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Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Feb 27, 2006)
um.. rawr.. another one of my creature things (kinda looks like Haku from Spirited Away o.0)
2 comments – latest 4:
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Feb 28, 2006)
drawn in 54 min
just so you know.. this is not Haku! my own creature.. it isn't exactly a dragon anyway.. it's a dog like creature with a long body and no hind legs.
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Mar 1, 2006)
drawn in 39 min
I don't think I'm even close to finishing this.. I dunno yet -.-;;
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Mar 1, 2006)
drawn in 25 min
almost done
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Mar 1, 2006)
drawn in 27 min
ok.. you know.. I think I'm done with this @__@
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
InnocentSake (Feb 19, 2006)
Omg I love how this came out. Seiya Kou (From Sailor Stars last season of Sailor Moon) is looking really good in front of that background! And I'm so glad the background came out looking how I wanted it, it looks lovely *dreamy eyes* I tried my best to make the line-art smooth ^.^ Please comment!
3 comments – latest 4:
InnocentSake (edited Feb 19, 2006)
drawn in 8 min
Thanks ulfo for letting me know he needed more hair. I actually thought that before I had uploaded it, but I had been up all night and was rather inclined to fall asleep than to put more hair on his head. It looks much better now! ^-^ I also forgot to color his earring @.@;;; hehe And uflo next time please state what you also liked in the picture otherwise I think it was a botched picture ^.^;;;;
clowangel (Feb 28, 2006)
It's pretty cool. Proportioning of the hair and face is a little off though. I love the eyes and the background came out pretty well except for the flowers. O_o; The flowers can use a little work.
kristine (Feb 28, 2006)
hehe...a little...hehe...
InnocentSake (Feb 28, 2006)
drawn in 11 min
*sigh* The hair again...I swear he better have enough this time @.@;;;
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
demon666child (Feb 12, 2006)
hehe i was listening to all my music during this...well...not all but yeah XDD i dont actually have an ipod but my sis does ^__^ my cd player got stolen at school :__: TT^TT oh how i miss it XDD anywayssss~~~ i think i'm addicted to shiney things if you cant tell XDD its fun lol anyways...yeah inspiration is a helluva lot of music
9 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Feb 12, 2006)
Mwarharhar, I'm getting a Nano ('fo my birfday), but I still love my good ol' cd player to death.

Nice work, it reminds me of Mai's stuff, just ease up on the burn and dodge next time okay? ;)
demon666child (Feb 12, 2006)
but its sooooo fun to use 'em~~~ <333 i'm addicted XDD and yey for nano!! i hope it doesnt have the problems i've heard on the news or w/e ^__^ oh and did i say thanks?.....thanks! XD lol
Wow.. You make the Dodge tool look good! Nice!
~Wolf~ (Feb 28, 2006)
whoa good job with the dodge tool nice work on this
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Seklyan (Feb 27, 2006)
just.... felt like doing something
4 comments – latest 4:
kristine (Feb 27, 2006)
suzie (Feb 27, 2006)
Hey Sek :D This looks like a really old print thats been folded and you took it out to show us..great texture going on, and the muted colours work so well..I like :D
davincipoppalag (Feb 27, 2006)
Keep playing with the tools and you'll be makin' us a masterpiece soon , Sekky.
~Wolf~ (Feb 28, 2006)
this is cool
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
woah_pockster (Feb 21, 2006)
13+ for language :] <3

so asian. lol xD HIS NAME IS KEVIN. this my cousin a few year ago :]

requirements: he has to have red hair. :]
5 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 21, 2006)
ashley, stop naming your pictures obscenely, before I wash your mouth out with soap and send you to the 2draw corner. :)
woah_pockster (Feb 22, 2006)
and what if I like eating soap huh? >:0 :] <3

sure protocom :] I'll add you <3
kristine (Feb 22, 2006)
bar soap isnt half bad tasting, actually. i would eat it for fun when i was younger... .. . ... -_____-
woah_pockster (Feb 28, 2006)
lol nice kristine :D <33
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
PicklesandHugs (Feb 27, 2006)
yeah...this is a scary big eyed anime...thing...0.o tis my first drawing on here
1 comment – latest 1:
suzie (Feb 28, 2006)
I think you did great! Lovely colours and highlights, also very nice eyes :D
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
djramz99 (Feb 27, 2006)
one of my all time favorite characters
1 comment – latest 1:
Hopeless (Feb 28, 2006)
That is so sweet ^_^
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Feb 27, 2006)
Hiya guys!

Missed me?

Muahah! Ok, so I won't be on a lot, just when I can get on a computer. Phone line still isn't fixed yet but will be soon. I might be moving out of the town I'm living in now.! Yay! *cough*

I missed all of you guys,

Can't wait till I can get on everyday,... and when I find my tablet. <33 Till next time!
3 comments – latest 3:
BlitzCloud (Feb 27, 2006)
Noremac (Feb 27, 2006)
i drew a weird bubble like thing too.
squee (Feb 28, 2006)
*hugs blitz*

Cammo: hehe.. bubble things are kickass.
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Akechi456 (Feb 7, 2006)
T'is ish meh character,Blu.For RO friend,Sethacloud.(Sethy-sensei) >.>;; It'll get better,meh promises.
4 comments – latest 4:
Akechi456 (Feb 19, 2006)
drawn in 12 min
Finished~ :3
April94 (Feb 19, 2006)
Michaela, i noticed that you changed the Blu...................a lot!
P.S. this is alexis
Akechi456 (Feb 20, 2006)
I know who you are Alexis.Emily told meh.XD I know...Bku ish a boy now! :3 (Sex change..xD;;)
April94 (Feb 27, 2006)
obviously, who wouldn't know that it was a boy know, it has no boobs! duh!
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hakkai (Feb 27, 2006)
References: Here and Here

I dunno what the color of her eyes are, so tell me 'em so I can fix that.

Requested by Protocom-iko.
6 comments – latest 4:
Palinorah (Feb 27, 2006)
Okay. I'm so happy that someone still remembers me! Check out my website. I have became a MUCH better artist. You'll be surprised. It's all by hand... but, I have tablet images, too. Only two of those... here are the two:

Do you play neopets? If you do, then PLEASE neomail me at this screename: Palinorah
Hakkai (Feb 27, 2006)
I did, but kinda stopped.. 3 or so years ago. XD

Btw. You art has definately improved!
Protocom-iko (Feb 27, 2006)
ohh thank you !
SanzoGirl (edited Feb 27, 2006)
Aww, that's so cute!
Hakkai, and you draw my character Kitsunabu?
Please? ^_^;
( That guy. >_>;)
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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