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Turtlebuster (May 29, 2003)
*sniffs* I tot i smelled a rat. Whaddaya look so bad? those shoes fir you, no?
(just watched the Godfather, can you tell?)
4 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited May 29, 2003)
Okay, envision that line. Then envision Carol Channing saying that line.
Turtlebuster (edited May 29, 2003)
LOL! ya i can kinda see that! although i've only hear her 'voice' on the Simpsons, so it was probably exaggerated.
Xodiak (edited Jun 1, 2003)
he reminds me of the mighty mouse series' evil character! >:D
Turtlebuster (edited Jun 1, 2003)
i can see that too... i miss the old mighty mouse. now they have some pokemon and x-men evolution crap on... in america at least. such a pity
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sererena (May 29, 2003)
Have I already brought you to life? Am I worthy enough to give you that? I am a weak creator... I have forced my emotions upon you. Now your eyes bear the doubt and sadness we both tried to hide.

It's ok, we have eachother. Don't let go of me. One day I promise to set you free.
9 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited May 30, 2003)
Holy shhhhhhhiiii----toki mushrooms!!! That's so awesome! Your skill is amazing! Wow!
Minitsaru (edited May 30, 2003)
know what that reminds me of, Pinocio =P tho i'm sure this character isn't a wooden doll and there isn't a little cricket following it around named Jepeto.

that sounds so cool. in a way when you finish a story, you also finish the characters personality. the story than acts as a gradual upbringing of the characters in it and when it is complete that character is also completed....

kno this is kinda funny, cuz a while back i had a dream that all things created either drawn, sculpted or whatever actually lives but on a different plain. well that was a kinda weird dream any ways.
Einz (edited May 31, 2003)
beautifull texturing
rosalyn (edited Jun 17, 2003)
*cries* I-I love this.....It's sad.*tears* Is there a story behind it? I love the expresion on his face...It reminds me of a time when........*cries*........I can't finish...:{
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
animateddeath (May 29, 2003)
i wanted to have the shadow come out like a mirror but oh well... :}
1 comment – latest 1:
concannon (edited May 29, 2003)
Pretty...I like the blue/black swirly things. Ye-ah.
drawn in 19 min with PaintBBS
concannon (May 29, 2003)
Different girl, essentially the same pose. Face-less, cause I'm lazy. Took a food break, hence mass amount of time taken.
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited May 29, 2003)
*whines* Must see that video... -_- Pretty picture. I like the stripey things on her legs.
Turtlebuster (edited May 29, 2003)
sexy =)
i like sketchy pictures, but whenever i make sketchy pictures they just look messy
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with OekakiBBS
sanchez (May 29, 2003)
yay for FLCL! ok, it doesnt really look like her to me anymore, but owell! i still like the way it turned out. the end.
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited May 29, 2003)
Love lips.
concannon (edited May 29, 2003)
OoooOOooOOo. Yay for finishing.
sanchez (edited May 29, 2003)
thanks :)
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
she looks very sexy! >:D
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
Turtlebuster (May 28, 2003)
Turtlebuster's vandelific weapon of choice!
A pesky flie? no matter! with this small but affordable can, flies will never bother you again! Traffic ticket? Ex-wife? not a problem! Flam will easily take care of almost anything! call: 1-800-thisbetternotbearealnumber for a free 30 day trial can!
6 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited May 30, 2003)
Ha! Maybe I can get rid of my assistant girl scout leader? Hmmm.........*evil grins*
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
can I use it to depilate my legs? <:)
Turtlebuster (edited May 30, 2003)
no, pytobarbie! there is no need for a lighter! i have discovered the secret formula for liquid fire and bottled it for practical everyday use! and yes, XOD, you it works for hair removal, just be careful (unless you want some sexy burn marks)
pyrobarbie (edited Jun 5, 2003)
awwww...well thats no fun **puts lighter back in pocket**
drawn in 9 min with PaintBBS
jord (May 28, 2003)
kind of a absolutely not original...i don't know a thing about anime and rarely draw in this style.... twas just fun to do
4 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited May 28, 2003)
since you used oekaki, you should use the smudge tool for hair. it's great if you set the tool for 1x1 pixel or 2x2 for detail like hair and fur. also works ok for shading and making things fade better.
i like the eyes, although they are a tad spooky
jord (edited May 28, 2003)
damn.. wrong board... didn't mean to post here...(never ment to post anyway) i don't know if it's hard to do, but if it's just like a button to click, will you please move it to another board, marcello? thx
quintessence (edited May 29, 2003)
Great shading on the face. Pretty pretty eyes, too.
darkk_angel (edited Jun 6, 2003)
nice face... the color of the skin is a tad bit off, but i really like the eyes.
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with OekakiBBS
Turtlebuster (May 28, 2003)
eeeep. yet another wierd composition... this needs more layers
4 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited May 28, 2003)
*00* Oooo.....I like it! The red in the middle almost looks like a flower.... this pic reminds me of a dream... or a strange space anommilly.....Wow....*0-*
Turtlebuster (edited May 28, 2003)
well, i don't think anyone will ever find THIS in outer space, but yes, i was thinking of a flower when i made that red thingy. that red thingy was the only thing that kept me from scrapping this
icybluecub (edited May 29, 2003)
OH! I like that. Can you tell me how you layer? I still haven't figured that out yet. Help?
Turtlebuster (edited May 29, 2003)
layer in oekaki? ok, just look on the left side of the applet where the little white box is (the box will fill with a tiny version of whatever your drawing on that layer so it might not be white if you've started drawing already). There's 4 pictures to the left of the white box. one of them is an eye, one is a trash can, i don't know what the hell the other one is and one of them is the 'new layer' button. click that one and another white box with the same 4 buttons will magically appear above the previous box. click on THAT box to switch to that layer. note that the higher up on the list of layers the higher priority that layer has. the trash can button deletes that layer and the eye button makes that layer dissappear and reappear. does that help? i can give you a better description if you want since i know this one was rushed.
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
rosalyn (May 28, 2003)
Any one up for a swim? *corny* How does he look? -o^
6 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited May 29, 2003)
Shecksy [translation; sexy]. Mebbe there is something goin' on in the water we can't seeeeee...
Ameraq (edited May 29, 2003)
MAN BOOBS!! hehehe, really nice. great drawing.
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
beautiful drawing, he is very handsome >:)
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
drawn in 3 hours 16 min with OekakiBBS
Turtlebuster (May 28, 2003)
You.. you owes me a lotta moneys, youa fat pig!
Sink 'im boys. I got bigga fish ta fry.
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited May 29, 2003)
...roight. Nice cigar.
Turtlebuster (edited May 29, 2003)
Miss Quint, is it? Yous sound like a fish. Don't EVA patronize me or you'll be sleepin' with you own kind.
yous follow me?
concannon (edited May 29, 2003)
*cracks up* Woow. *nudges quin* Sleeping with our own kind, eh? Watch your innuendo, amphibian.
quintessence (edited May 30, 2003)
Bwahaha. *snickers*
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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