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Public Boards/Intermediate 
15grifficorntears (Nov 9, 2005)
yeah cameron, i know it´s not what you would expect, but it´s my way.

that guys really tall

if anyone wants to give me more space that would be cool, i don´t feel like memoing anyone
7 comments – latest 4:
Agoylis (Nov 11, 2005)
15grifficorntears (Nov 14, 2005)
drawn in 30 min
colour! OMFG!!!!!1
Agoylis (Nov 14, 2005)
.....can i be the guy with the horns please??? hahahah looks great
Noremac (Nov 16, 2005)
almost there~!
drawn in 2 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
15grifficorntears (Nov 9, 2005)
tristan makes a good icon thing.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 9, 2005)
I thought it was gonna be cam.. lol
15grifficorntears (Nov 9, 2005)
nah, close but no. theres too much cam fanart here.
davincipoppalag (Nov 9, 2005) link finally're a cutie too!
15grifficorntears (Nov 9, 2005)
thanx dav, your so sweet.
drawn in 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Oct 30, 2005)
ok don´t yell at me. the mouse i have here is the devil itself and i can only work with fixed lines. please have mercy.
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 30, 2005)
Guten tag trish hehehe lol It's cute
DieChan (Oct 30, 2005)
I think... this is better than I could do with a mouse and fixed lines. o.o Really cute! How IS Germany? <:D
15grifficorntears (Oct 30, 2005)
germany is tasty and very cool. the people are so cool.
inatyrb (Oct 31, 2005)
Guten Tag. I am hosting someone from Germany tomarrow. Itll be fun. She will also laugh at Southwell and her terrible German pronounciation. haha.. But yup...
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Aug 30, 2005)
Until next we meet!
8 comments – latest 4:
renire (Aug 31, 2005)
If you highlight it, it looks like a girl.
15grifficorntears (Aug 31, 2005)
blah...I am a girl, that is me, a girl......just to get things strait, pixel art is hard men.
Noremac (Sep 25, 2005)
its ok, i would still hump you if you were a man... or the other way around really..
15grifficorntears (Sep 29, 2005)
yeah, you would SO be my bitch.
drawn in 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Aug 29, 2005)
these are so much fun
3 comments – latest 3:
KH44N (Aug 29, 2005)
This is pretty cool...
renire (Aug 30, 2005)
Omg...I love this so much! I dunno why.... O.o It is just so cool! :D :D :D :D Its really cute too! ^_^ BaN fOx HuNtInG!!!! :D Cool pic, *Thumbs up*
Punky (Sep 3, 2005)
Thisis some pretty good pixel art. :) Nice job, it's really cute.
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Aug 26, 2005)
mushroom mushroom
1 comment – latest 1:
KH44N (Aug 26, 2005)
This is pretty cool. Nice work.
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Aug 26, 2005)
mabe i will colour it
4 comments – latest 4:
15grifficorntears (Aug 26, 2005)
Noremac (Aug 26, 2005)
thats the one
Namori (Aug 26, 2005)
i envy you...i can never draw animals or dragons.. *sits in a corner and cries*
15grifficorntears (Aug 26, 2005)
drawn in 12 min
doot doot
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
15grifficorntears (Aug 8, 2005)
My nose is runny =P
9 comments – latest 4:
solve (Aug 12, 2005)
i thought the same exact thing as ty854 as soon as i saw this. im reminded of the raptors eating kids at school panel.
thats a cool mosters with some intersting anatomy too! im liking the colors as well. excellent work.
Xodiak (Aug 16, 2005)
Thank you very much! I see we share a taste for quality food! Awesome! Thank you again, wow, it is drawn very stylish and great. Great monster! <:D
voodoobunny (Aug 16, 2005)
XOD is popular XD
nice creature btw.
inatyrb (Aug 16, 2005)
Meh... baby fetus' are better!!
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
15grifficorntears (Jun 10, 2005)
New character
Pryc: maned wolf, age 18, likes rock music and skittles
Yeah, my anatomy sucks
[edit] just making space for myself
11 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Aug 8, 2005)
Maybe he is really 12... but 12 human-wolf hybrid years can be the equivalent of 18 human years of body development. Hehe, nice character! You should draw him naked sometime. With pubic hair of course! >;)
Shoebox (Aug 8, 2005)
Oooh... looks great, can't wait to see finished. Lineart is enviable... therefore; I envy your lineart XD
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
Your anatomy doens't suck! Thats awsome! My anatomy is so bad. >__>
fleeting_memory (Aug 9, 2005)
where's Roy? He'd love this one :)
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
15grifficorntears (Aug 5, 2005)
8 comments – latest 4:
15grifficorntears (Aug 7, 2005)
it's from a long time ago when people called me T-Bone, T-BoNe, TBN. so there XP
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
It's so cute! <3 I want a space weasle!
xiau (Aug 12, 2005)
OMG, it's so cute! I want one! I love the lineart and the colors! It's adorable!
KH44N (Aug 12, 2005)
Very nicely drawn and it looks so cute!
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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