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Public Boards/Beginner 
cherikit-chan (Jan 21, 2003)
Yes, Delegato is wearing a bunny suit (It's chibiness!) I had a half day today and a high school orientation thing... anyone got any tips for high school??? *I may need it*
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Jan 21, 2003)
Neat like the background.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 21, 2003)
Very cute, Cheri. I love the suit on Delegato. :) It's real cute. Reminds me of a cat-suit, no?
furyofroy (edited Jan 22, 2003)
crazy pic! um. I'd say...just act normal. Look like you're confident. That way bullies and whatnot won't think you are an easy target and will shy away from you.
Go to your high school a few days early and memorize where all your classes are, so that you won't look new, for the same reason. once again...crazy pic!
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 23, 2003)
Thanks everyone for all your comments, and I'll try to use every bit of advice you've told me furyofroy, especially the lookin confident and getting to my high school earlier, thanx a WHOLE lot
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
nick452 (Jan 22, 2003)
i had a dream and it was like this and it was weird and it was like lord of the ring all over aging so yeah i was bored and just wonted to draw
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 22, 2003)
O_o.. Haha. I have weird dreams too. I need one of those.. Dream books--that interprate things for you, ya' know? :P
drawn in 9 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kazukie (Jan 22, 2003)
I'm trying to draw just like Day-chan!! ^^ Wow I'm not too proud of it but hey it's a start right? Hehe! The background's majorly cheesy! I thought I'd just do a sketch but yeah well, it turned out into this! C&C welcome =P
4 comments – latest 4:
Day-chan (edited Jan 22, 2003)
n_n; Oh my god! h have someone looking up to me for once! -is short- >_>;;

Its GREAT!! Such a Bishounen **; The Background isn't that cheesy! And the Green shirt makes him stand out from the blue-ish back ground! **; He smiles so smuggly like... Nnnnh! So cute!
Azelrellon (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Anyhow.. I think this is MORE than a Start. In fact, I think it's pretty great.
If only I could adapt, too.
And I am 5'10"... I will lok up, from a small indentation in the floor. ^_^
Kazukie (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Don't worry I'm only 5'2"! Hehe I'd probably still be looking up to you! I can't help it I have to draw dark green shirts on guys! It's just a habit for me! ^^ And they always have to have funky brown hair! ^____^
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Christ. I'm like, 5'1. >.<! I hate being asian! *Stomp.*
drawn in 44 min with PaintBBS
nick452 (Jan 22, 2003)
i was not realy in the mood so i just practis a lil
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Hehe, good job. You might want to fill in the white spots in her hair. >.<!
A lot of people tell me to do that. *Laughs.*
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
Paintbbs problems
furyofroy (edited Nov 27, 2002)
I got a problem wit the paintbbs-whenever i try to enter the drawing page, the general area for drawing comes up blank. And when i try to hit the back button on my browser, it won't lemme. What's goin on! EEEEEEEEE
Fin_beast (edited Mar 21, 2003)
My Boobs have disapered!!!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rydicanubis (Jan 21, 2003)
a much chibbi-fied version of spreth/rydicanubis, hope you enjoy!!
(ps. this is NOT a neopet)
5 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Why do most of the lines have little white edges?
Kitteh (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Marcello, thats because she used the paint brush in OekakiBBS. Theres nothing wrong with using OekakiBBS, its just that the paint brush is kinda like an air brush, and when you use it it leaves light grey spots. Im not good at explaining, but I hope that clears it up XD;;
marcello (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Oh I know why it happens, I'm just wondering why she drew it like that, it should only happen in weird cases...
rydicanubis (edited Jan 22, 2003)
well, the way i did it was i drew first with the paint brush in black, only i'm sure you know it's not pure black 'caus it fades to greyish at the edges. so then i masked the "black" colour with those squares at the bottom, and when you go over top the masked lines with another colour, that's just what happens (the white edges). i don't really understand it either, but there it is....
drawn in 37 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
rydicanubis (Jan 21, 2003)
white on black, a little different
2 comments – latest 2:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 21, 2003)
WHOA COOL. It really does look like a bat using sonar. XD Were you watching discovery channel? ;x LOL
Kazukie (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Looks like it was drawn on a chalk board! Pretty!! =]
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
ShinnyMetal (Jan 13, 2003)
i have no clue how to use the paintBBS stuff so i jus played around a bit

[EDIT] is that better
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Jan 13, 2003)
Looks cool, but the background is kind of plain :)
Knockoff (edited Jan 14, 2003)
Yes very good but i think it need a background
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 21, 2003)
I like the sword, though. Awesome. And the way you did the background is unique.
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
Kamiyachan (Jan 13, 2003)
Another one!!!
2 comments – latest 2:
Knockoff (edited Jan 14, 2003)
Lol thats good.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 21, 2003)
Haha.. That's so hard to fit into that super tiny little box. Good job at doing it.
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
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