors. I like using the black backgrounds best so far. ;)
6 comments – latest 4:
Trip-Machine (Aug 25, 2006)
God this is gorgeous! It's very textured and righaghasbghasgjbasbh THE COLORS DUKE!
sincity (Aug 25, 2006)
is it nessie? Actually this shows promise. :}
davincipoppalag (Aug 25, 2006)
This is a really good one Jana..It has real dimension to it and the skin texture looks great.
IkariIreuL (Aug 27, 2006)
It looks like a mix of dragoon and dinosaur.
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Rosemary (Oct 26, 2005)
my ickle pet ratty
(i have 2 pet rats..may draw Lily another time...)
20 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Oct 28, 2005)
sincity (Oct 28, 2005)
uhh huh. ....... :}
Axil62 (Oct 28, 2005)
Nice textures Rosemary. :)
Rosemary (Jul 25, 2006)
thanks all :)
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Felistorm (Jul 16, 2006)
I dunno what I am doing with it yet. Kids acting up and have to clean some and get them to bed before I can continue.
7 comments – latest 4:
friend (Jul 24, 2006)
Call it nude lady!
davincipoppalag (edited Jul 24, 2006)
That looks better with her holding the drape..
Sweetcell (Jul 24, 2006)
Awesome, love the peice, very sensual. The only thing off to me is the left hand, needs to be bigger but the rest.

*sigh* if only I were that trim. Oh to dream.
Noremac (Jul 25, 2006)
mmm boob
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drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Felistorm (Jul 15, 2006)
This one was just a free sketch. Yes her one shoulder is supposed to be raised some. ;)
4 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Jul 15, 2006)
Exotically yummy. =) Anatomy does need some work though... did you use a reference?
davincipoppalag (Jul 15, 2006)
Very nice one Jana..
Noremac (Jul 16, 2006)
Felistorm (Jul 16, 2006)
I agree Hunter. ;) No ref used. Need some nudie magazines or something for ref. LOL :D
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
tandrew971 (Jun 29, 2006)
11 comments – latest 4:
tandrew971 (edited Apr 3, 2008)
thank you backstabbed and broken, pantera, deino and poppa
Felistorm (Jul 1, 2006)
I like this also! I love the way you have made it like he is checking us out too. :P I've seen themdo that. Cute!
Sweetcell (Jul 2, 2006)
I like the one with the mottled skin best, but as always you finished it beautifully.
tandrew971 (edited Jul 2, 2006)
thank you felistorm and sweetcell. :)
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thesolarwinds (Apr 17, 2006)
me need sleepy...
4 comments – latest 4:
thesolarwinds (Apr 18, 2006)
drawn in 38 sec
colls (Jun 28, 2006)
Looks good :)
Felistorm (Jun 29, 2006)
Erm poppa? This is Julia's not mine. ;) LOL I was just browsing and caught that. LOL :)
thesolarwinds (Jun 30, 2006)
lol..... that is funny.....
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Deino (Jun 12, 2006)
Finally, my computer is repaired... :)

The reference is in a magazine I found.
14 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 8 min
Sail away!
Deino (Jun 20, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
Tengo ganas de bailar, tengo ganas de soņar chiquelos.
brenndurdrykkur (Jun 22, 2006)
just wonderful, excellent work
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 22, 2006)
I love this even more, now, and I am still determined to die while "playing".
(the glow of the fire on the guitar is wonderful.... as are the burning trees in the background... adds even more "ambiance")
drawn in 4 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kraisa (Jun 13, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
pandabarrie (Jun 13, 2006)
oohh i really like this. especially the shaded part around the eyes.
nice job!
Felistorm (Jun 13, 2006)
I like it. It makes him look like he's got his head up above the clouds. :D I like the scales. :)
peanuts707 (Jun 13, 2006)
ah its so cute i love dragons!!!!
Sweetcell (Jun 21, 2006)
It looks like the dragon is emerging from the sand, a very cool effect.
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
The_Chosen (Jun 13, 2006)
meh: I havn't been here in ages
4 comments – latest 4:
Felistorm (Jun 13, 2006)
Will be watching this one. Looks cool right now. I like how you've gotten this drawn out so far.
HunterKiller_ (Jun 13, 2006)
Looks promising.
Sweetcell (Jun 14, 2006)
I like this. That's a very colorful dragon, I'm guessing the Rainbow Dragon, the movement you got out of it, and what is the other creature that's fighting him for the carcass? Hmm, something to get used to, dragons being possible scavengers.
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Jun 14, 2006)
cool! I love that dragon! =D
drawn in 4 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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