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raenboe (May 24, 2003)
It's Chibi Link for Sandydexhamtaro!!! Enjoy! Uggh...When I started to draw it I got "We wish you a merry christmas" stuck in my head. THEN I got the "I don't wanna work, I wanna bang on me drum all day" song stuck in my head. Finally, I got a cool song stuck in my head: "Swing Swing" Umm....*shuts up* C&C Appreciated!
13 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited May 24, 2003)
Thanks everyone! Link is one of my favs also! He's pretty hard to draw unless it's chibi or sumthing, tho, in my opinion. Oh well. Thanks everyone again!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 24, 2003)
It's kinda cool, actually. He has little bally-hands! Cuuuuuuute!
raenboe (edited Jul 1, 2003)
Thanks, girl!
nyao (edited Aug 12, 2003)
aww.... cutE! link lookz so adorable. ^^ he's like a stuff plushie. *hugs him*
drawn in 56 min with PaintBBS
furyofroy (May 23, 2003)
I've been drawin' these "Room 42" signs all around my classroom's chalkboards. That, and what the hell am I doing wearing a sweatshirt when the summer months are coming? Because I look good in a sweatshirt, that's why. So there.---wow, I came dangerously close to 2 hours.
17 comments – latest 4:
TheLIVR (edited May 30, 2003)
For those of you who don't know. FuryofRoy is a friend of mine. We're collaborating on a webcomic, he draws, I write and provide moral debasing. And I shit you not, he does look like that, he does have enormous eyes, covered fur, and has a completely functioning tail. The only difference is that he has retractable claws as well... a total crap if you make him angry all of a sudden... or if someone scares him when he has his arm on someone. It's funny when he's reading, cause you scare him and his fur stands on end, and whatever he was reading gets completely skewered. You should see his gaming controllers, his pencils, his keyboard... A total scratched up mess. I can only imagine what'll happen when he starts driving...
furyofroy (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Tuh. I wish. Is it so wrong to dream? Why do you think I draw those naughty pictures so often?
TheLIVR (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Because you are a sick and twisted bastage who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
furyofroy (edited Jun 10, 2003)
bastage... bastage...sounds familiar....
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with PaintBBS
kamidake26 (May 23, 2003)
just a quick save, computer acting a bit slow right now, dun wanna loose the progress ^^

~~EDIT 1~~
ack! I was having trouble loading the save, so I updated my JRE.. now I can load the save just fine, but I lost my tablet support! any ideas ? already tried a restart, twice actually,, then a re-install of the JRE.. still no luck. I'm lost.

