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Public Boards/Intermediate 
rydicanubis (Sep 23, 2002)
godzilla?... ptah! he's no match for {{{{[BIG BLUE!!!!]}}}}
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Sep 24, 2002)
That's funny. :)
OtaruIkari (edited Sep 24, 2002)
Does it emit blue flame??? My monster can at the back but I guess it will only work if some silly human holds a blow torch when it passes gas.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with OekakiBBS
White_Kitty (Jan 17, 2003)
A seadragon. Came out ok. I like the see-through fins.
2 comments – latest 2:
OtaruIkari (edited Jan 17, 2003)
Me likes ^_^

Like the water color effect very cool to the eyes
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
AWESOME! I love the water effect, and the way its tail looks! *CHEER*
drawn in 41 min with PaintBBS
Kitteh (Jan 17, 2003)
Inspired by a book called 'Dust', written by Arthur Slade. (check it out at The very last line in the whole book is 'Looking on and on forever'.
3 comments – latest 3:
Knockoff (edited Jan 17, 2003)
Once again i love ur pic how the person is in the shades of the night watching the moon and stars good job. =}
Arisu (edited Jan 18, 2003)
cool! ^_^
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
The background is really cool--the way you do the silhouette lighting is tooX! It's like he's.. glowing.. O_O!
drawn in 11 min with PaintBBS
Kitteh (Jan 18, 2003)
My Spotted Kougress, Mrowzi... Umm, anyone here play NeoPets?
4 comments – latest 4:
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 18, 2003)
Awww... that's really good
Kazukie (edited Jan 18, 2003)
I go to neopets! ^^

BTW- This is *SO* cute! I could never draw like this! You should enter the beauty contest! ^^
furyofroy (edited Jan 18, 2003)
haha cutenesss!
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
LOL! I like the way hshe's sittin' in the circle. Haha, very cute. ^_^
drawn in 25 min with PaintBBS
Kitteh (Jan 20, 2003)
'Tis my newly adopted faerie Poogle, PoggleMobble, or Poggie for short ^-^ He's faerie, but he's snow faerie!
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
Ooh! How cute! I love his wings--and his eyes. :D! You did a great job at drawing him. ^_^
drawn in 9 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
jord (Jan 20, 2003)
i haven't posted anything here yet

i do feel like i'm missing the cleu here
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
How sad. :( Very pretty though.
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
jord (Jan 20, 2003)
hmm, i don't have the time to finish this (again) but i don't want to forget the idea
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
FINISH!! O_O! This looks awesome! I like her pose.
drawn in 20 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Jan 11, 2003)
I dont really like the caterpillar. I like the hole hes coming out of! It was ment to be the caterpillar to be coming through some holes in the clouds! lol. Very Random! ";
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Jan 11, 2003)
Yea the hole looks good but the catapilar looks smushed and fat.
Kazukie (edited Jan 12, 2003)
Awww! I think it's so kawaii! I think it looks like it's stuck against the computer screen and there's a flower behind it... ^^
Fin_beast (edited Jan 13, 2003)
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
Lol! I like the hole he's coming out of too. Haha! Very cute.

Btw.. Kawaii = Cute. :D!
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
The_Creeper (Jan 19, 2003)
I hate the mouse. the mouse i hate. hate i mouse. gonna resign to my beloved pencil. biy
1 comment – latest 1:
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
I like the shirt. :D! And I like the hand. :D!! And I especially love the ear and the eyes!! :DDDD!!! Don't feel down--it's great. ^_^ The way you drew the mouth is awesome too. Lol.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with OekakiBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
pinklynx (Jan 18, 2003)
0_o drawing small stuff is hard X3 lol...well, I was bored so i decided to draw sumthin ;3
6 comments – latest 4:
pinklynx (edited Jan 18, 2003)
XD oops, lol.... my bad >>feels stupid X3<< 9_9;; and yeah, I draw alot of winking characters... 0_o;; ^^''
marcello (edited Jan 18, 2003)
By all means draw however you like, this board isn't intended to be limited to way or another. I guess I was just pointing it out...for no real reason hehe.
Kazukie (edited Jan 19, 2003)
I never knew that a sprite wasn't a sprite if you used watercolor! That's very interesting! And I *really* like this picture! It's SOOO cute!!! It's so bright and cheery and sparkly!
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 20, 2003)
Christ! So much energy (50 minutes of work) poured into this tiny little box! .. It takes a lot to do that, I think. :) Great job.
drawn in 50 min with PaintBBS
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