~~EDIT 2~~
Thanks a million marcello. worked like a charm ^_^
10 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited May 24, 2003)
mmm. Looks very sexylicious now that its colored. I was doing a nekkid furry chick picture too, and it was soooo good!! But then my screen went black for no reason at all. I still don't know what happened--I swear to god it sucked the life force out of me. I spent a half hour staring at the wall. >:_( I'm gonna try a different pose tomorrow. One thing I've learned is that it is futile to recreate a picture you have already done. You will get frustrated with replicating petty details, and you go out and kill a clown. Sorry, I kinda rambled on for a second...
Xodiak (edited May 25, 2003)
I agree with you Furyofroy. but when I lose a drawing althought I feel sad, I also feel happy that I have one more chance to draw a better drawing. <:)
Kamidake26, your drawing is trully delicious and adorable! please draw more naughty girls like her! excellent! >:D
concannon (edited May 26, 2003)
This is great. The anatomy is wonderful; the only thing that seems odd is her hair. And only because of how it kinda bunches together. Over all, great job. ^^
whitefox0 (Nov 26, 2006)
Ilike this one
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
rosalyn (May 23, 2003)
I have come bacK!!!! Did you miss me?!=) I was going to draw a pic of a guy kissing his computer but it didn't go so well......*kicks hard drive* Hehehe........
9 comments – latest 4:
GEM (edited May 24, 2003)
Realistic lookin'
rosalyn (edited May 24, 2003)
Thanx for the warm welcome back! *feels loved* Now I can finish my comic about Ky and what not. You guys are going to love it!! =) I just know you will.
raenboe (edited May 24, 2003)
heh./ yeah, sorry rosie. I get vewy confused sumtimes. I knew you did a comic tho. *blushes* oh well! I'm human! And humans make mistakes...*shuts up*
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
it's okaY!
drawn in 27 min with OekakiBBS
Snoozy27 (May 23, 2003)
Y'know, it's funny. Whenever I attempt to make a serious effort to draw something remotely normal, it turns into something like this! :P Ah well...
4 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited May 23, 2003)
ah! you are back. Didja get tired of being over at da other place? In any case, glad you are back to bless the boards with your essence. Oh, and hope you finish soon.
mazi (edited May 24, 2003)
egads that eye looks cool
Xodiak (edited May 24, 2003)
you have an incredibly vivid imagination Snoozy!!! your drawings are all so fun to watch! do you draw comics? >:D
icybluecub (edited May 24, 2003)
*laughs* I'm not laughing at your pic, i'm only laughing at your name of your pic reminds me of a scene from "Monty Pothon and the holy grail!" I'm watching it right now. And it was weird, cuz as i read the name, he spoke "But i'm not dead yet!" I like your pic. YOu should try more stuffies like this.
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
pyrobarbie (May 23, 2003)
some one help me....
take away this pain.
take away these thoughts
that remain inside my head
drowning me in my fears
my sorrows.
some one take this away
save me from myself
hide away these doubts
that restrict my every move
take away my pain
let me hurt no more.....
9 comments – latest 4:
Zinc (edited May 24, 2003)
She's pretty...
- $
pyrobarbie (edited May 24, 2003)
awws thank you so much.....**feels better**
Minitsaru (edited May 25, 2003)
thats is sooooooo sad........ D'=
but its nice u feel better
and the pics nice too! =P
Carlucci (edited Jun 3, 2003)
pertty! Very deep
drawn in 49 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 23, 2003)
Been listening to too many punk-ska covers. But I'll tell you what...the ska cover for "Come On Eileen" (I think it's Save Ferris, not sure) is ridiculously good. Ah well. I'm going to bed now.
3 comments – latest 3:
jord (edited May 24, 2003)
greaat song, i think it is reel big fish (i downloaded on their name, but that can be wrong)
she looks like an eileen, but i'd draw her (as if i could) with those cloaths, but in a more swinging/happy/extreme pose
but great drawing!! and the colours on the background make up for the kind of un-moving-ness
Knockoff (edited May 24, 2003)
Yea thats a cool pic.
pyrobarbie (edited May 24, 2003)
omg..thats the best song... lol! great its stuck in my head...n e pc ^ ^
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
concannon (May 23, 2003)
Was bored. I have been entertained.
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited May 23, 2003)
Oddly enough, it reminds me of Nightcrawler. *blink* Must be the tail.
V. cute. Gah, diary-speak strikes. -_-
taori (edited May 23, 2003)
Yes, I see what you mean. Kinda like Batman meets X-men...and then throw in Scooby-Doo. Oh well. Anyway, I like it alot. The background is great...simplistically (is that a word?) perfect.
Tesia-chan (edited May 24, 2003)
Yay. He's awesome. His legs melt into his stomach.
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
Hotaru-chan (May 23, 2003)
It's Eiji Kikumaru from Prince of Tennis!!!!!!!!!

2 comments – latest 2:
Hakkai (edited May 25, 2003)
n_n; .... Not to be rude or anything.. but I think this belongs on the Practice boards.. Am I right?
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 8, 2003)
Yes, Hakkai, you are right...It's cute, yet could be touched up a little...Anyway, I still think it's adorable! Good job.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with PaintBBS
concannon (May 23, 2003)
A tribute to Becca (quintessence) to supply her weasel/ferret/ermine/etc obssession. Could be Fang. Except Fang is techinically a pure white weasel. ^^; And no, it didn't really take half an hour.
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited May 23, 2003)
...saying that I lub you would be pretty redundant at this point in time. But I say it anyway.

All hail Fang! Cute feet.
furyofroy (edited May 24, 2003)
Wow, that's pretty cool lookin'.
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
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